Best Movie Quotes (BMQ) Thread

Best Movie Quotes (BMQ) Thread
i start

>Run to the Choppa

You can't fight in here! This is the War Room

A Mexican, a Jew, and a colored guy go into a bar. The bartender looks up and says, "Get the fuck out of here."


You're a wizard Harry

First rule of fight club; It's a secret.

I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of bubble gum

I'm a bat, man

I really really really like this picture.

Too infertility and beyond

its time to chew ass -dick kickem

>The fuckening has begun!

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them. That's institutionalized.

>my apologies Don, I'm unable to open the doors.
The killer computer from "the year 2000; Ulysses in space"

I tried so hard and got so far

I want you to punch me with all your effort

-president cane

but in the end

maximum effort

"I will return later"
-killer robot from the future.

it doesn't even matter

...A building is a symbol, as is the act of destroying it. Symbols are given power by people. Alone, a symbol is meaningless, but with enough people, blowing up a building can change the world.

You have made humorous substitutions.

"Chueee chuueee shsss chuesessss"
Alien No 3 from Alien

I ain't even mad

I'm disappointed user

Use these dubs luke

"my dad was a jet-eye, and I'm a jet-eye just like him."

-Lou Stardancer in Space Track

The name's James, James Bond


Please, no tears
It's a waste of good suffering
- Hellraiser

This entire city must be purged


Good one

"Why the long face?"
-Crime Clown in "The Night Bat"

When I was four my mom told me babies came from eggs laid by rabies. If you're not Jewish they come from eggs laid by catholic nuns. And if you're an atheist they come from eggs laid by dirty lonely proustitutes. Max Horowitz

>Jack, Hold the door for me.

I was born in a small village

It's from Joker in "The Dark Knight" you idiot.

Hold the door

Whats in the square
Scared cop from number 7

"They stay young the whole time I keep aging."
-Pat McMoustache in "Stoned in the 70s"

"I'm gonna kill you while you're sleeping, bitch!"
Freddy Mercury in Halloween on 13th avenue

"I'm gonna show these losers how smart I am."
-summerfag in "Sup Forums: Not Getting the Joke"

"Ever notice how once in a while you come across somebody you shouldn't have fucked with? That's me."
-Gran Torino

Corndogs Jackie, corndogs for all these people.

You don't want the truth!
- Jack Nicholson in 'When we were Soldiers'

Correction**- we were howsers

Dommy, please quiet down.

May the force be in you-
Captain Kirk - Star gate

"Look at my African American here isn't he great "

Game over man

I think you will find the quote is actually "Get to the Choppa". Easy enough mistake to make.

You ever wonder why we're here?

Nice b8 m8

"I've got a good feeling about this" - Sun Battles

Found the summerfag

Maximillian Cohen: Restate my assumptions: One, Mathematics is the language of nature. Two, Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. Three: If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge. Therefore, there are patterns everywhere in nature. Evidence: The cycling of disease epidemics;the wax and wane of caribou populations; sun spot cycles; the rise and fall of the Nile. So, what about the stock market? The universe of numbers that represents the global economy. Millions of hands at work, billions of minds. A vast network, screaming with life. An organism. A natural organism. My hypothesis: Within the stock market, there is a pattern as well... Right in front of me... hiding behind the numbers. Always has been.

According to all known laws
of aviation, there is no way a bee
should be able to fly.

Call it, buckaroo