I'm about to become homeless in a couple weeks

I'm about to become homeless in a couple weeks.

How do I survive on the streets?

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fuck bitches get riches

Get a job you cunt

I'd be lying if I said that this didn't cross my mind.

That's the problem.

I got my bachelor in Business but I can't get a job yet.

I sent my CV to over 100 companies and so far no one hired me.

I got a few more job interviews coming soon, but buy then I'll lose my appartment becuse I haven't paid for it in over 3 months.

Well maybe because you have too big expectations? If you really replied to so many offers, and nobody was interested, you`re aiming way to high.

Sucks for you. I have a high school diploma and make 80k a year as a union electrician.

try to get government money.

be a nigger.

It's just math. The more arrows you fire, the more likely you are to hit the target. My expectations being so low is exactly why I'm trying so much.

Well, I'm thinking about taking coding lessons. Maybe then companies will fight for me instead. Unfortunately, this is gonna take at least a year for me.

invest whatever u have/or hopefully u have a laptop then invest on a cheap cell phone and a couple of portable power supplies... free wifi spots will be ur friend ~example: starbucks...McDonalds...etc~ make sure u store enough can meals use ur laptop for job searches dude sorry

sell whatever computer your on

Go to city and find a Catholic Church, ask if they need help. Clean yourself up, show yourself to be a good person. You might not get ahead doing it, but they might need your help and help you sustain

I'll take the note. Thanks. Any idea how to get food?

I already signed up for a cheap gym membership. There, I'll easily get clean water for drinking and plenty of free showers.

go to Pawtucket, good money tending the spaghetti trees, I've done it

Bullshit. I`m talking mc donalds level job, they are taking literally everyone. Granted, it`s shittiest job on earth besides maybe picking cotton, but beggars can`t be choosers. At the very least, it will give you some money and time to look for better job. You are applying for jobs which are way out of your league (ie. you don`t have high enough qualifications for them to consider you worthwile employee).
Basically, you have shit tier bachelor and expect for employers to fight for you.

Well, now that you mention trees, they reminded me of cherry and apple trees around parks where close to where I live.

Sadly, I bet the refugees took care of most of them.



OP is a faggot millenial who takes free handouts like student loans and expects returns without putting in any work. You literally have to be an idiot to let yourself become homeless.

and you know what I said about free wifi at starbucks and McDonalds... maybe u can be friendly with manager and apply while your there... no shame in being picky remember you only need a stepping stone to climb up.

noone is homeless in small towns, can buy a home for 20,000 in mine

Hmm, maybe you're right... but I checked 2 McDonalds, 1 Burder King, 1 Starbucks and a few KFCs... none of them hired and they said they were full.

And, yeah... perhaps I did aim too high. I honestly didn't expect it would be THIS HARD to get a job.

"Need job in order to get experience. Need experience in order to get a job." Perfect logic.

Feel the Bern faggot

If you've applied to 100 companies, it seems to me you sort of half assed it, flicked a cv and covering letter in, probably and copy and pasted over and over.

If you find one, try and do a specific cover letter and tailor your cv towards the role

Get a "simple" job like mcdonalds or work at the storage. With first pay check, if you don't have a shower at work place, buy cheapest hostel apartment. Don't spend money on alcohol, sweets and other stuff you don't need. After wards continue to give CV to companys for your degree.

Fast food places always hire. So do most big chain stores like Walmart or Home Depot. It will be a shitty job but a shitty job is better then no job.


suck dick. Big dicks, little dicks, nigger dicks, Asian dicks, old dicks, trap dicks. Just suck dicks.

It's than not then


Sorry man it sucks

What city do you live in? Maybe I can hire you, help you out

As a note gentlemen, I live in Austria. Not USA.


Why not just get a random shit job while you wait, shouldnt be too hard and some job experience will look -better- on your cv

Can't you stay with your parents? Grand parents? Just tell them it's for a few weeks while you get back on your feet

well, you are useless... austria is better off than most of europe

You're about to be homeless in austria? Pretend you're a Syrian refugee get free money, rape the most beautiful white women get free money and a medal for the rape

I find that hard to belive. I`ve worked at mc donalds and it`s really shitty job, some people quit after a week, so they are constantly looking for new people. I put up with it for three months, but thanks to that i almost immediately was able to find slightly better job, and so on. Sorry for being kind of a douchebag earlier, but man, there are jobs everywhere if you accept the fact that you quite often need to start at the bottom.

yes, good plan


Austria has government programs you won't be homeless OP and even if you are Austria is safe & clean as shit. I live in LA you'll probably live better than I do

As my old man said, if you can't take care of yourself then no one else can.

I'd rather say I WAS useless. My life was awful because of the drugs I took as a teen, but 4 years ago I went cold turkey. I changed a lot since then.

I won't give up any time soon. No matter what it takes.

And yeah, Austria is a great place. Would recommend.

Pay your fucking rent. Just do it.

Get a job, any job. Don't give me that bullshit about sending out a CV but not getting answers. Get a fucking job.

Failing that, get welfare. Beg or borrow from parents and friends if you have to. But pay your fucking rent because being homeless really sucks.

Heh. You poorfags are all the same.

I mostly agree with this. I bet Vienna is the safest city in the world to walk during the night.

Sorry if your life is difficult in LA.

send cv, cover personal info.. because Sup Forums...

One week of living on the street and you will be back on drugs, i guarantee it.


This... is one of the greatest things I've ever seen in my life.

Eat the other homeless people

If you live in Austria just hunt kangaroos and eat them.

can't you go and like out in the bush with the kangaroos and koalas?

I'd rather eat dog shit then go back to drugs. I guarantee it.

funiest shit I have read today, thanks

build a dungeon under your house and stay there for 24 years


Top kek



>Certifications = Job right guise?
Enjoy the streets shitheel

I know what you mean.

No one wanted to buy that house, so it has been given to the refugees instead. Like someone mentioned already, beggars can't be choosers.


Yeah, entry level jobs are a thing of the past. Shit sucks.

Become a pornstar / camwhore / jiggalo


partially unrelated, but... between oracle, bnp paribas or santander
three similiar offers, which one should I go with?




>Can't pay rent
>Throwing money away on preparing to be homeless

Nigger you deserve this.

Snort another line fo coke richfag. Hopefully that one kills you you miserable prick

Acquire trap aesthetics. Feminine fit, shaved body, long hair, the works.

Trust me. Someone will soon enough like your boipucci so much that he'll make you his personal bitch. After that, life goes on ez mode.

Actually, you should spend the last of your savings on a car, about 15% of Americans live In cars, and they're doing fine...

It's not going to work for him long term. Not by a long shot. Not even fucking at all.
He's fucked as shit in 5 years when the streets shit kick him in his 30s

This. My buddy has lived in his car from time to time. Just make sure you find a place to park and rest. Cops are enormous faggots about people minding their own business and sleeping in their cars.

I laughed hard, guys. Well done. *slow clap*

But does anyone here actually have experience of being homeless?

Except he's not buying a car, he put money into a gym membership for free water which he can get from anywhere.
Sink showers might suck but they're free

The problem is that I don't have a car. Don't have the money to buy one either.

And haven't they banned sleeping inside your cars in USA last year. I think I heard this in the news.

You have the money to waste on a shitty gym membership

Instead of surviving, have you given any thoughts to suicide?

I mean, you'll be a parasite. Hell, you probably already are. You appear incapable of getting your shit together. The world will be a better place without yet another fuckup who is begging people for money, boring them to death with another sob story about how they're just trying to get five bucks to get across town etc.

Instead of inflicting yourself on society, end it now. Jump off a high building. Tie a heavy rock to your foot and jump into a river with it. Go into the tub and open up your femoral artery. There's endless ways to go!

Because holy fuck, everyone hates the homeless.

Jack in the box offers 2 tacos for 99 cents. Lol Buy those for food in the meantime.

20 Euros a month. It's little.

Plus, for a very small fee, they can wash my clothes. At least I won't smell like a corpse when I'm outside.

you need first to realise most people here are edgy white middle-class kids

Oh, yeah. I definitely thought about it... but I failed.

I tried hanging myself when I was 17... and I'm so glad to be alive now!

Do you have ANY idea what it's like to die? It's NOT an option!

Right after kicking the chair... when I was hanging... about to lose my breath... I absolutely regretted it. I was so scared to die, man. You have no idea what it's like. I'm getting chills even now as I'm typing this.

I feel sorry for every person who commited suicide, because I know they REGRETTED it right before dying. This is what made me quit the drugs and focus on improving. Because then I realised that I have no other option but to improve myself.

No. I have my shit together. I'm not some junkie loser who can't make rent. I have salable skills.and I can cope with what the world throws at me.

I go out for a break in the plaza outside my office, and it's a neverending barrage of homless nigger. "Sir..sir...sir...sir...SIR..esscuse me sir, can i axe you a quession? I am tryin' to gets on mah feet, i need two dolla to get to da public aid buildin' and I just needs yo hep to get..." etc.

That's what's in store for OP. A degenerate junkie fuckhead who assaults decent people with their lame fucking son stories because they can't get their shit together, while everyone else can.

"Well, why can't you just give a little money? Are you so busy you can't spare five minutes to just talk to a human being?!" some lib cunt will whine,never taking into account the never ending carousel of homeless asshole that make a beeline because "man, lookit them nice shoes..i ain't got shoes like dat!" And of course they're not all black. There's the junkie asshole who hangs outside the commuter train station that has been trying to get to the suburbs for the past 10 years.

Fuck the homeless. We had a solution for them, but everyone had a liberal shitfit when paying them $20 to run head-first into a dumpster or beat up another homeless guy was deemed "cruel".

>Do you have ANY idea what it's like to die? It's NOT an option!

Literally billions of people beg to differ. Just make a deep slice on the inside of your left thigh near the joint, and slip off into death. Some people say the feeling is almost pleasant.

Better that than to be some asshole bothering your betters for money.

ask people for help. usually people will understand and help you. maybe they have some contacts and can help you finding a job. just ask

I finished high school, just got my diploma from a good university, been clean for 4 years, learned English fully, part French as well, paid rent all on my own for the last 2 years until recently, I'm picking up coding, got my driver license, learned to cook, and more.

Don't give this pathetic shit. I'm better than that. I know it.

Nothing you say has changed my mind, mate. You might want to try harder. Go on.

So you're about to be homeless in Austria. I know where this is going. Make us proud.

perhaps if you hadn't received your degree in something useless instead of going for tradecraft, you'd not be in this position.

Let's see the logic: The dumb bunny sez: "i'm going to get a degree in business. But to get a job that i would put the outdated and frankly useless information i learned to use, i have to have at least 5 years of practical experience first."

Whereas the smart bunny sez "I got my degree in programming, networking and information security, a growing, heavily funded field. I participated in (didn't even have to win) 2 capture the flags at local conventions, and got a job before I even graduated".

You were a dumb bunny.

Murder some rapefugees and take their home. Get on the news about how the govt is letting it's own people get fucked in favour of rapist murdering lazy niggers.

Just ask/blackmail your parents for NEETbucks. Worked for me.

Either that or get used to stealing canned beans and hopping rail cars OP. Such is the life for the king of hobo's. Might not be to bad actually.


Accounting is not useless. Well, not until 2025 when robots replace it, but buy then I'll learn coding.

But have you been paying attention to the world economy lately? Getting a full time job is almost impossible. And all the cheap jobs have been given to the refugees, which is why I can't get them.

If you Americans didn't have a hand in creating ISIS, I wouldn't be in this mud.


I lived homeless on the street for about two years, currently am living homeless in my car. I think you have a great thing going there with the gym membership for showers, also like other anons said keep a laptop, use free wifi to try and help you get an entry level job. Trust me I know how hard it is to get a good job i've been trying for years myself to get one best piece of advice I can give you is just keep filling out applications, sooner or later something will come along keep your head up. Make your resume to make you look like the ideal candidate for the exact position you are applying for so they would favor to you. Also find some hobbies to keep your mind occupied, personally I have been reading a lot and watching movies. It is hard to live on the actual street compared to in a car it blows when it rains, you have nowhere to store your items, gotta use your valuables in a backpack or bag and use it as a pillow to protect it, if you have no money try to find some sort of public assistance whether it be food stamps or a place who will help you out with like $40 a month. There is programs out there to help people like us, also if you go onto a city bus where i live (USA) you can have them take you to the next bus station where someone can take you from there to the nearest homeless shelter. Personally I have never stayed in the shelter but during winter time would be very smart to do. Also if it is very rainy where you are (is rainy in my state) try to keep a clean towel to wrap around your laptop or other electronics to keep it as safe as possible. I really don't have any good ideas as to what to do to sustain yourself but i feel your situation hang in there brother things will work out in the end have a blessed life and good luck.

>but buy then I'll learn coding

You might want to start with English first. Or perhaps stop being a stupid millennial fuckhead and stop using your phone for everything.

OP be the next Hitler.

^ other user being a douche because you said buy instead of by don't worry i know a lot of people where English isn't their first language, people will know what you mean when you say buy instead of by. I know idiots who use the wrong spelling of words and wrong context and they don't even realize it like we went to the same schools how can they be so uneducated haha

>Accounting is not useless.

It is when you can't get a job in the field.

Almost nobody gets a job in the field they went to school for, because school is largely useless. It teaches outdated concepts by professors who are all "published authors" who happen to use their own book in their classes, and are taught by people who haven't worked in the industry. You know that old saying: Those that can't, teach.

But why do people insist on school? Because THEY had to do it, so they have to justify their poor decision by insisting others do the same.

Grammar is suddently important over Sup Forums?

That's rich, something you and I aren't.

Thanks. I never tried food stamps in my life before, so I'll write this down.

Good luck to you too, man. I wish you the best.