Let's separate the plebs from the patricians

Let's separate the plebs from the patricians.
Which one did you major in, user?

>CSfag here

Nothing. I dropped out and got a job as a floorhand on an oil rig
>mfw make more money than any of my friends who went to college

True but you're living on an oil rig

Still better than being tens of thousands in dept while working at Starbucks.

H-how much do you make, user?

If that's what happened to your friends then they're retards who picked the wrong major.

$22 an hour

You just failed at life


Oddly enough, the one who got an English degree was the most successful, since he moved to Japan and got a job as an English teacher. The rest of them went into accounting and nursing, and ended up joining the police force because they couldn't find work in either field.

>Started in suicide teir by joining the Air Force and working as an avionics tech.
>Moved to Meh teir when I studied Sociology/Criminology while still in the AF
>Got my shit together after enlistment ended and recently graduated magna cum laude in electrical engineering

God tier - Programmer

W-Where is Industrial Engy?

I've only been on for 3 years, and there's plenty of opportunities for pay increases down the road. Plus that's well above living wage in Oklahoma.

Sorry I didn't spend four years getting a worthless degree at some shitty institution run by SJWs

>Mechanical engineering is only great tier

Why tho?

enlisted Air Force, pretty comfy life style, definitely more interesting of a life than any of my other college friends

mechanical engineer and astrophysicist here

CSfag here as well. It's the most logical option to make the most amount of money in a short amount of time. I'm headed for cyber security.

I'd say good tier. What exactly does an industrial engineer design anyway?

They are either all shit or you don't live in the US.

linguistics degree -> marine corps officer learning languages in cali while making over 2k a month, get fucked

Aerospace engineering (I think it's this in English)

ITT a bunch of semi-literate circle jerking STEM fags.

Dude comp sci degrees get you at least 30/hr starting I make $140/hr. Plus it's a comfortable work environment. You chose poorly.

Communication and Media Design, meh tier. At least I'm doing something creative, therefor reaching the top in maslow his hierarchy

No engineering degree should be any higher than great tier. They top out too early.

See Its pretty fun to rub it in their face whenever we hang out.

That's not how it works that's not how any of this works.

>tfw major is never mentioned or ever discussed
I'm a wind technology major at community college. There's a large wind farm in my area and since they're in high demand for workers, they've funded the program at the community college, which basically means you're guaranteed a job after you complete their program. Its a good job, great experience, can take me places. 2 more semesters.

Pic related is the wind farm in my rural area.

I dont have the brain power or motivation to do anything science or academic related, so it was the best option for me personally.

If your able to do that shit, all the more power to you.

Thanks for pointing this out, suddenly I am beginning to care.

history major, going to enroll in the military next year
shit tier to suicide
>inb4 retard

Meh tier zoologist here

Veterinary studies is good tier?
Haha, what faggot made this?

Indy is at least great tier

Supply chain, logistics, and organizing a factory/company/organization to be as efficient as possible.

Not him, but that's what I've gathered (going for indy minor)

What about Mining Engineering?

Astronomy is more useful to the market than being in the military?

Seems a little biased

Stay fucking mad lit grad with no future

Don't talk shit about Vets, they save my doggo.

>Engy masterrace

Would you like some confirmation for your self esteem?

Accounting major here. Mainly I wanted a degree that actually came with a skill attached. Even if I hadn't gone into that field, at least I can do my own taxes no problem.

But the big wrench in the works for the idea of certain majors being better than others: no matter what badass tier your degree is, that means jack shit unless you go into a field that *actually requires* that degree.

Have my associates degree in computer science and learned fuck all. Working with my dad and learning things I will actually have to know to fix shit.

Salary somewhere between €19,435 - €50,281, not bad if I'd say so myself

That's not an enormous amount of money. But you get to travel and benefits and pennies are brighter on the officer's side. Languages spoken?

Comp engy

Went for law enforcement but dropped out and investing in the stock market now. I'll be watching over plebs in 10 years from now

Unemployed, reporting in.
Literally don't know what to do with my life.

French, German, Japanese, in the process of Arabic.
No it's not a ton of money, but I don't have to pay for food and housing and shit, I've got it made I think

I just graduated for EE & CE, but I don't have a job so your chart is dildos.

Where does Mechatronic engineering fit? (Essentially robotics/automation)

Shit Tier. I have a bachelor's in history.
Oh yea except that I make well into the six figures working for a corporation. My lifestyle is pretty fucking badass.
Sometimes the degree is just a piece of paper that proves you are employable.
Also, thanks to my late father who told me that being a history professor was the dumbest fucking idea in...well...history

Whatever makes you feel better about your shitass job, nigger.

Econ major checking in

>god tier

Go to trade school. He only people who REALLY shit on it are assmad, entitled millenials who think you will only ever be happy with a college degree.

They pay extremely well depending on what you go for. Electricians make bank and drafters fresh out can make 40,000~50,000

Shit tier: College
God tier: making $52k by 25 with a high school diploma

CEfag, you pleb.
Most CSfags are dropouts of CE

If college is filled with pretentious shitbags like yourself, that's just another good reason to stay well away from it.

>Shit tier
This entire list is null.

Get looking. Only the lucky ones get jobs they actually enjoy. Find an apprenticeship at a union. I'm a steelworker. Hard ass work, dangerous too, I think about giving it up sometimes, but the pay is good and I don't have to worry about being laid off or shit like that.

Those are poverty wages to me, boy

It is, but you should get a degree

That's what all of you $22 per hour neanderthals believe and it's great. Keeps most campuses faggot-free.

Been a programmer/technical consultant for 10 years now. Graduated at 21, started the job at 22.

Good luck getting a job with a psychology degree, bud.

Ok bud. I'm 26 with a bachelor's degree making 91k. So what do you say to that?

Lol you're a funny one user

> $22

Ok I don't care how much money you make.

I've been thinking about going into a trade such as that. It can't be worse than working shitty labor jobs to keep the bills paid.

>not realizing by shaping ideologies you can shape the world

Stay pleb thinking engineering is the "best major"

All about getting a PhD in Philosophy

Economics. I also wouldn't agree with Comp sci being god tier, It would be a great major were it not for every Chinese-native picking it up to be able to work in a foreign country (you don't have to know that much English to work as comp sci). Also, over supply of that major is making price paid go down.

>keep campuses faggot free
you guys are the ones with special snowflakes, trannies, and genderfluids walking around spouting their nonsense

Who the fuck brags about $52k per year?

>Niggers. That's who.

I'd say you live in somewhere like CA or NY where cost of living and salaries are double of the national average.


Well, technically its "Environmental and Business Economics; politics option" So its like 4 majors for 1.

Lol how old are you?

Again, Niggers only believe what their nigger handlers tell them. Stay mad, pleb.

>College is for getting ass.
>Oil rigs are for getting man ass.

Old enough to have a real job, wage slave.

Auto Tech, Game Development & Design, Geospatial Information Systems, Business Management.... Have studied Nuclear Science, Aviation, Foreign Languages, and Legal elements mostly on my own, unrelated to degree progression... Oh, and was in the Military too... Enlisted, Infantry, trip to AFG in 2012-13.

Where does that put me?

Computer Science fag here, question for all the others:
What minor did you get? I got business but I'm not too sure if it will help me get a job or not.

>no hospitality
>no tourism
>no service industry
>no retail

You're missing four of the most important societal needs.
Hope you don't like spending all that money. Enjoy cleaning your own house and doing all your own secretarial work while you sit at home on vacation, faggot.

Not sure how you measure tiers, but my brother with his business degree pulls in about half an million a year as vice president of an F500 company. I'm one of your talk to your engineers and make a fraction of that!

litteraly in the marine corps. Suicide here i come.

Sup Forums


Good luck with the fracking bust, user...

So what degrees do you hold?

>majored in karate for half a semester

Is that you, Crawl?

lol mfw environmental engy not even in the list

i know a fair share of people like you with high school/ technical diploma wokring at oil rigs or offshore installations making 70-80k. how come you guys see the need to brag this income figure?

i have to admit imma start my first job earning 45k a year with a college degree but im pretty satisfied with it

How do you not find work as a nurse?

Aww, did you run out of big boy words?

Enjoy sucking Bubba's Dick in bumblefuck, loser.

prolly people who took the nursing/ medicine degree but cant stand the sight of blood haha

Where does EMT fall under, medicine? Liking to be an EMT eventually, thoughts?

Production machinery also.

Mechanical engineer here. Feelsgoodman

Because in their tiny brains they think this is "making it". Comes from having unambitious idiotic parents.

keep defending your fellow SJW's libfag