Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

ur mum

fuck you kys dota4l

Jhin. Not Fizz for fucks sake

Veigar im shit at the game

Almost always a good pick. Especially now with the prevalence of tanks everywhere

I mainly avoid this kind of gay shit.

I used to jungle as Trundle mid to late S5. Hardly ever play him top.


Zyra Support bois - stealing bitches and stealing kills since S3

too lazy to look up his splash art or icon so here.

tracer main here

How do you dealing with champs like Lux, Lulu, Sona, and Karma?

pretty gay
ha? why cause you're a troll? so bad
psh plz. noob champ
Pure crap

Depends on the skill level of the other player. If they're Low/Medium Plat level - then I just try and dodge skill shots and hit back.

If they're high Plat/Diamond, hand back. Let ADC take the front line, and save Root whenever they come close. If you land root + seed on them, you'll out-trade. Just be careful when engaging if your on solo que, as 9/10 times the ADC will be a pussy and back off. Zyra is a very all in champ.

Ay my top 3 are him, rengar, and lucian. ADCs and the scourge of all squishies. Better then people walking into here saying they main Yasuo.

Aram only, but i prefer tanks.
Speaking of wich - aram time!

say that to my face and not on the internet

oooooooo tough guy

Lee sin main boyss, any got tips on getting level 7? i always get S- but never S or above and it's really annoying, i have 300 k with him


The fish but not that one. The hot one

Spend money.

i have all his skins

Braum and Nami




Jannis spielt lisin und bard. Er ist ein faget

calm down tyler

Lee Sin



teemo :^)

Draven is a cunt who lives in his brothers shadow.
Want alpha? Play Darius.
He's killed his superiors multiple times for even suggesting to retreat.


Why do people play Sion? Of all the tanks...

I play him because he got huge cc, good engage/catching mechanic with ult and he deals a fuckton of damages
Sadly his passive is bad, but it can be used to disrupt teamfights once you're dead
Also he's funny as hell

I'd still choose Volibear over Sion any day of the week. I've had people straight up ignore me until they got done butt fucking my team, while playing Sion in higher elos. Voliburst cannot be ignored.

You probably build too tanky and not enough damages or you don't win your lane. One R / Q landed on a carry with sion and you're guaranteed an easy kill
What's your rank/ what do you build with him?


Although i agree voli is god tier atm, I just don't like his kit/engage


Back when i used to play i mained Master Yi & Lee Sin. I also played a lot of Azir when it came out, but i quitted League soon after that.

Any tips for a guy who's giving this game a shot for the first time later today? I want to play with my firends, one of which gets diamond rank matchmaking, so I have my work cut out for me

A max Q does as much damage as a Caitlyn ulti. What the fuck is Sion


Buy wards.

Yeah max Q has a 200% ad ratio
And aoe
And cc

don't play adc
play champs that you find cool, it's easier to get in the game this way

Braum main for life


Poor fag, no money
Fair, thanks m8

the Fire man