Tfw your bf is the star QB of the Varsity Football Team

>tfw your bf is the star QB of the Varsity Football Team

>tfw no gf

k y s

>tfw your star QB bf has to rest for his Big Game so no snuggles :[

show your breasts or leave this website

>tfw no Tom Brady bf

>tfw your bf plays soccer

>when his D starts with 5


mfw no amerithicc gf end me plox

>tfw your star QB bf rails your puss after he wins the Big Game

I was the star QB of the varsity team.
Except I was a fullback, and it was soccer.

Except I ran track

>Ummmmm... ewww

she's Bobby Hill with long hair

>Uhhh... I'm super busy :(

Well, I went to university in Canada and being on the football team isn't that much of a big deal. Neither is being on the soccer team, hockey is the big one. And where I was cross-country running was big, too.

I've lived in the Texas - I get the football worship thing, it just doesn't exist outside the US is all.

>Ummmm... nice essay, dweeb!

i was the mascot in high school

That is surely shopped....

>...did daddy hire you to cut the grass or something?

i am libanese

>tfw OG in football
i only got fat bitches bros ;_;

Do you think she really talks like this?

now post the unshopped one


> !!! Were you drafted inside of the NFL? =]

no :/
my hips are made of steel though ;)