I am married and in love with another woman

I am married and in love with another woman.
My marriage is a contract marriage and me and my wife hate each other.

My wife and the other girl do not know this situation. What do?

*solid advice i will dump nudes of wife
pic related mfw i wake up every morning

If you're unhappy b/ro tell your wife how you feel like. it may sound like a bitch move but only thing that helped me through it.
>sauce 7 years of marriage still going

Told her that, she doesn't really give a fuck.
Since we married for benefits mainly she is out fucking other guys and doing whatever the fuck she wants while I sit here miserable.

Oh hell naw. Well if it's gone to that either do exactly as she's doing or go file dude, ain't no shame if she's in the wrong, ya know?

>married for benefits


If you married her for her benefits, stay the course.

If she married you for your benefits, you are a supreme cuck and deserve to be miserable.

... if you want revenge... wait until she gets sick. Then divorce that slut and make her pay out the ass to get better.

1. Insurance policy
2. "Accident"
3. Barbados

Sounds like it's time to divorce the one and marry the other so that your pay doesn't take a hit.

this is pure fucking gold user
>wait till she gets sick
>make her pay out the ass
OP, Dump commence?

Yo is she even worth staying with is she good looking or whose the better looking cause if she's banging you should just show her whose boss and fuck the shit out of her

If I'm married, my pay jumps substantially ($1200) on top of my $1100 paycheck. So that's real nice.

But, I am miserable every second of every day when I'm home. We hate each other, we stay in different rooms, my heart is torn because the girl I do give a fuck about is on the other side of the world and I'm stuck here, hating life, dealing with it.

If that's the truth, get some proof. Hire a PI to build a case against her then divorce for irreconcilable differences. Ez pz.

I can divorce her and not have my life abso-fucking-lutely ruined by it?
Keep in mind I am military.


Just to be clear how does being married jump your pay up? Military maybe?

When married in the military, you get what is called BAH, Basic Allowance for Housing, and BAS, Basic Allowance for Sustenance, which significantly increase your pay.

>inb4 retard
Know anyone in hr or simular facility? You could ask them about that

Glorious military moron married slag for mo monies. You deserve the cucking you get.

I can't believe I used that damned word.

How hard is it to dump someone before you fkin cheat on them. I will never understand people like you.

Dry cunt detected.

Ship her ass to Mozambique

Dump them noodz OP

I was probably one of the dudes that fucked her on your bed while you were out for pt