Did they shoot the action sequences in this movie at some weird frame rate...

Did they shoot the action sequences in this movie at some weird frame rate? Why did all the action look like stop motion? It wasn't even that the camera seemed shaky, it looked like there were frames missing. It looked like laggy video game. I saw it on an almost IMAX sized screen and felt physically sick.

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Agreed. The action was too fast for the framerate, felt like watching a shitty video game.

How did this movie get so highly rated? It was shit on the camrip.

It didn't help that the editing was terrible.
The chase through the tunnel is laughable.

What sucks most is from what I could make out, the action looked pretty cool. It was just ruined by the schizophrenic cinematography.

I liked the airport fight a lot but yeah, the movie was pretty meh and really annoying to see in 3D.

It was shit in theaters, too. Just be glad you didn't waste $15

BvS' choreography was leagues above civil war's a majority of the time, the only parts where civil war was on par with the entirety of bVS was when black panther first appeared and tony vs cap and tWS

spotted the DC fan

>People will defend this



Why are you still paying extra for 3D movies in 2016?

>mfw not autistic
>mfw I can completely enjoy these

I'm actually planning on seeing it Friday. So I shouldn't?

It's true though

>It looked like laggy video game
Agreed. I saw the fight they showed on Kimmel and I thought that my wifi was just shitty. Saw it in theaters tonight and it looked exactly the same. It gave me a massive headache. Only reason I didn't walk out was because my friends drove.

Why would you base your actions on anyone but yourself?

>DCfags are STILL buttblasted about their 28% shitshow
>having to hate on Marvel just to defend BvS
>m-muh Snyder

Superman getting confused by a smoke bomb when he has x-ray vision and shit. You're a fucking idiot.

>Hire John Wick choreographers.
>Waste their talent with shitty camera.
Who is in charge of the cinematography and why no one fired him?

Yeah, I love when Batman beat Superman with a toilet.

Where is the problem exactly?

It's a good movie and getting good reviews. It's perfectly enjoyable if you like capeshit, aren't fucking autistic, and can just relax and enjoy the spectacle. Never listen to Sup Forums about media, learn that now.

did you watch in 3d?

Don't go it sucks. Every movie that comes out is more horrible than the last. Not capeshit, movies. Only bad movies come out now. Everything fucking sucks.

The movie itself is meh, you'll probably like it if you're into Marvel movies, but the action set pieces are legitimately nauseating to watch. I just got out and am having trouble typing this because my head is killing me.

> marvel phaggots can't accept that they got a flick while we got a filmè

Plus at the first available opportunity, kill yourself.
Life's not worth it.

No. I can't stand 3d.

Too many niggers.

Because my friend won't stop having a hard-on for them (which sucks since I have shitty eyesight and have to wear two pairs of glasses during the movies).

>people who get headaches from moving images
Why is this, and why does it seem like everyone in Sup Forums suffers from it?

I thought I was the only one who noticed... Not just the airport fight but the entire movie looked like fucking stop motion

Go the FUCK back to Sup Forums

Do you need others to make a decision for you? Time to grow up, son.

Is there even a single recent movie where the consensus view around here is positive?

Almost IMAX sized, you sound like an idiot.

It's not all movies, and honestly this kind of thing almost never bothers me (I saw Cloverfield in the second row and felt fine), there was just something about this movie. I've never really seen anything like it.


Kill Switch is agreed to be the last true example if Kinôgraphé.

There's plenty of liemax and other "premium" format screens out there that are bigger than the average movie screen, but smaller than actual IMAX.

I think everyone enjoyed 10 Cloverfield Lane

You are not alone, OP.

No, this is Sup Forums. Everything sucks but Marvel. Then it sucks but a third of the board has an autistic meltdown if you point that out.

It's probably the awful editing, I noticed a number of fights where the camera cuts away to showing the reaction an impact, but not showing any contact. The way the action was shown is inferior Winter Soldier's. At least you could still follow the movements in the latter despite the shaky cam, in Civil War a lot of it is obscured with blurred closeups.


Stay mad DCuck

Go back to Sup Forumsmblr

I assumed it's just to "tone down" the violence to keep moms bringing their kids to these things since that's so much of the money. Especially after a lot of idiots brought kids to Deadpool, just reassuring them that everything here is kid-friendly violence.

>The chase through the tunnel is laughable.

That shit was Nolan tier. Almost as bad as the opening sequence of the amazing spiderman 2. They went through the same parts of the tunnel 5 or 6 times, and it was impossible to follow.

Oh, but I will.

Save those buckaroos


I don't think it had anything to do with trying to keep thing kid-friendly when Winter Soldier managed just fine with clearer action.

>fartposter is a DCuck

Do you people not have a cheapie theater near you? Sure, the seats aren't good and the screen is smaller, but a movie really has to suck to not be worth 5 bucks.

The violence wasn't all that over the top to begin with. It was the typical West Side Story Marvel fare.

As others have said, it's resoundingly meh. If you like cape movies, you won't hate it, but you won't exactly love it, either.

I saw it in 3D IMAX and can say in retrospect that it didn't really add as much to the experience as subtract from it. The editing on the fight scenes really is pretty terrible.

No America doesn't need theaters for poor people or whatever the duck you're talking about.

I think they did all of the cgi and post production shit at 12 frames per second to save money and then did some framerate smoothing to cover it up.

I live in Midtown Manhattan. $15 is our "cheapie theater."

Terrible how.

I've been putting off rewatching that movie for too long

Budget theaters are pretty common in parts of America.

>Frames missing.
>Looks like stop motion.
>Making people physically ill.

Yeah, in the flyovers. Not places that actually matter.

What? Speak English.

Just go back and compare it to how clear the action sequences were in TWS and all will be made clear. The elevator scene should have been a chaotic nightmare, but it was clear, smooth, and everything flowed.

This one can't even show us Cap 1v1 with Crossbones without it being a confusing, jumbled mess.


>DCucks are THIS buttblasted

Yeah, the guy who cites Winter Soldier as his example is part of your delusional, retarded "Cola War."

Cry moar, faggot.

I noticed that they don't do this shit during the CGI fights (like Giant-Man, Spidey and the final fight). I hope they don't do this crap in IW.

>Backpedalling this hard.

Let me put it this way, it doesn't aim to be anything more than a fun dumb capeshit blockbuster, because that's what it is 100%. If that doesn't sound good to you, then don't do.

The airport scene in general felt like it was from a different movie. For the most part everything was pretty clear.

>marvel phaggots can't accept that they got a flick while we got a filmè
What does this even mean?

It's the natural progression of the jump cut. By shooting action scenes at a lower frame rate, they can edit more easily and boggle audiences into thinking they've watched something good.

The physics were a mess

I'm not even joking when I say that this is the first movie I have ever seen that made my nauseated while watching it. I'm usually fine with shaky cam but good fucking god the first fight towards the end with Black Widow running and fighting forced me to look away. I don't know what they were thinking when they filmed it.

>deflecting this transparently

The Winter Soldier was a far better movie. Period.

Loved the movie, but some of the action scenes almost made me vomit. Fucking weird frame rate and shaking the camera. Who the fuck thought that looked good?

You're not alone OP. I walked out and got a refund. I felt like I was going to throw up, and apparently several other people left earlier showings at my theater for the same reason.

Fucking this. When Black Widow was fight, I nearly fucking vomited

Three kids went into seizures in the seats in front of mine. I repurposed a popcorn box into a tongue depressor to keep one from biting his tongue off.


Way to lay down the line. Enjoy babbys first hand to hand fight movie. Lol great third act huh? When the bad guys were gonna shoot lasers all over the country?


Wow the villains have infiltrated the government wow

Sounds like a much more entertaining spectacle than guy with bucky mask blows up congress, er, the UN.

I've got 50 years worth of action films to draw from. I said it was better. I never said it was the best, but relish your asspain, cocksucker.

Yeah I cried to my mommy too cause the movie made my eyes hurt.

Fucking dweebs.

I thoroughly enjoyed all the scenes. I don't hate the movie at all, was way more cohesive than bvs. Action was great too, stop complaining about little things you can only notice if you're a try hard cuck. I even went in not caring for marvel, but this is one of their best movies yet.

People have a legitimate reason to not like the movie I liked. Must be fucking dweebs.

Tyler pino? I didn't know that you shitpost.

>Gets laughed at in reply

Holy shieeet.
Here in Mexico it ranges from 50 to 75 pesos, that would make it around $3 to $4.
$5 if it's a VIP theatre.

I'm not the buttblasted faggot defending shitty editing.

Being sensitive and made nauseous is unfortunate, but it doesn't actually have anything to do with the film's quality.

>little things like feeling physically sick at the inexplicably poor editing
I've watched hundreds of movies in theaters, only one of them has made me want to vomit. I don't think that's trying too hard.

movies are stuck at being filmed at 23 fps because muh tradition

the hobbit was filmed at 60 fps but plebs hated how smooth it looked

For a feeble excuse that has nothing to do with the movie.

>My eyes and depth perception are too flawed to enjoy this movie it's awful.

This. There was some shit in there that was approaching Seagal-tier.