Just finished my first "trip" on LSD. Experiences and and general drug thread i guess

Just finished my first "trip" on LSD. Experiences and and general drug thread i guess.
>pic unrelated

did you take a full paper, 1/2 or 1/4?

i have done most drugs, acid being my favorite i have my eyes set on dmt next

Two fulls. As it was about to hit I asked my guy how much each was. He said each tab was ~150ug

holy sheaat. That's heavy... How long was your trip? Once I had 1full and I had about 30hours tripping, course the first 12h were stronger.

Went fishing while on acid, and saw this corner slut on OUR street. So my friend (also on acid) and I decided to throw one of the bass that we caught at her. She screamed and called the police but never got out plate

The whole proper trip lasted around 10 hours of the most intense stuff ive ever seen. Walking around with a friend around my neighborhood got a bit scary at times but overall was amazing. Im currently sitting in the last 2 hours of it which was very little pulses, with minimal hallucinations. More just the eye playing a trick on you kinda stuff.

I'd love to find a way to describe those swirls and trips i saw man.


I'm so fucking constipated

I just finished shitting whatup

Fucking nigger

You're so full of shit because of the constipation

lsd is so fucking good!!!


we have plan a lsd trip in the alps
nature is the best on lsd

I just did it at night. It was scary yet beautiful.

i just bought molly and 3 tabs of acid, tonight will be lit

Oh jeezus i cant even imagine what molly will do to you whilst on acid. Goodluck fam.

nigth is cool too but day is incredible
we smoke weed with 100ug and i saw crazy shit in the sky

I smoked half a j with 300ug, before it I legit thought i was in some 1960s tv show or some shit. After it was all hell and amazing.

going to a rave, hopefully i dont die

I've always been curious about LSD, not taking it but the effects it has on the human brain is pretty interesting. What are the odds of it lasting like you hear in those 'don't do drugs' videos where some people claim to have the equivalent of shell shock?

Just go to your chill spot my fam. What i did before it hit was give my self a designated "safety item", this time it was a lighter, and when ever i was about to go some where dark i just held onto it/looked at it and i went back to being good.

Eh, the odds about the same for the person taking it being mentally unwell. I personally was able to understand what was happening to me, and from that was able to curve it away from being unpleasant. And because i was able to understand/know what was going on, those scary experiences didnt "shellshock" me. Its hard to describe.

when you smoke weed the lsd is 2x from my poin of view.
i never took more then 150 because 100 is the best amount.
just dont take too much just 50 ug and its really funny and you have full control but you need to try to understand
