So my girlfriend told me she masturbates to porn online and i'm very curious to figure out what websites

so my girlfriend told me she masturbates to porn online and i'm very curious to figure out what websites

is there a way to figure out what websites she uses using my computer to monitor our router?


If she's really your girlfriend why wouldn't you just ask her?

she thinks its funny that i want to know and she won't tell me

Shes your GF

Masturbate with her

REKT by logic.

OP is clearly stalking.

Bitch get your shoes off the bed.

shadow browse her traffic or use driftnet

just make sure you don't make it a habit. i know some people that do this for a living ROFL

Just ask, I watch porn with my girlfriend. She has very vanilla taste in porn, for someone that has very obscure taste in sex but what ever.

would YOU want her seeing what YOU look at?

didnt think so. fucking stop it.

we do watch porn sometimes if we get like a free dvd or something but i'm curious to know what she's flicking it to on her ipad

Not op but, Driftnet?

dude i've told her my sites

To be honest, you're probably going to end up wishing you never found out.

If you have a non shit router. You should be able to enable logging. Or you could use wireshark, or you could put a keylogger on her, or a spycam if she Bates someplace in particular but it's probably girl on girl

Tits or gtfo

Hahahah most definitely. You sir are a cuck.

Ask her to show you, masturbate with her and have some bloody fun.

i highly doubt youve told her any of the weird fucked up shit youve looked at

i hope you see something that youll wish you hadnt seen

thats bullshit, literally ever girl ive been with if asked was willing to show me what they flick too.

IF she is real, then you dont know how to ask my friend

Whatever she watches, you're not into it.