Honest opinions on this album?

Honest opinions on this album?

The cover is the best thing about it. Still a good album though, just not the best one ever made

its okay

sounds good

I like the part with the black lady going woah

Only reason why people pretend to hate it is because it's so popular


i honestly think the only reason it is good is because of alan parsons.

without him it would loose coherence just like their earlier efforts.


Great alvum, but Animals, WYWH and Meddle are better


worst part of the album desu

10/10 one of the first album i ever really listened to. The perfect candidate for unwarranted hatred by faggot contrarians on here.

yep this

I didn't mean for it to happen but Sup Forums ruined it for me...

Money is the only good song

Its ok, wywh is better.

On The Run is the best track

Fave at the moment

indeed. without a doubt one of the best albums in music ever. someone may not like it that much but hating it or even not accepting its greatness is just some autistic underground wannabe thing. time best song btw.

Overrated, but every album that's praised as the best album ever made is, doesn't mean it's bad

It's good but not as good as Atom Heart Mother or Meddle

this. she white af nigger

this, in fact it's probably fourth best

As others have said, it's commonly dismissed because "lmao dadrock" but in reality it's a fantastic album. Just because it's cohesive and accessible doesn't mean it's bad.

Also as others have said, though, it's nowhere near Floyd's best.