So now Scotland leaves the UK, and there's dick to be done about it. If that's the case...

So now Scotland leaves the UK, and there's dick to be done about it. If that's the case, you have to import every drop of oil you burn, on top of those suffocating petrol taxes. Your entire economy has been retooled as an international service industry at the base level. What the fuck? I try to make sense of Brexit from every angle and I can't. Immigration won't stop, which is what you were apparently sold on. I don't understand it. Somebody help me out here.

It's been a long journey of failure but basically Europe is now ready to join the ranks of the 3rd world.

Yeah, but you have to ask yourself, who benefits? And my answer so far is Scotland with the oil, Northern Ireland, and then nobody. It actually hurts powerful countries. It's like it's just a really stupid thing that just happened.

here it is for you to understand.
Britain tired of being cucked by EU
Britain pulled a totally Alpha move with Brexit
Scotland and Ireland are senior members in the leech from your betters club.
Rule Britania

Your markets are dead, and you have no exports. People are deserting you like a sinking ship. What the fuck about that is a good idea?
Consider this: you get the idea of a credit rating, right? The notion of solidarity in the investment of lending money? Britain just fucking killed not only its own credit, but every citizen banking within its border. I don't think you understand. You're the next Greece.

Scotland has another 6 years with the oil. Northern Ireland is a moneypit and we havnt been a proper member of the EU since we opted out of thge Euro. Its just a tradeblock and a poorly performing one at that.

Thinks Ireland is a moneypit

Has GDP of small American state.

Credit rating was recently upgraded and the Euro is bombing. Also Brussels wanted to destroy London as a banking capital with imposed tax rates. Your talking crap bud

Northern Ireland genius. I see your Geog is as good as your Econimics

Like this was not going to happen anyway (next Greece) do you actually know what shit the country is in or are you another BBC worshiper sat crying because we won control and can now knuckle down to a few hard years to make this country great again , just a guess your from London ?

But now. Now. As of today, your markets are dead. It doesn't matter what Brussels wanted if you did it yourselves.

>Thinks Ireland is a moneypit

>Has GDP of small American state.

Citation Needed

No, a different country halfway across the world who now banks on Scotland leaving the UK. I just thought I'd call you retards while I was doing it.

Our markets are exactly the same as yesterday thankyou. The tariffs will be renegotiated and on we go. Could be better .Could be worse. Could be the same.

The pound lost 10 cents to the dollar. OMG THE SKY FALLING IN , its back upto just under 3 cents less. This is the economic collapse ? The whole of france is on strike and has rioting , germany has burning road blocks in main city's Portugal , Spain , Greece and Italy are all expected to need bailing out. We done bad thing ?

If you think this was a well thought out decision, that's you're first mistake.

This was yet another example of people being persuaded to vote against their self interests by fear, because they're only half paying attention to any of the issues.

Then you google the Dow and see artificial inflation in your markets.

These will be the same banks that almost brought the country to its knees and had to be bailed out by the tax payers ? Guess what the stupid greedy filth will have to move abroad or do a days work for a living , AH BOO HOO

Your taliking about the money markets ? The FTSE fell to the same rate as it was last week and the £ is 7% down. Big deal. It will level. Chill out dude.. We got this...

I'm beginning to think this honestly.

Needs more memes
Alpha checking out

it's not Scotland's decision to leave, the parliament in Westminster still has to approve another referendum - and that's highly unlikely to happen

nah mate i'll just call on my friend mel

credit rating is still AAA, and the markets started to recover already after the initial downward spike.

There has been no panic in the civil service at all, everything is business as usual. Source: I work at HM Revenue & Customs

I've heard that you lost a lot in that time frame. You can still pull a loss out of regaining stock value, people still lost a shit ton of money. You're as poor as france now lol.

Just... don't say that too loud

You mean the parliment in Edinburgh

It takes a lot to downgrade credit ratings. However it will probably happen as things are extremely volatile. The same thing might happen tomorrow, that's why all the news agencies are running damage control, investors need to be feed positive info. If you don't realize the connection between news agencies and trading, you're hopeless.

You realise William Wallace lost right? He was captured and executed by the English. He won a few battles, but lost the war.

Did you just discredit yourself in the same sentence meant to lend yourself credibility?

yeah bro I had to act as him in a school play when i was 8

No I don't that's the point, the Scottish parliament is not fully devolved and does not have the power to call a referendum that affects British sovereignty.

fuck yourself english bastard

Scottish Independence is far from a done deal, Sturgeon said she wants another referendum on Scottish independence but it is very uncertain because Scotland already voted to stay in the union two years ago. So the new referendum would be legitimised by Scotland wanting to be a part of the EU. However Scotland cannot be part of the EU as an independent nation because Spain and Belgium already said they would veto Scotland joining the EU.

>leech from your betters club

he's right though. just because Britian left the EU doesn't mean that you can somehow magically self-sustain without their help. unless you retooled your entire economy in the last 24 hrs to be self-sufficient.

thank you
top keck