With Britain leaving the EU and stocks falling...

With Britain leaving the EU and stocks falling, does anyone know of any companies to invest in that will do well during the crash or will survive the crash after dropping so we can all buy stock from them to profit from the Brexit?

Youre on b

Stop thinking about money, Invest in your health and quality time with your loved ones instead. Thank user later. World isnt ending.

Banks look like a good option.

A bit late to be asking this question, isn't it?

Sup Forums Is not the best place to ask this

Well I asked it last night and nobody fucking posted in it except for one guy who bumped it before it died.
So, with stocks dropping, any companies, anyone suggests investing in? You can view stocks with Google and get a good idea of their future with their past in mind.

Where is a good place then?

Not here

Smaller British companies. EU had a bunch of pointless taxes and regulations that were sacking out profits from British companies. The smaller the company, the more relief they will receive.

So smaller companies may actually survive more than the bigger ones? And they have cheaper stock, if available, so its better to choose small companies?

For a quick cash grab go and invest in GBP. It has a very high potential payout, its ridiculous how hard it dropped, they won't leave the EU for probably another 2 years. Absolute nonsense that it collapsed already. My guess i it will bounce back up within a week

Brexit friend of mine said to me today: "Our exports got boost already because pound value went down". You cant make shit like this up. Is this how far these... idiots can see?

>Quick Quick where can i find the money?
You won't get anywhere if you keep up with that begging mentality.

For the medium to long term; avoind banks, financial services and comparable industries. Do buy companies linked with natural resources, steel, healthcare etc...

>Dem stocks are dropping
>Dem companies falling
>Winter is coming
>Mate, where's my money?

In the words of Illoai.

>It is terrible to be satisfied. The world needs us to chase dreams.

oh please, fuck off. World doesn't need "us"

amen bro

Yes and no. It's all perspective.

All investors will leave UK, because after Brexit you can't trust brits. Brace yourself - bigger prices and lower wages ar comming to UK