Do you think British girls are hot?

Do you think British girls are hot?

Most are homely.

only one


No. Most of them have really fucked up teeth, and that's a no-go in my book.

Yes, someone lurking Sup Forums actually has standards for women

kek, no


i think hot girls are hot

not anymore

England has a lot of qualities...
British women's are not one of them.

See, I actually enjoy a little bit of a crooked tooth lol.

So you mean the white girls, who look just like American girls? Ya I do.

seriously why do people think white people look different

You can say that don't, but from my point of view Jews are white.


>90% have horrible teeth so there is no way I'm sticking my dick in there
>100% of them have that fucking retarded british accent that makes them sound like complete morons.

I'd rather suck dicks.

From my point of view the Jedi are evil
doesn't make jews white

Only the hot ones

I like European girls more

fair enough

yeah most of them have nice butts and maisie is hot af



Adele Stephens was a go-to fap in my 20's.
Michelle Marsh
Sophie Howard
Sophie Howard Clark

There's some smoking hot Brits... Most don't have much ass, but then again I was only in London for 3 days.