What is the big fucking deal with all the hate over the fact that some people like to dress in fursuits...

What is the big fucking deal with all the hate over the fact that some people like to dress in fursuits, or even make a sex fetish out of it?

Are your lives so fucking miserable and pathetic that you just bend over backwards to find more things to hate because of it?

Seriously, the misery and hate that make up your shitty worldview is plunging humanity back to the dark ages.

Kek. What I don't get though is how they all like the same general style (with different colors and some other tweaks)

If you can't deal with people enjoying things you don't like, it's probably you who has a problem

It's pretend-hate
We REALLY don't give a fuck. Noone is going to waste their holiday to protest furries - hence we hate them when we have nothing better to do.

People in the west just love getting offended by shit whenever they can, they also tend to think that opinions mean a lot more than they actually do

I really have better things to think about unless you shove this shit in my face like you do right now.

It's the demographic tbh m8. Look at the audience. Reeks of autism, virginity, doritos and mothers basement. Deny it all you want, but you can see the desperation and depression on their chubby pimpled faces.

You're trying to explain your irrational hatred of furries by citing your irrational hatred of autists, virgins and shutins?


Well obviously. People are disgusted by furries bacause to normal people who have absolutely zero insight into your fetish/interest it will just seem like you want to fuck dogs.

And ive see you on Sup Forums, and honestly to me youre all pretty disgusting and somewhat fucked up. Its disturbing and taboo yet you act like its on par with anime, well i hate to break it to you, but its not even remotely close.

You guys are degenerate sub humans with mental problems and often also homos and paedophiles. Your kind has no place in a normal society. Yiff in hell furfag

Oh and yeah, seeing as what the above guy said about autismos, its not like your members are giving you a better image.

I don't hate anyone who acts fucking socially acceptable. There is a reason people have an aversion to furfags. It's because you legit scare them, because you're mentally fucked.

If you want to call it hatred. What's wrong with laughing at pathetic people? Does it hurt your feelings? Stop being pathetic, then. Or learn to not care what others think. Either way, you're the one with a problem.

I don't like furries, but since I have a diaper fetish, can't judge them. We don't choose the kind of stuff we are into, you just like it or not.

I don't get this too.

A few years ago, you could get banned for this!

When I was 13 I had a job dressing up as a dog to advertise for a store.
I got hit on. Allot. So many gay furies wanted to put their dick in a "puppy".
Fucking weirdos.
I got a new job pretty quickly.

Pretty much this. At least for myself and those I know. We don't actually give a shit what people do in their free time if it doesn't impact us directly. If two people want to pretend to be animals and take turns blowing eachother who am I to tell them to stop?

I've certainly seen stranger and more horrifying things in my lifetime than consensual sex.

idk lol

weird faggots


Being "pathetic" is completely subjective, obviously you can laugh at shit if you want, and most of the time the people you laugh at aren't going to give a fuck, I was just pointing out that your hatred is arbitrary, based on nothing but your own emotions and perceptions

why are there so many wierd gay shit on Sup Forums now?

How are you enjoying your first month here?

You mean like this?

Iv been here before summer nigger

At this point it's basically impossible to tell what's bait and what isn't

what does such a show cost in "booking"?

It's disgusting
You are disgusting

like this gay loli trap shemale furry shit why cant it just be in somewhere else not here

I worked with this kid right. My first day everyone told me about him. I thought surely he can't be that bad. I tried to give him benefit of the doubt...

Constant lying, constant flipping of interests and beliefs, constant switching of sexual interest, and never would work. He would constantly talk and tell you nothing but bull shit.

One day he was in the break room and had some gay ass wolf furry dude cartoon on his lap top background. He started wearing a lanyard from furry cons... and that's why I hate furries. That and pamperchu

I'm not a furry in the slightest but don't you think hating a group because you interacted with one retard is a bit stupid? Using that logic there wouldn't be a single group of people in the world that wouldn't deserve to be hated

It was a dance contest like 3 hours long. There's a video of it on youtube, BLFC 2016

>is completely subjective
Yeah, to all the people sat in that audience, it is.

To everybody else? It's pretty black and white.

I dare you to post a picture of yourself and the room you are currently in. Prove you don't meet the stereotype of an out of shape, ugly, unwashed, basement dwelling man-child, like the rest of the furry fandom, and I'll concede that my "hatred" or rather, enjoyment from laughing at you autists, is "arbitrary" and not based on the fact that, by simply being a fan of furry, you out yourself as being all of the above.

>Everyone elses opinion but mine is subjective

Are you serious nigger? Your opinion is no different from the opinions of the people that enjoy that shit

I'm not even a furry, nor do I look anything like the stereotypical neckbeard I assume you're describing there, but even if I was, that still wouldn't somehow be evidence to support your opinion, it would still be completely arbitrary



I finally found a pic that explains this fetish. Pic related.

>Are your lives so fucking miserable and pathetic that you just bend over backwards to find more things to hate because of it?
well, duh...

Wouldnt they be considered mongrels instead of sub human degenerates?

This shit, is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S. This shit, is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S. This shit, is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S. This shit, is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S. This shit, is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S.

I live in the north and hate keeps me warm in the winter. Kind of like all your fat and fur does for you

It is a form of forced reality check.

People hate these individuals and groups because they have a massive ego for no apparent reason. They are smug without a cause and have an aggressive in-your-face attitude which in general indicates a sort of revolution in social hierarchy; rearrangement of something where this new minority would gain power and control of somesort. In short, they've mistaken about their popularity and position in the foodchain and the balance is restored by collective actions. The actions taken en masse are usually indirect; disinterest to communicate, limiting of opportunities, exclusion in general, etc.

When people speak of homophobia and so forth, they often fail to understand that most people are way too self-centered to care. As explained, the actions taken by masses are usually a form of natural feedback which reflects reality of things. People who are 24/7 thinking about what others do in their bedrooms are a minority with a fixation to prove themselves among the masses by supporting the old generations values. They aren't the majority, but the people who use windows of opportunity to call out minorities for their misbehaviour are the majority.

The diversity culture has had it's run in the popculture and people are growing tired of never ending cucking. New things eventually become old things, and it's exactly what happened with the diversity culture. It's old and it's people didn't really like it in the first place. It was forced upon the majority, and now the majority wants to force it out.

TL;DR: people don't like autists.

Because they're fucking loud about it.
Thats why

Might as well have a bunch of giant gatherings by a bunch of people who like being shit on.

The rest of the general public does not want to know, or fucking care and the more you shout about it the more irritating it gets. Its like that fucking kid way back in grade school who always had that one "thing" that was fucking amazing and never shut up about it despite no one else showing any interest in it, or caring.

Do we actually care what furries do? Not fucking really, until it starts bleeding out everywhere.

And speaking from experience here, unlike every other fetish fucking ever, furries are the loudest. I never see my buddies who are into s&m/incest/whatever the fuck else constantly shoving that shit in peoples faces, but every time I meet or even see a furry? You fucking know about it, and they show it CONSTANTLY.

I have only ONE furry friend out of the dozens I know and even more I've met that wasn't toxic about it. it doesn't matter what it is, when you get loud about it, people get annoyed.

Because it can be here. So it is


If ferries kept to themselves it wouldn't be a problem, but they dont.

They're mentally wonky to begin with, 99% social outcasts and look for acceptance in everything. In groups they shout down everyone else and push their fur fag shit everywhere they go. O

nline they ruin the potential of games, forums, and products, offline they're like Tumblrinas with a huge identification suit.

the face looks like a sumo wrestler



ALSO, LOOK AT MY BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cant, your hand is in the way.

It's a paw. If I say I've paws then I've paws.

Here, you can look at this one.


It's official; this is now a YLYL thread









kill yourself you fucking degenerate.
