What hero do you main in Overwatch?

What hero do you main in Overwatch?

main a hero is fucking retarded

None, cuz im not a retard who plays only one hero

>thinking main means you only play one
How fucking stupid are you? The character you default to if your team doesn't need a specific thing? The character you want to play more than others? Holy fuck.

Lucio for the WIN!


>The character you default to if your team doesn't need a specific thing?

this is never the case as there is always an optimal hero to compliment your teams comp and counter your opponent.

Being this casual.

You ALWAYS choose according to team comp.


All the tanks, all the healers, because pugs are fucking retarded and want to edgelord it up as carbon Genji, Widowmaker, or Reaper because they think this is a COD K/D-fest, and no one else will do it.

Umm, no. It's much better to be good at a couple heroes as different roles than to be okay at all heroes.

s:76 has a counter for almost everything

but i like me some >>/m/ so D.Va

everyday babyyy

Zarya or Zenyatta. I can't decide which one I main


Mercy. I feel like she is one of the only heroes that fit into almost every team composition

Reaper but im sure everyone thinks hes for fags

>spam rat

Hate that character. Almost as bad as mei

don't main anyone, but zenyatta, winston, mei, junkrat and lúcio are the most fun for me.

why do people get so triggered by the word "main"
like you know what the mean but still sperg out over it like a bunch of retards

Reinhardt, mercy or roadhog mostly. Mcree sometimes

There are no mains in overwatch. If youre maining someone, you suck.

I immediately pick mercy. If someone else picks a healer I switch to either pharah, tracer, mei, widow maker or Reinhart depending on what the team looks like and the map.

Most of my play time is Torb but I mostly enjoy pharah, D.VA, and Zarya tbh. Mercy too.

i dont main but the ones i play most are zenyatta and junkrat

> I immediately pick mercy

Then mercy is your main

This shit right the fuck here.

I am a god on Dva but I never get to play her because nobody can grasp the concept of supporting and the few that do don't do a fucking thing anyway

D.va. I love shifting and proccing ultimate for an isis type explosion

Jumprat is the bomb. He shoots bombs with his bomb shooter and they bounce around like hot potatoes. If they blow up, they really hurt. Sometimes he puts down a bomb with a remote control that he can use to jump. That’s why they call him Jumprat. He also has a bear trap that he borrowed from Wile E Coyote. Put it down under the car, and when the car moves, people get stuck and you can shoot them with your potato gun. For his ultimate, he has a tire from a truck he borrowed from Macho Man Randy Savage. He can drive it with his remote and blow it up, too. Basically, he likes explosives. Future expansions will give him those bowling ball bombs with fuses that he also borrows from Wile E. Coyote

No supporting is his main because most players are 12 years old and think this is fucking CoD

Uhhh probably roadhog

how not to suck with zenyatta?

The fuck are you even trying to say

Mainly roadhog, he's a tank but most matches i'll get gold for eliminations, essentially can do pickoffs/flank like any other offence hero.
If we already have tanks i'll play junkrat or mercy. I'm not big on playing offense heroes.
A mercy is always useful, there's a few select maps where lucio might be better to knock people off the edge. Zenyatta is good if you don't suck donkey dick at him.

Reinhardt here ! Get behind the fucking blue rectangle !

stay far in the back, zone people with your balls... put your discord on flanker shitlords, heal the person who needs to be healed.

stand on the objective when you ult

Keep your balls on dps units, proc right click before leaving cover or turning corners to suppress

Bastion for efficient noob pwning.

That user picking mercy off the bat is probably a reflex because he's used to nobody else playing support so he's been shoved into defaulting to a role he doesn't necessarily want

Rat boy is my favorite hero

Genji or Lucio

Everyone has a stable of three or four characters that they like to play and three or four that they will play begrudgingly. Don't try to be some kind of hard ass and act like you don't.

I like Mei because literally everyone hates Mei and also I love fat chicks.

But he specified mercy as opposed to any other healer. His go to character is mercy. His main is mercy

That moment you hear PPSSSSSHHHHHHHH and you just know you're fucked.

Or... mercy is a ridiculously good healer so if you're going to default to healing it may as well be her

What they said, also try to alternate your discord orbs between characters that are attacking you and priority targets like tanks and healers but ALWAYS have it on someone.
Use your ult for pushing, protecting a key location and also to negate other ults like Spamzo's dragons or rocket barrages.
And for the love of god don't go on your own on a hippie robot killing spree, you may be good but you are really squishy.

you are worst than hitler

well in that case . . . his main is mercy. I don't think you get this.

You're not arguing your point very well

I always choose genji at the start of the match to judge how well their hanzo/widowmaker/bastion is

I spend very little time as genji. He's not my main.

Doing something out of necessity does not make it a preferred choice.

Play with a reinhart

>You'll both never die
>Endless body count

naw son, naw.

who cares this game is gay

Word. user is an absolute idiot

I don't think either of you understand that picking a character out of necessity doesn't make it your main

Favorite character is Reinhardt, get to always play him because everyone else wants to be McCree or Tracer or some other pew-pew'er feels good


It's a consolation prize if you're killed in such a way that you can see Mei's beautiful giant round ass.

Reinhart and Mercy are my mains but if team doesn't need tank or support I'll go Mcree or Pharah

Don't main, but Zenyatta has about double any other hero for me.


You're the definition of autistic

>Love the game
>Hate every single of your assholes

holy shit that bitch is thick

I actually don't like the way mercy must actively heal and only a single target at a time. If I'm going to heal I'd rather roll Lucio and /afk heal while shooting barely effective wubba-dubs at people and wall walking.


You should master at least one of every role. OP is a faggot.

Oh, shall we begin with the overwatch porn?

>your team always needs a certain character to compliment the others

Shit hits the fan without key characters


If you're gonna start atleast start with some good content

torb for the win


bitch please


Please do sir.


Gengi's deflect can bounce enough Bastion bullets to kill or seriously injure it.




Ayy me too




None because I'm not a weeaboo Blizzard whore. Fuck overwatch and all the faggots who play it.

christ what's wrong with her face?


Bastion, praise be to thy robot overlords!! Oh and to malal the true one and only god of chaos!!


Reinhardt is a GOD for defending objectives, and if there's a narrow hallway nearby, you can seriously fuck up everyones shit with his charge. i only played the game during the beta, but he was definitely super fun to play.

shes british



Mine by role is

Offense - Soldier cause im boring
Defense - Junkrat
Tank - Roadhog/Zarya
Support - Lucio/Symm


He even works on offense if you're good in guerrilla warfare.

nice b8

Overwatch rape pics when?


dat ult doh....

Mei is bae nigga

I main Tracer. I don't like to be able to be caught. Plus sometimes it pays to be a zippy distraction while some friendly Reinhardt or Pharah turns them to paste.

Offense: pharah
Defense: junkrat or torb
Tank: Winston or roadhog
Support: Mercy or Lucio but depending on game symmetra

Bastion is the token zero skill character. He's not hard to counter but if someone on the other team rolls him you basically have to drop everything and roll a character specifically to counter him.

This game is garbage and extremely unbalanced. Hype train died pretty quickly