Feminist bitch posts that some people have IQ below 60. I said "yeah,you"

Feminist bitch posts that some people have IQ below 60. I said "yeah,you"
She said "I'm surprised you know what IQ is"

What to say?


"Sorry, ignore me, I'm just a 15 year old faggot"

Alot of niggers have like 50-60 iq in africa, kek

Say that IQ is irrelevant, it just means you're good at taking tests. Logic and critical thinking are what make a person intelligent, and are completely independent of IQ.

I'm surprised you haven't deemed the IQ system patriarchal


roll for this

Your eyes, its beautiful

Then you dtand back and let her hormones override the feminist shit

compliment her

mess with her misandrist mind

"yeah I bet you're surprised about a lot of stuff everyday"

Tell her that IQ tests are culturally biased and that you are surprised that she would boast such a bigoted test.

Then if she agrees with you just say lol kidding people just say that to make stupid black people feel better.

Shit got real
thanks yo

Rolling for this


say this

If I didn't know what it was, it would not indicate low intelligence, but rather just a lack of exposure. You didn't really think your comment through, but that's alright. I know thinking is difficult for you.



Femanon "Zika" here.

OP, your behavior is outrageous. You spread the hate speech throughout the Internet without even looking at the consequences. All the hate against black people and women makes me lose faith in humanity (especially in the male part of population). If you continue spreading the hate speech, the hatred against such minorities as negroids and females will rise. You'll finally dominate the world and you'll do what you want - rape, murder, enslave women. I'm new to Sup Forums, but the attitude of some users is just ridiculous - calling Jews "kikes" (what did they do to all of you?), muslims "sandniggers" (this is both insulting to the 2nd biggest religion in the world and to members of the respected black community around the world) and finally black people "niggers" - this is outrageous. It makes me absolutely sick. It's also ignorant to call black people "niggers", as the Niger river, where the word "nigger" comes from I assume, makes up only a small territory of southernmost north-west part of Africa. I mean, you're all goddamn insulting a GIGANTIC population of hundreds of millions of people. This is both ignorant and Hitler-like. Please, stop it.

Now to the misogynistic posts - why? Why all the hate to half of the humanity, without whom the world wouldn't survive? Women are really important and they contribute a lot. I mean - A LOT. Maybe even more than men, who are primitive, who only want to sexually use and often abuse women. You men have almost a tribal behavior, like you just came out of a cave. And we, women, we are not some fucktoys, we want caring men, we want equal rights and opportunities. I'm an experienced Internet user and I've noticed that women are more prone to be hated than men. Look at the brave activist, Cora Segal - what's wrong about her? What did she do to all of you? I know that the nickname "trigglypuff" came from her somehow "triggered" attitude (who even names this stuff? this is both stupid and the

word "trigger" doesn't make sense in such sentence; also, she was just fighting for her goddamn rights for fuck's sake - she was insulted by the hate speech spread by that woman and she wasn't afraid to oppose, even if it meant screaming loudly) and Jigglypuff, a Pokemon that somehow looks similiar to her. With the hatred towards women, there also comes the hatred towards fat people. Again - WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU? I am myself quite chubby - I weigh 240 lbs. I am very polite, sensitive and caring for other people, I'd never, ever do something bad towards anyone. ANYONE. What did I do to you, I will ask? Nothing - you will answer. So why all the hate? And then you will remain silent.

Summing this all up - you, 4channers, are a hateful bunch. You're very similiar to redditors and 9gaggers - you're hateful and you generalize a lot. You call us SJW, which is an acronym for Social Justice Warrior. I would delete the word "warrior" though, as I'm very peaceful. I would just like you to... Stop spreading the hate. Stop being degenerated, wicked neckbeards (you see, I can insult too!) who will never, ever score a girlfriend (with that type of behavior). At some point of your pathetic life, you'll realize that you could stop masturbating to porn on the Internet, change your hateful attitude and get out of the basement you're dwelling. Maybe you could find a job then, maybe a girlfriend too, but only and ONLY when you change yourself. But unfortunately, you will realize that when it will be too late to change anything. And then you'll be sad that you didn't do anything, and y'all will cry till your death, till the end of your miserable lives. But then here I am, spreading the message, spreading the message that you can change anytime you want, you just NEED TO WANT. As for now, please, keep your hate speech off this site. Off the Internet. Off the world.

This, I love this. I'm glad to see someone else agrees

I just hate that bitch,it's more personal. So chill


Real Deep....deep.

>quite chubby.

Bitch you a hamplanet

>quite chubby
thats the only thing correct from this post

ask her why your sandwich isn't ready yet.

You're retarded. If you say that IQ is irrelevant you're just making your inital point of her being retarded irrelevant.

So retarded. What are you, 12?


You got destroyed OP. Better kill yourself

A lot do in America actually.

This! Cause it's actually true.

>Can't think how to slap down this weak ass comeback
>Thinks she's the retard


Shouldn't waste your time arguing with the cunts in the first place.