Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

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Mastery 7 bard reporting in.

I main telling people League is a garbage game and I feel bad that people like you devote your life to such a pile of shit

Genji/Roadhog, some Zenyatta

godly trips, also that build, you're a hero

proud rammus/ braum/ jax main here, but i mostly play braum


Udyr boi

maining is for noobs

I bet you devoted your life to something really meaningful; you are one of men who change this world and are remembered. I envy you.

Shen FTW

Tahm is best

The ride never ends

Kha'zix, litteraly 75%winrate, ask me anything

How's the bronze climb going

Brindness is no impairment against a smerry enemy.

your cs m8, are you playing in the jungle or something?

How do you deal with aa based junglers such as Xin Zhao, Jax, Master Yi, ect.

Zeus on Smite cause I'm not a faggot

Im out of bronze

Yeah, got to gold playing jungle kog. Lolskill says my stats suck because my farm is always so low from being in the jungle.

Now it's bard to get me to plat.

Riding stupid shit all the way up the ladder...

No, he takes smite for his support kog'maw of course

When are you fags going to embrace true gaming?

what gave it away? wasn't the 3 games outta the 4 games of him having sabres was it?.. open your eyes.

Morgana cus she's OP.
Voli for JG.


league of losers AHAHAHA

My main
only play jinx jinx jinx
all hail jinx

Cheese red, gank bot to feed your adc


When my wallet allows, or you could donate to the cause of a poorfag at chryoent@gmail,com

to be fair guys the one game the kog did play adc and got 121 in 27 minutes is pretty disgusting...

I play mostly dyr, you get used to it. As long as you're not shit and ccan dodge spells, most of those characters have abilities to quickly catch up with targets.

Hunter's potion for a toplaner

That is exactly why I take him in the jungle. I'm fantastic with positioning, but my csing skills are meh. Also bloodrazor does wonders for koggles.

Tentacles and lasers.

Slark ;P

This was a pretty fun experiment with the new ziggs, you take towers ridiculously fast.

Tanky ziggs tops split push master.

What elo are you? I would never get away with that because the League gods always send me a Shaco or Rengar who invades every 5 minutes.

0/11. You fed your ass off. Yet judging from your farm you pushed their team into oblivion and won...

High gold/Low plat.

says every top laner i crush in plat. im trying to get diamond this season. fuck the cesspool that is plat 2.
funny. the reaction picture you used. a person notorious for underestimating the opponent and dying for that.

Also i start ranked recently

Rank 7 Taliyah

literally a few hours in a bot game will sort it out. asoon as you get in the rhythm it becomes 2nd nature, just saying since if you wanna climb you really gotta do better otherwise youll lack gold to be useful to your team. Pro players says 100 cs every 10 minutes is the target but thats master tier so for bronze,silver and gold even 60-70 try to aim for, since in them tier you can get fed to fuck with alot of people having no clue what to do in them levels, but higher tiers you cant rely on being fed since people are more clued up on how to play and dont get as salty as the low tiers.

A true Aryan

>Not posting the full pic

ya he mentioned experiment. BoC and ZZ with a siege champ. imagine if baron, too?
i can see how this woked. plus the w on low towers lol

If you take 36% attack speed in your runes, you can duel a shaco and rengar early game as long as it isn't your first clear. If they have a strong counter jungler, you start your buff and skip first camp and go strait to your second buff. Then they'll waste their time attempting to counter jungle you. Also, smiting krugs is the best thing ever for jungle koggles. You auto attack twice as fast as any other champ, so the passive procs twice as often. You can do a full jungle clear in 3:40 with full health without using any potions.

I recommend trying it! probably not in ranked like I did... but it's a shit ton of fun.

Narrow your champ pool. No need to play so many.

Lucky boar...

Nid game strong, 71% win, 4.1 kda, D5.

yore dumb
there's a million champs and if you want to not suck, you should know how to play all of them

yorick mah nigga

i graduated from that kiddie pool into a real moba years ago.

I'll try that in normals and see if it works for me. I'm terrible at kiting because I generally play bruisers and tanks.

ah, the most bs system. "lets give people that actual statistical advantages over newer players that's a good idea"

"lets give people that play for longer and already have experience actual statistical advantages over newer players that's a good idea"

went full retard first post for some reason

He has a point, though. Not everyone is Faker.
So you end up "jack of all trades master of none".

It's an intentional gate for competitive play, ensuring a standard for those who want to play ranked. Pretty clever tbh.

Altough I don't play now, I used to play both Dota2 and LoL. I just wanna say - this "Dota 2 is hardcore, YEAAAH" bullshit is just cringeworthy, whether it's trolling or not

I know but now i play only one champ

Mastering 2-3 champs in every role should be your goal. Learn how to play your best champions, and the counter to your best champion. For instance, my top lane is:


I main Ekko and Zed
People get mad at mee all the time xD

not clever at all. you can already play competitive but you're likely to lose to worse players than yourself simply because they have better stats. it's an unneeded grind. more experience doesn't mean you are better than someone, but these added stats fuck new players badly for no reason.


everyone always says things like this and i totally disagree. yes in the higher tiers you need to really get 4 on lockdown 2 in each role you play but when you low i encourage people to play different heros alot(not in ranked obviously) since alot of people need to find there champion. like theres over 140 champions and i think you a low levels should try most of the champions for your role since when you use one and you will know it just clicks, like the character just fits you. i saw a guy go from a 25% win rate in bronze 4 lucian to a 80% winrate draven. you need to find that one hero that just clicks with you, everyone has them(grossie has tf, loltyler1 has/had draven, bjergsen has azir Darshan has ezreal sneaky has jihn Etc) also yes i know there all pro players (except grossie but he is a 1.5m mastery tf) and they can all play alot of heros but they are there go to heros and what alot of them are known for.

You get deceptively tanky with that build, and the passive on ibg really helps kite.

but LoL is pretty much the simplest moba out there other than heroes. even proes feel it has a low skill ceiling how is stating that fact bulshit


broth mother

Yep! Fun comes first, but for competitive play it's best to play only what you're most comfortable with.

how's bronze 5 haha

The Crystal Scar is weeping.

Does every day I play him mang.


I don't remember what bronze is like

you mad bastard

The uninstall button.

Sona main reporting in

"Simplest moba"

Not mad, just sad. Nobody plays him, he has no family. RIP CRYSTAL SCAR, WE WEEP FOR YOU, BUILD A TEAR EVERY GAME!

yes ? if anything the video proves my point, this is basic as hell. every moba has these kinda tactics, but here there's barelly any real skillshots etc.


In the immortal words of Rammus.


holy fucking cancer

are you bronze?

only upset because he couldnt leave bronze

Please see here^

ikr ? atleast dota has more complexity or games like smite atleast need you to have mechanical skill and more awareness since you don't see everywhere around you

>filthy Slark picker
Play a real hero, please

post your name so we can verify

otherwise ya youre bronze with that stupid ass build haha

Nigga eveyrthing is mechanics. I'm not the bard guy, I'm the skarner guy, I can win with him playing AP for all I care.

Showing gold II like its still not a trash Tier... If your bronze,silver or gold you're trash. deal with it.

dyrus has explicitly stated in the past that he could easily reach low plat with AP Garen and nothing else, just due to knowing the game

Hunter's Potion: 5*60 HP + 5*35 Mana
Corrupting Potion: 3*125 HP + 3*75 mana

That's overall 300HP+175Mana vs 375HP+225Mana

Even if you kill Gromp/golems once in lane before backing it doesn't worth buying it.

Just because you are a good mechanical toplaner doesn't mean you understand the game as a whole.


how much farm should i have at 30 min ?
usually i'm around 200 cs at this point, 250 if i'm careful

Guys I know you won't believe me but I just tore my batman underwear.