Scenario: pic related.

No cars except for A and B.
Green light for both.
Car A turning right.
Can car B turn at the same time or should B wait for A to complete the maneuver and then turn?

As B hasto cross A´s lane he can only turn if given the space by A.. where you from ?

middleschoolfag detected, go back to drivers ed


It's the second time this shit happens and I'm always pissed off at B (I'm A) because they'll try to turn dangerously close.

There are 2 lanes...

give me a fucking page of the drivers ed manual where this situation is explained. I've been driving in city traffic for 10 years and still don't know everything

Car taking a right turn always has right of way over a car taking a left, pretty simple stuff.

Yeah but technically both can turn at the same time and most people think that it's OK.
Insurance-wise, if a collision was to occur, would B be 100% at fault?

there are TWO fucking lanes.
Right car takes inner most. other car takes left lane

this fucking simple holyshit

A has the right of way

Insurance wise it's damn near impossible to have two active drivers and have one person be 100% at fault. They'll argue that you should have been paying attention and maneuvered to avoid a collision.

You're wrong, friendo

2 Lanes does not matter in the eyes of insurance, yes both can safely turn at the same time, if an accident were to happen the car turning left would be 100% at fault.

they can both go at the same time

Thanks user

I've been thinking of putting a dashcam while driving but Canadian insurance companies won't even look at the footage unless you go to court. They have some book that tells them who's at fault depending on the situation.
Pretty stupid even if you bring physical evidence
>You could have modified the footage lel

[citation needed]
Been driving 20 years, never had a problem, or the car turning right going in to the left lane

If it does go in the left lane, it is merging without notification, so no, insurance will not blame car b

I'm defense counsel at an insurance company owned by a lizard. Although we would see "a" as liability free. The adverse agent would absolutely (try) to associate some fault for to them.

Oh, you've been driving for 20 years. Fuck the actual driving rules then, your unique experience is all that matters.

>owned by a lizard
So realistically speaking (if no money was invovled), B would have to wait for A to turn first and then proceed?

Also, is it true that even if you're not at fault at all in an accident, you still will be a liability once you change cars (your monthly payment will go up compared to if you had never been in any accidents)

>for to them

Well B should wait. If they hit your car it's their fault so dont worry OP you will get good money. I've done this 7 times went through 4 different cars it's easy money and if you wanna change your car it's good. Just brake at the right moment and they ram into you but make sure you dont get hit.

Right turn goes before left turn fag

This, did you even pay attention at elementary school OP?

Thanks user.
Not really interested in money though, I got a new(er) car and I'm overprotective as fuck. Guzzles gas like a motherfucker though.
34 MPG on highway,
17 MPG in traffic KEK

Just pointing out the obvious -
If they both start moving at the same time, A will be nowhere near B.

A will be 100 yards up the road by the time B works through the intersection and into his lane.

Read the posts faggots
I know A should go before B but everyone is doing it at the same time, at some point you start doubting your knowledge

If everyone is doing it, then what's the problem?

A has right of way. Simple as that. B must cross A's lane.

Each car has to turn into the closest lane therefore both cars can turn at the same time. Only time A has to wait for B is when B has a green arrow and A is turning right on a red light. Then B has the right of way to use either lane.

Shoot, I know what you mean, I was like car a, turning right. I am watching for skatboarders, bicyclist, joggers, because cops don't enforce direction of travel and a lot of time you don't notice them coming in another direction. Then all of a sudden I note a car (like B) turning at the same time, before I can flip the asshole off, I see its a cop!!!!

Shit hahaha a cop? Damn nigga
I know what you mean, same here. You scan everything for anyone and then that guy decides to do whatever he wants

I was wondering the same, car b (cop) had to have accelerated before I started my turn as he was right there, to listen to the other guy, Cop never would have seen my blinker in time because he ended up beside me immediately. I note a lot of mexicans drive this way, they feel who ever gets there first has the right of way.

It's true, also a pretty reckless thing to do since many people forget their flasher after changing lanes.
I never trust drivers' flasher until they execute their maneuver

So what happens when car a all of a sudden decides to cancel their turn and go straight? You see this all of the time

Yep, you are right

Both cars should be able to turn at the same time. Just turn into the lane closest to you.

But judging by the mongoloid responses here, this thread is filled with 17 year olds who slept through driver's ed.

Who would be at fault, because b (culver city cop) started turning while I was going straight.

The other thing to mention, is car b is assuming a lot of people know the rules of the road by heart, just from centrifical force, if car a turns to fast, it might pull him into the lane by accident (no pun intended)

So what happens when car a all of a sudden decides to cancel their turn and go straight? You see this all of the time

Holy fuck, you people will argue about anything.

A has the right of way. Just because B CAN turn at the same time (since there are two lanes) doesn't mean it SHOULD. This happens all the time in heavy traffic areas, but the most correct thing for B to do is wait for A to finish turning-- you never know when someone will take up more than their lane.

>Driving on the wrong side of the road

this car b has to wait.

I paid attention in drivers Ed. Both cars are right to turn, but they have to stay in the lane closest to the sidewalk. That means you (a) can't drift to the left lane as you make your turn, and they can't drift into the right one. You have to turn into the lane closest to the sidewalk. For the b driver that would be the left lane.

You're arguing as well. Dumbass.

Fuckin kek

I would probably beat you near death for doing this faggotry on purpose.
Make sure you can't drive anything ever again

High caliber cunt right here

Not the guy who you're replying to but you're a huge pussy none the less. High caliber cunt. Push. Okay way to make yourself into a joke. What is that, your stage name? Your band name? Your super hero name? Fucking fag.

This is the answer if only one lane. If 2 lanes then right of way is moot.

if I'm B, I'm worrying that A wants to turn into the topmost lane. even though that would be retarded for A to do from the lane he's in, many drivers are retarded. Likewise, if I'm A, I'm worried that B wants to turn into the bottom-most lane. So the fact that there are 2 lanes really doesn't mean anything.

I was taught the car making the right has the right of way. I don't know if that applies when the cars drive on the wrong side of the road like in England. Of course, everything gets fucked up when you have douchebags trying to be courteous in which case car A waves car B to make his turn and car A gets slammed up the ass for not making its turn.

left turn yield signs are usually posted up
so left turner has to yield

I think you should get the cam or even two. I'm poor and can't afford but I will. Massachusets insurance companies go by something called the Standards of Fault. In a two car accident both parties are equally at fault until you go through the standards such as the party in a parked car opening their door into traffic which then gets taken off by another car is more at fault. I would think if your insurance company had proof of the other drivers fault then they would be more than happy to get the other guys insurance to pay more.

Well you've been doing it wrong for 20 years. Sharing a turn is unsafe, you never know if the person going right or left will go wide.

I have yet to see a state where it doesn't state, "a driver that turns left must yield to traffic that moves straight or turns right."

Apparently you slept through drivers ed. A left turner must always yield to straight traffic, and right turners in every state in the US.

No, you didn't pay attention, because this situation is brought up in drivers ed, and you are wrong. Sharing a turn is incorrect, a car turning left must always yield to a right turner no matter the number of lanes available.

Um...Right turn is literally always fine there.

Actually, if you assumed that the horizontal road is bidirectional even, there is no scenario where, even if every single light was green by accident, the right turn lane (Car A) would have the right away in the event of an accident.

If you left turned into it, U turned into it on a green, etc.

Pretty much the only questionable thing would be if you drove straight into the side of car A through a green light while Car A also had a green light. But then that would just mean that Car A did not look left. That is literally Car A's only responsibility. To look left to make sure that the traffic light is not broken.

That would be dependent upon your area.

Not all states in the US have 100% fault. Depending on specifics you might each share blame but yea.

This is totally, 100% wrong.

If you're Car B you HAVE to yield. There is no way for you to know what Car A is doing. Car A cannot signal you that he is both turning and changing lanes or that his vehicle cannot make the right turn w/o going over the line.

If you impact the right hand turn vehicle without waiting it is YOUR FAULT.

Car b should wait before turning into his lane on the left.
Car b should wait because you never know what car A is actually going todo, and B is cutting across- therefore yielding.

B should also wait because fuck tards like to turn into the wrong lane [right lane] which the extreamly possiblitily of- scares the fuck out of car A.

Tldr wait for A and stay in your goddamn ed lane.

Ps the left turners shouldn't pull out till its safe to complete the turn, Sure everyone does, but that should overly explain why you need to wait till car A is clear.

Legally, you must always turn into the nearest lane. A would be fine if he didn't take it wide into the next lane and the same for B. generally, i'm always a touch cautious in cities for this reason though because city people can't drive worth shit and tend to make illegal merges and shit just to get where they need to go. no defensive drivers in a city.

There is no right of way to consider. Both cars are turning into different lanes. Once the turn is completed then it's a normal sideswipe or bad merge scenario. If they hit each other during the turn, then the fault lies with the one who crossed over their appropriated 'turning lane'.

That being said, if they turned at the same time B is retarded for trusting that A will actually be making the turn instead of going straight. Always assume everyone else doesn't know how to drive and doesn't know how to use their blinkers.

That depends on how the collision occurs, but probably yes.


you have sex with animals ?