"music theory takes the fun out of music"

>"music theory takes the fun out of music"

>knowing music theory makes you less creative

>all songs in [genre] sound the same

provide examples to prove otherwise

>knowing the theory principles behind your music makes it better

Focusing on Theory rather than just creating or listening attentively DOES in fact not only kill ones self expression, but also takes the pure enjoyment out of the enhanced vibrations that is music

Knowing music theory doesn't do these things, obsessing over it does.

>People who know theory don't focus on creating or listening intently.

>knowing how music works kills self expression
I don't understand what you are getting at

>the enhanced vibrations that is music


everyone go home.
this a widely held opinion amongst anyone who isn't autistic. If you haven't ever thought this, you're probably autistic and a music major

Is there something wrong with that?

read my post again.

I said "focusing on theory". All theory just stems from a feeling that is trying to be represented. You don't need to know Calculus in order to add and subtract, yah feel? It gets way too mental. If you are a musician you will understand this

I wish i were a enhanced vibration

>focus on theory over expression
But no one does this, so why bring it up?

>non-verbal music


People do that. Trust me. A lot of jazz musicians nowadays at Uni are judged on their technicality and not their expressiveness.

I guess it depends on the genre though, because Obviously ambient music is all expression usually

Why provide examples? It's not like you've never heard reggae before.

>I don't know what music theory means

I would argue that trying to heavily analyze WHY you enjoy something DOES take some of the magic out of it. Sometimes it's most liberating to just soak something in without thinking WHY it entices you so.

>at Uni
The whole point of uni is academics, of course they're more concerned with theory, how else are they going to be judged and marked objectively?

I know that for myself, hearing an add9 chord gives me the tingles. So when I hear it I know why I'm getting tingles theoretically, but I will never know emotionally why a 9th interval gives me tingles, so the magic is never truly gone.
Because I know the chord and the feeling it gives me I can use it myself when it feels right, rather than being a frog poster on Sup Forums mad that I can't write anything good.

>music theory

>music is expression