Thoughts about this you white cucks?

Thoughts about this you white cucks?

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Pick one nigger

`That the vikings were bathing long before niggers


Completely falsified

Yeah, that when she's done with the exterior she can get on her knees and clean downstairs.

How the tables have turned is all i gotta say to that.



Post stupid shit black people think are true

Moors weren't black they were Berber and Arab

U mad tho?


B8 > R8

Is the same shit u fkn cucklord


Yeah dude cuz I'm not woke yet smh

i don't know man both these guys look pretty white to me

the first people came from afrika thats true lol

Romans invented public bath houses you motard

wildly historically inaccurate, but what do you expect from mudslime? I'm a little impressed that creature even managed to type that all out. It can read ffs!

those are some really pimp sandals in bottom right

Why are Africans still building mud and stick huts out in the jungle?

Look at that some bigger is trying to get a rise out of that white devil

well you don't put a spoonful of mud in a glass of milk and expect it to taste like chocolate milk, now do you?

this is why i call black people in america black.

then why do black people smell so bad ?

The painting is of an Ottoman harem. The African is a slave washing one of the women in the harem.

So blind people can hate them too.

Blind people can't smell them, you idiot.

best answer

Historical revisionism in favor of ultra-leftism is fun for the whole family!

Blind people can't even see

We've been using plumbing, soap and elaborate hygiene standards for centuries whilst niggers still make their houses out of goat manure.

Enjoy that information, fam.

Source, "fam" ?

Africans niggers didnt know anything until Europeans invaded Africa for slaves

Well that explains why black people smell like shit. Whenever they introduce something to white people like "swag" they distance themselves from it as well.

Entirely afro-centric propaganda. Romans and greeks had bathhouses and bathed, the Sumerians, Akkadians, and Assyrians all did too.

And American Blacks now use creams and oils more than they bathe, because the water dries out their skin.

Source for OP's claim, nigger?

These are the people who believe in the dark ages.

Nothing about this is 'ultra-leftism'; it's pure race-identity and nationalism - right wing trends.

wow really nigga?

it's like common knowledge around here

*rapes a white 10 year old*
*steals a bike*
*robs a convenience store*
*smacks lips*
*hits a police officer*
*gets shot by the police officer*


ayy lmao

niggers are subhuman

Like so many others, niggers had no use so they decided to give them something to do. Wash whitey or be kill.

You mean the moops?

There is no such thing as the white race. It was invented in early colonial America to divide the lower classes. In Europe prior to this period whiteness did not exist as a concept. You were Italian, Austrian, French, etc, not white. Only in the early colonial period during muli-ethnicl, multi-racial rebellions like Bacon's Rebellion did the ruling class see fit to institute this invalid and hollow concept. This was the same class that also racialized slavery, which until that period had also been multiracial (black masters, white slaves, etc.) If you think whiteness is valid and draw any sort of self-esteem from this concept just know it is historically bankrupt.

Can't argue with this

Propaganda is usually written by more capable individuals.

Please don't be this retarded

Just Google Africa "fam"


No shit, retard. Blackness didn't exist either in the exact same way. Do you think the niggers were having a jolly old time in Africa? No, they were killing and enslaving eachother as well, but they were much less efficient at it.

You're full of shit, that's my thought

Niggers have never known how to shower, they smell like sweat and dirt

Hey guise, I just made my own black revisionist meme.

the fuck is this? both are mj you retard


Even if it was true (the moors were the bosses in ancient history regarding hygiene or science) it's totally irrelevant.

Being proud of any race is an arrogance tantrum, we are the result of pure luck in combination of elements we can't control. I don't have less motive to be proud about something a society long ago did than a person who lives in the exact same place today.

"My people invented X" shut the fuck up, it's not your people, you are just one individual without merits of his own.


I see the niggers are in full force today.

I like this guy

wisdom right here

shit, saw that one too late, sorry wolfcastle !

Black people literally never accomplished anything in africa. The Moors came in and conquered northern Africa, and were of Arabic descent. The same reason Egypt isn't black.

The first people originated in Africa, but I do not see how pushing that fact is favorable to them. "We wuz the roots of all people" so were chimp type animals. The conclusion that you get to from this is that they are an evolutionary step behind us, not that they are superior having preceded us.

Yeah, like two of them.

Never happened, they sold eachother to you, Arabs acted as a middleman.

Yes, the Early Middle Ages did indeed happen.
This is common accepted knowledge.

While this is true, only the non-European countries kept these standards after the fall of the Roman Empire.
It took Europeans centuries to get anything resembling the quality of sanitation the Romans had.
Hell, the Aztecs had better sanitation, even, you'll see quotes from actual in-era Spaniards remarking upon it too.

Can we kill the idea off again? Please?
Sick of all these dumbasses saying their race is "white."
You're Caucasian, dumbass.

Yeah, they were so inefficient that they even created vast kingdoms using slavery as their cash crop because they sold THAT MANY slaves to whites.
Whites never (or at least it was very rare) directly went to Africa and enslaved Africans, Arabs and other Africans did that for you and you bought them third-hand.

Wow, its not like they're on average a fuckton more active than "GAH MUH SINUSES ARE KILLING ME, AAHHHH ASTHMA ATTACK" white folk.
The fuck do you expect them smell like during the day?
No one goes home and takes a shower at goddamn 4 PM, use some common sense.


Pretty much this, niggers were conscripted (i.e. pressganged) to act as arrow fodder for egyptian armies. Top kek, Africa will be forever cucked by the Egyptians.

The root of all of humanity is a collection of amoeba's, I don't respect amoeba's in the least.

There is a clear view of who is objectively better than the others, and there always will be.
The romans were more civilized than my people the Saxons, the (anglo)saxons became civilized and then became the dominant people on this planet. You dot have to like it, you just have to accept that the world isn't your hugbox.

Gais gais we found the gene-yuss

Must've been French.

amoeba lives matter

Except this is entirely fucking wrong


Nigger I need you to go back to your dindu school and learn how to do some basic fucking math.

>White people never first-party enslaved africans

What the fuck are you on fam? It's estimated that 85% of slaves that were introduced to the Atlantic trade were directly handled by white Europeans. Lie more nigger.

>No one takes a shower at 4PM

It's called deodorant you fucking chimp, the fact that you think you just have to smell up the fucking place until you scrape steel wool against your ashy ass at 9 o'clock or whenever your dumb ass finally decides to try and deal with the immeasurable funk that is your stench only hammers home that user's point.

itt a lot of black cucks. die, you are already dead.

I disagree and it's sad to see people on your side here.

Ethnic culture and tradition is important to me, and I live in the light of my forebears. I will live a healthy and fulfilling life in their honor.

>none European countries kept these standards
going to need citation, because this is complete bullshit. public bath houses were common in Europe and through Asia after the fall of Rome. in Europe bath houses and prostitution started to go hand in hand, so poor people avoided them more, while richer Europeans still bathed in their houses.

>you're Caucasian
acruelly, I'm not. Caucasian came about because we were assumed to have originated in the Caucasus region mountains. more recent studies have found that they are more related to asian decent than they are whites.

so calling me Caucasian is retarded.
to add, if you still insist that whites are Caucasian, then everyone should be walking around calling blacks/African Americans negroids.


Somehow this became a horrible crime in modern culture.

>pride = racism

yes, in the same way that smoking equals being pro cancer.

Ladindu nuffin.


pic one

also, both women in that picture are slaves, learn shit about art history before you post shit about art history

dumb nigger posting dumb shit yep we need hitler back..

well to be fair, the vast majority take pride to a whole new level to try to justify superiority in one group over another.

tribal pride is natural, but what we take it to anymore actually does lead to bigotry.

> (You)
>While this is true, only the non-European countries kept these standards after the fall of the Roman Empire.
>It took Europeans centuries to get anything resembling the quality of sanitation the Romans had.
>Hell, the Aztecs had better sanitation, even, you'll see quotes from actual in-era Spaniards remarking upon it too.

Nope, bullshit. Spaniards fell into shit with the decline AND overthrow of the Moorish empire. The Moors there didn't do sanitation, so the Spaniards' standards were really fucking low. Italy and Greece still had the old systems, as did many of the central and eastern European cities, like Prague and Warsaw. The British Empire had it bad because the Romans fell before really putting a good system in place in Londinium, and the Scots never had it, thus garde-loo! and so on. The Ottomen kept it up, and their 'European-ness' is up for debate.. .Euroope, Asia minor, Europe, Asia minor... anyways, the reality is far more complicated than a binary on/off, but the Brits did the worst, and the Iberian peninsula the next worse, and progressively better geographically right back to Rome and Athens.

My Race is White, stupid kike. because term "caucasian" is wrong, because this term includes shitskins like for example armenians, georgians etc. who are just like sandniggers. this pseudo-science and stupid term need to die.
niggers, jews and arabs are behind niggers slaves thread.

> tribal pride is natural

who teaches you these things? why do you assume them as truth?

you do realize that claiming these things as solid fact is the same shit as me identifying as an attack helicopter right?

*niggers slaves trade.

are you retarded? that comparison is in no way relevent.

you can literally view tribal pride in modern, as well as ancient civilizations. these aren't pseudo science horseshit. it's a legitimate application to societies.

they are human instinct.
Not as in eating and shitting, a more evolved instinct.

Adhering to what worked for our ancestors to survive in the past means a good chance to survive for ourselves. Thus, traditions and the like are a force of good for everyone.

Supremacist ideologies come way after that.

made me kek

yes those odd structures are not bathhouses as we once thought! They were chambers to keep our white privilege contained. Ever since we whited our whiteness the white privilege went unchecked and uncucked for too long and became too large to contain. This is where the ancient saying check your privilege comes from. Lest we forget that our privilege once wiped out all of ancient Rome.

Not black, first off.

I didn't mean a literal two centuries, and in my mind I was only counting post fall-of-Rome centuries, in which there was horrid sanitation until maybe three to four centuries ago.
If I include Rome/Greece etc., then yeah, there was a good millenia of decent sanitation in total.

Handled or directly enslaved?
Because "handled" is a very ambiguous term, and if it does mean "directly enslaved" in this context, then thank you for the new information.
I'd always heard it was the Arab's doing as the middleman, but if that's false, that's fine too.

Shit causes cancer yeah? Who'd want to use it?
But I'll admit I entirely forgot 'bout that stuff, since I suppose I never really use it.
Never had anyone complain, or notice my smell at least.

I suppose I only knew the Spaniards' accounts, then, thank you for the new information.

I meant non-European countries, not "none."
Fucking autocorrect.
I know particularly in Eastern and Southern Europe that hygiene was decent, but I suppose when I say Europe I mean Western Europe, which is the part everyone seems to jack off over.
Did they have the same standards in Western Europe too? It'd be good info to have.
Also, I didn't know about the new studies part, I'll go read up on it cuz it sounds interesting.

as its been pointed out, Viking nations had been bathing regularly well before moorish and African cultures.

and if you say that Nordic nations aren't considered what "people jack off too" then you're just back pedaling for damage control

Oh, they do jack off to it, though for the opposite reason sadly; most people think them unwashed, dirty barbarians, yeah?
I've heard of some sanitation practices before coming from there.

You would think they wouldn't need them as much, considering the cold should kill off most of the bacteria.