Ask a sociopathic Satanist and devil worshipper anything

Ask a sociopathic Satanist and devil worshipper anything.

> NO fucking christians or atheist trolls allowed

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hi chosen one, it's been a couple of days
is this really you or pasta ?

So do you guys have like demonic Christmas?or something like that?

can I see your cock and your fedora?

Are you a Brutal Doom fan?

Gamma male detected

Does Satan ever thank you for worshipping him? Or did he reward you in any way?


we look similar and i am also a satanist

Shit b8 m8

What's your favorite flavor of Ramen? Do you ever buy the more expensive packaged noodles?


Satan is a pussy

Why all satanist looks so gay

Do you grow you hair long to cover back acne or to make up for you receding hairline?

Do satanist play ping pong?

Ma grow the fuck up, everybody knows Satan sooo 2002 Satin is now the shit.
Now this is some A-class shit right here nigger
>Doesn't even worship true evil
>Sage goes in all fields

why are you pretending to be a bull without the horns?

Is this how is a satanist born?

pics of erect cock balancing fedora or gtfo

Not because i dont like your AMA posts, but simply cuz u fucking faggot do not reply in any way to questions.
PLEASE kill yourself. Feel Ashamed.

fucking cracked me up

fuck off dude
Thats not you
That is Seth Putnam from Anal Cunt

that's the biggest turd I've ever seen. I didn't think the body could create a turd that big.

the only thing you guys are worshiping are doritos

It looks like a snake crawled out from his arse
