There will be people out there who don't believe that this was basically on the same level as BvS

There will be people out there who don't believe that this was basically on the same level as BvS.

Mind you, I enjoyed both, but recognize that they both are littered with problems. I'm just someone who can enjoy different movies I guess. The main difference here was tone. BvS was darker than this, which isn't really a bad thing to me, I'm tired of quip fest 5,000.

Problems with Cap movies are the action being shoddy and shaky cam, and in this one there's a few characters introduced that we barely have time to give a fuck about. Marvel had the advantage here with 9 or so movies before establishing these characters, and they still fucked it up and had to introduce BP and Spidey.

Biggest problem in both, they were overcrowded with characters and side plots. I guess ensemble superhero films are just hard to make.

Other urls found in this thread:

BvS is looking better now tbqh

The problem here is that they copied things from the original script (that had nothing to do with Civil War) and pasted them on this movie. The original idea was having Avengers 3 to be about that.
I disagree with you in the BP and Spidey part tho, the former was well handled and the latter was regular. Also, i'm glad the humor was balanced here.

I just didn't think Black Panther had enough time for me to care about him. Sort of same with Spidey, but I know him so well that I'll give you that. Tom Holland was good. He's got a lot of promise.

Nobody with a triple-digit IQ will watch Batman v Superman, then Civil War, and tell others "Y'know, they're about the same."

Civil War is clearly superior and you're just flat out trolling if you disagree.

>B-b-but muh Marvel quipfest

Everyone before watching Civil War went like

>Oh shit, this movie is going to be awesome, it's based on Civil War! Cap dies!

Then after they watch it, suddenly Civil War was a horrible comic, and the Russo's did their best adaptating that garbage.

At least DCucks admit their movie had flaws, marveldrones are just backpedalling and in denial now.

>At least DCucks admit their movie had flaws

Ok, so besides being 'darker' and the one Batman scene, what do you think BvS did better here? The shaky cam sucked but that was gone by the third act.

And I fucking love superman but felt pretty much nothing watching him die compared to watching Vision get blindsided by his witch bitch.

Also I was willing to forgive BvS for trying to play catchup but but Civil War was able to juggle twice as many balls and only dropping a few compared to the mess BvS made.

I'm done with this Mickey Mouse-tier soap opera drama. It doesn't help either that all the fight scenes are edited by a teenager with Tourette's and Parkinson's, it's as if they want to distract the audience from how shoddy everything looks by waving a flashlight on their face. I couldn't give a damn about any of these sterile excuses for characters. During the airport scene all the artificially-inflated conflict devolved into a child playing with one toy in each hand and bashing them together.

It's riddled with sophomoric and shallow pseudo-political ponderings that are thrown out the window when the quiptastic action starts. They completely disregard for the umpteenth time the collateral damage while they're having fun showcasing their flashy abilities.

The third act pretends to get serious when in reality it turns into a cheap heartstring manipulation revolving around "why didn't you tell me Cap waaa".

This part completely disregards the fact that Stark knows all too well that brainwashing and mental manipulation is a thing, let's not forget that he has witnessed it firsthand with Banner. There's no excuse for him to have such a sudden change of heart other than to extend the conflict for another 15 minutes of mindless violence, and leave the manchildren with the impression that they've just witnessed an intricate revenge tragedy.

All smoke and mirrors, the constant quipping is an effective tool to cloud a fanboy's mind and judgement.

Finally, what's left is an entire team of "world-class" heroes that got fooled by a man wearing a Bucky mask. Not to mention that the villain's stale trope was better executed 19 years ago when Scream 2 came out, ironically, a film satirizing this cliché.

If you don't think this is cartoonish and laughable you might be too young to post on this site.

Never again.

>A reading from the Acts of Man of Steel
>Scene 2:13: Selected passages

>3 And I heard a loud voice from the cinema saying, "Look! Snyder's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and Snyder himself will be with them and be their saviour.

>4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more repetitive or safe or cheap comedy or quips, for the old order of Marvel movies has passed away."

>13 And so they hated him, and persecuted him. The critics crucified him and threw rotten tomatoes at him.

>14 But he persevered and gained strength from the audience, and so we will persevere.

>15 And he stands by the right side of the spirit of Kino, and draws inspiration from it, and so will his followers.

>22 During the filming of the port battle at Batman v Superman, Snyder was found wandering along the port.

>23 In one of such instances he walked on water while carrying an IMAX camera on one hand, which greatly terrified his cast and crew at that time.

>24 Affleck, out of fear, shouted "Snyder, if it is you, tell me to come to the water!"

>25 "Come". Snyder said.

>26 Affleck stepped on the water and walked for a few feet but then sank. He cried out "Snyder, hast thou forsaken me? Save me, oh dear brother!"

>27 Immediately Snyder reached out his hand and caught him.

>28 Snyder exclaimed, "Bin Muhammad Afflecki, why did you doubt?"

>29 And so the heretic one vowed to spread the word.

>Then after they watch it, suddenly Civil War was a horrible comic.
Sup Forums was hating on the movie before it was released just because of that comic.

You just wait

>Nobody with a triple-digit IQ will watch Batman v Superman or Civil War
Fixed that for you.

The comic is kind of garbage once you get past the action scenes and continuity fapping. The premise is pretty thread bare and Cap is mostly just d-bag for not even trying to find a compromise.

This was all cemented by the fact that Marvel later made a 'What-If' alternate universe comic where Cap and Tony hadn't acted like total asshats and found a compromise really easily.

Time might prove wrong but I feel like the movie did a much better job setting things up compared to the comic. Instead of making the issue about secret identities- which isn't even an issue in the MCU- they made it about accountability and beuracracy. Cap is having trouble trusting authority after CA:WS and Tony is feeling like he went too far with Ultron and wants to make sure he's not going to lose control. In the comics it was "TONY PEOPLE WANT TO BE SECRET AND WE MURICA" and "BUT CAP BABIES ARE DYING CAUSE PEOPLE ARE SECRET"

Those are some weak problems.

Now state what the actual ones were .I mean it surely did have issues.

Batman vs. Superman was incoherent and poorly structured. Civil War was extremely calculated structurally and delivered satisfying action beats. For whatever else these movies are, that's what's at the core of it.

>back on rottentomatoes

when did everything get so right?

Is it bad that I only listen to him and Bret Easton Ellis when it comes to films now?

>Civil War was a horrible comic
Not to disrupt your narrative or anything, but if you followed comic book circles at all, you'd know that Civil War is widely thought of as a horrible comic. It was written by Mark Millar for fuck's sake.

So the movie brought forth a better story for Civil War by being something entirely different? Why did they call it Civil War then? False hype?

I'm not sure if waiting an hour and a half for that fight was worth it.

>Enjoying BvS
>Proceeds to pretend anyone will take his opinion seriously

Absolutely everyone thinks the comic is worthless garbage.

>the Russo's did their best adaptating that garbage.
No, the Russos made a good work at taking the basis of the comic and ignoring absolutely everything else.

The comic made everyone act out of character to make the conflict happen, and since they didn't know what to do to end it, they made Iron Man, Reed and the rest mustache-twisting villains, throwing out the window the whole ''it's a grey morality conflict!''

Civil War is not close enough to GI Joe 2 and Transformers Revenge of the Fallen for him to like it.

because learn definitions

Because movies are named after comic book events even though they only take the basis.

X-Men Days of the Future Past didn't follow the DOFP storyline at all, starting by the fact that it's Kitty the one that goes to the past, not Wolverine.

Age of Ultron, the same, it took Ultron and that's it.

Civil War the same.

The difference is that comic book Civil War, unlike the other two examples, it's a piece of shit.

Vision picking a side at all made no sense

>Is it bad that I only listen to him and Bret Easton Ellis when it comes to films now?
Not in the slightest.

>suddenly Civil War was a horrible comic

Are you retarded? I beg you to look at thinkpieces, critics, and forum posts from back in '07. We hated Civil War (the comic) then and we hate Civil War (the comic) now. The movie is the best fucking thing that ever happened to Marvel: Civil War

You're not fooling anyone here DCuck

>Spot the panicking Warner Brothers executive as directors jump ship

Don't worry bro, Rowling will carry your ass like she did last time.

It had the same cluttered narrative and tried to do too much

You can tell reviewers didn't want to admit it and eat crow and assuming it'd be better than BvS. In truth they're both 5/10s that tried to condense a lot of story and characters in to to little.

They're both bad, but at least Civil War resembled a movie.

BvS was a jumbled mess of random ideas that didn't work together.

wew lad

By a mile.

>Dash of paprika XD

>BvS was a jumbled mess of random ideas that didn't work together.

That's a convoluted way to say that you didn't understand it.

>that damage control

Disney pays handsomely

>incoherent and poorly structured
Not that I even agree, but since when does that make it a bad movie?

>Mulholland Drive is incoherent and poorly structured
>Trainspotting is incoherent and poorly structured
>The Fountain is incoherent and poorly structured
>Enter the Void is incoherent and poorly structured

Not every movie has to be blatant and pandering to people who are turned off by something abstract

Considering BvS and Civil War to be on the 'same level', regardless of what this means to you, is incredibly contradictory when contrasted with proper film analysis.

i thought this was actually the most serious film in the mcu. I went in expecting a quipfest but I honestly don't remember any quips in the first half. They started to come in the second half but even then, there weren't as much.

>Le BvS is abstract art maymay

You lack reading comprehension skills lad

BP had an entire arc, but since this was still a Cap movie he couldn't overshadow the lead.

>mad dcuck on damage control no. 640

All those were bad movies

Ah yes, none of them quite capture the essence of film quite like Captain America: Civil War, do they.

those comments
>Hulk vs Batman how it will end. Someone in the background shouts " Bruce!!!!" Hulk and Batman looks at him and said "What!!!??". Then they look at each other and then BOOM problem Solved.

Is this the mindset of modern 'cinefiles'?

>Mulholland Drive = bad movie
>Trainspotting = bad movie
>Captain America: Civil War = kino

I want off this gay Earth.

Why was Stark so adamantly mad at sending Spidey home.


Something about the lines delivery just felt odd.

His best friend fell from god knows how high and nearly died, so he's -just- a bit on edge.

>Basically sums up both flicks as shit

No its shit

So what is the short list of critics that we can cross off as shills?

Kyle Smith and Roger 'glib fascmile' Moore come to mind.

Armond White probably, but he hasn't written a review for CW yet.

The 'you're done' thing happened before that.

it sounded friendly and fatherly to me.

You've done enough. Go home before you get rekt.

Spidey then confirms he's done after Stark leaves.

Is it implied Panther has been going around doing shit in that suit for a while or did he just whip it up after his dad died?

>Why was Stark so adamantly mad at sending Spidey home.
He sounded like a frustrated father watching his kid almost hurt himself doing something really stupid - which is basically what had happened.

Remember, the driving force behind Tony in the MCU is his guilt over all the mistakes he's made. He desperately does not want to get a kid like Peter injured or killed fighting his battles.