NO, NIGGERS. I WANNA KNOW. What is the total resistance of a parallel circuit with resistances of 2ohms, 3ohms...

NO, NIGGERS. I WANNA KNOW. What is the total resistance of a parallel circuit with resistances of 2ohms, 3ohms, and 5ohm?



1/2 +1/3+1/5
Then 1/answer

Nein. The answer is supposed to come out to 30/31, but I have NO idea how to get there...


How 'bout them Astros? I've heard they're doin' alright, but I need this god damn formula, Sup Forums.

do your own homework fucktard


op you suck at circuits

any of these uncensored?

Apparently it's not me, because the answer is supposed to be 30 over 31. I know what the fucking answer is, I just don't know how the SOB's got it. So, please, keep calling me a moron while continuously coming up with the wrong answer. Go ahead. I've got a whole bottle of fireball and all night.

3.33 ohms

Then you must have missed something, because that's how equvalent resistance is calculated for parallel circuits.

Are you sure there isn't a nested series inside or something?

see image


Tbh, I'm just grabbin' shit I like off Sankaku and posting it. I used to have a collection, but then I left home and it all went down the intertubes.

use the equation you should have learned in class, you dumb monkey

>2ohms, 3ohms, and 5ohm

1/R = 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/5
1/R = .5 + .33333 + .2
1/R = 1.0333333333
R= 1/1.0333333333
R = 0.967741935487 ohms

OMG HOW TF WAS I SPOSED TO KNOW HOW TO DO THAT. Thanks, user. Pic related, it's me.

you the fucktard who cant tell me whats 30/31
like someone is gonna accept a fraction

Fuck you, nigger, you don't know shit. Get on my fucking level.

i dont know shit?
you're the one asking a dumbass question

No problem. The equation for resistors in parallel follows the format:

1/((1/R1)+(1/R2)+(1/R3)....) for all resistors in parallel. It's often described as the reciprocal of the admittance of the resistors. (admittance is 1/R). I suggest you read up on this stuff since it's an extremely basic principle in electronics.

And were you the one that answered it? Suck. My. Dick.

Yeah, I shelled out fifty bucks for this test prep for electrician's school, but that's the thing, I'm trying to go into this school so I can learn about this stuff, I don't already know it. Kinda feels like it assumes I already do. Anyway, you're cool, bro. Thanks a million.

(v_out-v_in)/2+(v_out-v_in)/3+(v_out-v_in)/5 = (v_out-v_in)/R
shitty pic related