Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

Well, Zilean and Braum

Why all most Braum players I meet cunts? Seems ironic, considering they enjoy playing the nicest champ in League.

I am, unfortunately, more than 15 years old, so nobody

i main jinx and janna

You're never too old to have fun! :D

Jinx and Ashe make me mad. Especially when they have a competent support.

Varus too actually. In fact most ADC's piss me off.


I don't see why people would use a skin for him. That's like taking some crayons to the Mona Lisa.

Nasus and Veigar
I don't care if the enemy is at the nexus, i need stacks XD

yeah, exactly! I like you user

PS: nohomo




Volibear. Used him to get out of bronze. Currently Silver V. I have no pride, fight me.

Taric and Shen

i main lee sin and was bronze five before but i am now challenger 3 and out of the elo hell *cheers* happy lol gaming

>challenger 3


Teemo :3 hes so kawaii

Fizz, Udyr and Irelia. Warwick and Renekton work too.


When i played i mained Leona and floaty wind chick can't remember her name


you think hes nice cus he acts nice and says nice things. but he is not nice. he is the most evil outplaying peice of shit. When I play him i get the sudden urge to mock the enemy team after ridiculous saves, escapes, and outplays.

add me, names anderito19, im a sissy slut



Leona, Janna and Thresh i main sup.have gotten to silver 1 only doing that.


there is no such thing as challenger 3 its only lp for masters and challengers you pleb

I main vi, lux and jinx, been shifting away from jinx since she isnt meta into jhin who also isnt so meta anymore.

I main riven


oh and udyr when i feel like junglin. vayne when i feel like adc. Lulu when i'm supp

Riven used her to get me out of gold. I also like vayne and ahri.


Found the Fizz main.

add me DMKEAZD


No one because League of Legends is for fags.

>challenger 3
kekk me

Also Jinx and Trist

Underagefag meeting



>Jinx and trist
Die please

What do you think of Olaf in this meta?
Personally i rape often other players in top.

I don't lose to them and I main top. Rank?

I main dank memes, cause that's all this game has come down to

Zed, but I don't play this shitty moba anymore. Tencent can go fuck themselves.

Kennen and yasuo

Jinx because I'm in love with her.


I don't play against him a lot, but when I do I pick Kennen and shit allllllllllll over him.


My nigga

Main is heimerdinger. Been playing a lot of zilean and swain lately. Trying to get Yasuo under my thumb but can't quite master him yet.

Dark Star (the new one) is pretty cool


Kalista makes life worth living my dude


how to play ekko?

You don't

Gold II
Let me guess, they play with the throwing axe first. Use teleport, flash and Corrupting Potion?

Gank top.
Build Rabadon.
Gank top again.
Build Rabadon.
Gank bot.
Build another rabadon.

Illaoi is a god sry guys

Currently platinum 4 maining Zed

I don't get why most people hate playing as varus, he's the only reason I started playing this piece of shit game





I dont play shitty DOTA rip offs.

I dislike playing any immobile ADC, really.
Ezreal is bae. Twitch is forgiving also, because niggers can't see me.




I used to have so much fun playing him mid. Then I stopped being level 15


League is for kids dota is for men amirite fellas


Poke mages so I can make crybaby bitches mad.
Sona, Karma, Lux, Zyra, ect.



Teemo, Fiddlesticks and Garen.

What d0tA?



Gtfo cancer

So I have a question for plat+ guys. How much do you play, like how many hozrs a day. Alsi, was it hard to get there, was it a grind or was it just pure fun?

Bards my jam. Never know when bard might just mystical journey with his crew.



What? I would understand if I said I mained yasuo or some shit but instead Im a humble player playing a simple champ keeping his mouth shut and tryibg to climb and you call me cancer? Why :^(



if u dont max undertow first u belong in gold 2 mate

Bard is one of the most fun champions tbqhfam