38C outside

>38C outside

how ya dealin' southbros

I'm going to melt, help please

it used to be colder, meh, maybe in January

It's only 53 out, why does winter have to be so cold.

Pretty comfy

Max was 31°C.






27ºC. It's so hot but thank god I have some fans and an AC.



31°C here, considering suicide

Jesus fuck how can u stand it

air conditioners. they're vital

I wouldn't leave my house, ever, in such conditions

I can't imagine the nightmare of having Christmas in the summer


I wanna die

>tropical/subtropical monkeys

lmao must suck having your ass sweating

How is the weather in you city right now?

>december is about to end
>still no snow

>it is december
>it is 20C when it should be around negative 5 to 8 C

>it's close to -10 every morning here
>but still no snow
w-why.... all I want is a bit of snow, is this too much to ask...

It's 17℃ atm

Just a few days ago on Christmas twas 35℃

it is
*looks around
,,,,global wamring


Rio de Janegro - 42C
33C here, i was melting inside my house trying to sleep with 2 fans pointed directly at me.

just some days ago it was -38C and now it just -16C - WARM AS FUCK
I'm pleased with that weather.