Currently have the worst hangover i have ever had, need tips to make it less worse

Currently have the worst hangover i have ever had, need tips to make it less worse

an hirro

1) drink loads of water
2) vomit; hooray stomach is cleaned
3) drink cola (not diet stuff, the real deal, you need those sugars and acidity)
4) start eating light stuff like toast
5) do not sleep but do light activity like walking: keeps your blood pumping and breaks down the alcohol
6) stay hydrated: sports drinks are the best, next is water with some sugar or juice

source: plenty of experience

stream your suicide

send me money

Thanks user.

op is having a hangover, not giving birth to you

Jump up and down to ten seconds, no matter how much it hurts. The sudden movement increases your blood pressure and clears the toxins from your system faster. You'll feel perfect in under a minute.

or you pass out, making you forget the hangover for a while

This works surprisingly well.


also hotsauce

If I wake up with too awful a hangover and have nothing to do I just down some water eat a piece of toast and pass the fuck back out and sleep it off

Rolling TRIPS

Gatorade or your regional equivalent

Do you have pot? If you have pot, smoke it. If not do this:

---Power chug water
---If it makes you feel like you're going to throw up GREAT! Chug more (by the toilet)
---Throw up HARD (this part has to happen)
---Get in shower with full water bottle or glass of water right outside the shower
---Chug that motherfucker and turn up the heat on the water as high as you can stand so you can sweat
---Take shower until there's no hot water left continuing to chug water the whole time
---You might throw up more while in the shower... GREAT!!! That's the point
---Get out of shower. Lay naked on your bed under ceiling fan continuing to drink water
---In 30-45 minutes you will feel much better

If you have pot smoke it before this process and you likely won't throw up. If you do throw up and you're high it wont matter because it will be a million times less shitty.

smoke some weed

7-11 hot dogs and coconut water combined with manual labor in a hot environment. you'll feel like ass for the first hour, but after that you'll have sweat it out and begin to feel right as rain. once you feel good again, drink a coffee.

source: pretty much every day at work. my hangovers no matter how hard i drink are usually gone by 11am/12 noon.

If you get drunk again you will not only get rid of your hang over but you will never get a hang over again (as long as you keep drinking)

My routine:

Wake up
Spew if I need to
Immediately after Spew, loads of ibuprofen (a little more than they recommend), a coffee and a wicked breakfast.
Then WHATEVER you do, do not throw up until that is digested. Maybe sleep. Wake up new man


Used to have 12 hour hangovers, now I can execute them mercilessly

Step 1: stop being a pussy
Step 2: learn that a hangover is just dehydration
Step 3: drink some fucking water and eat some food
Step 4:??????
Step 5: Profit

Drink a couple 32oz Gatorades Not powerade fucking rookies

Gatorade and some powdered headache medicine. Works like a charm.

Water, water, water.

Keep drinking water, you're hungover because you're dehydrated.

Good way to avoid hangovers in the future is drink a pint or two of water before going to bed.

coffee makes hangovers worse,

Go eat something incredibly spicy OP... sweat that hangover out

Dont waste your time with water to get and a couple Advil.

1. throw up if you have too
2. hangover is usually dehydration combined with loss of electrolytes. gatorade or pedialyte. drink all of it.
3. ibuprofen for headaches.
4. sleep


People who recommended sports drinks, food and light exercise are right.

Another thing is broccoli or whatever cruciferous vegetables you can get. They have high levels of sulforaphane which upregulates aldehyde dehydrogenase, the enzyme that converts acetaldehyde (poisonous product of alcohol metabolism) to acetic acid, which is harmless and either excreted or converted into acetyl CoA for energy or fat metabolism.

saving this shit for tomorrow

Should have said you should eat the veges all the time so that you already have more of the enzyme - prevent yourself getting bad hangovers in the future. Gene regulatory effects take hours to days so it won't be a quick fix.

Me, right now.
Except I haven't been to sleep yet, I've powered through about 27 beer since last night, and, obviously, quite a bit of meth. Feel pretty good. need to go get smokes but fuck it's hot and bright out there.

Oxycontin.. if not available try 60mg-120mg of codeine

A drop or two of tabasco sauce will get your stomach right. Also, pound water and try and take a nap. I usually sleep my hangovers off when they're really bad.

Lots of water, preferably with some lime
Vomit with the help of salt water, if your stomach is upset
Also grated ginger in hot water, works wonders for stomach problems