Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?


Jungle Primary Top secondary

Guess my rank after 102 games this season.



SIlver III

Close, Gold 2

Sol and noct

I main Random.

Got bored of the 5/5 style back in Warcraft 3 in DotA after playing the fuck out of AoS style maps in Starcraft: Broodwar.

ARAM, Dominion, RGM are the only things I find fun anymore. And of course now Dominion is gone.

I'll play 5v5 with friends I know IRL but that's pretty much it.

Jhin and whatever else i feel like

I main cancer


havent played like in 2 and a half months, but i hav something 1200ish games with him, and a 68% win rate

Although, thinking on it, it could just be the pacing of SR/TT that I got bored of, and not the map style.

I dont even know i just pick im playing with my friend he says we are bronze 5 im blind btw

Idk because League is a boring trash game.

>Who do you main in League of Legends?

If this sentence makes sense to you, you're either at least 2 of the following or all of the following;

add "ihopeugetcancer" in euw. need Sup Forums friends

darius heimer and cho goth


i dont play trash games

nope, it means you play a video game called league of legends.

Now that we've established that.

Dubs don't lie.


Nocturne master race

no you're a faggot

Neckbeard detected

So; what do you main then?

dubs main

Says the faggot on Sup Forums, posting memes.

>none of the rest
Try harder.


Gragas ftw

been playing tryn a lot now

i bet i can fuck up any one of you fgts in a 2vs2 aram custom game

Bring it on bitch.

Olaf is my nigga.

