Can someone unique and flowery explain why you special snowflakes are so butthurt about a democratic result and are...

Can someone unique and flowery explain why you special snowflakes are so butthurt about a democratic result and are demanding another vote?

Europe is a shithole. The continent that brought you fascism, nazism, communism. Hitler, Napoleon, the French revolution. Mussolini. Legal incest. Legal bestiality. Angela Merkels miserable face. Unlimited Islam. Leaders like fucking Berlusconi and midget Frenchmen who wear platform shoes to make impotent speeches and are married to former slut models whose family members died of AIDS. Shitty queer techno-pop music worse than Japanese nuclear afflicted kawaii screamo bands. Capital cities packed with thieving gypsies and Africans trying to force you to wear their €25 euro bracelets. Train services where you can't sit down without some Albanian coming up to your table and trying to sell you a plastic watch from a Kinder egg for €25. Useless police who are afraid to touch an Islamic extremist with an AK-47 in case they get sued. Europe is pathetic. Europe is a joke. The idea of a pan European army is ridiculous. Turks fighting alongside Greeks will happen when hell freezes over. The idea of European countries co-operating and helping each other in some incredible union is really reflected by Germany's demands upon Greece and Europe's threats to the UK leading up to and after we voted.

The EU is pathetic. The EU is dead. If you've ever been to Brussels where all of your laws are decided you'll notice how many Muslims there are walking right over once meaningful war memorials, how many are sitting at the foot of Christian churches shaking tins at you as though you owe them and how many of them give you dirty looks because they hope to one day exterminate you in yet more attacks upon European and Western cities. I hope that Sweden and the Netherlands see sense and leave. I hope that Denmark votes out. I wish good luck to Greece.

Fuck Europe, its copious stupid laws and regulations and everything it stands for.

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I didn't read your essay but your circlejerk is this way

because liberal cucks

they are scared of Real progress and ignore history that show Frogs and Krauts cannont be trusted

the first step has been taken, a step on the path to glory and a step away from the 4th Reich

Nice blog

>one solid paragraph and a few extra lines
/fifth grade/ is -------------> this way.

Europe also brought you such wonderful things as modern technology, practically everything you use every day exept for stones and primitive swords.

Also the USA. Sorry for that.

The EU is cuckland, we know this already. It's all the young brainless idiots that think "My vote doesn't matter, I'm not gonna vote." That are now realizing that their vote does matter, and they should have gotten off their arses and gone to the polls in the first place. I hope they don't get the chance to vote again, they don't deserve it.


The arabs brought us algebra and numerals, look at their home lands now.

>ITT: Nations who are mad cuz they may not take part in european soccer cup


I guess they demand a revote because it was so close.

And why do you wish Greece good luck? It was their own fault and without the EU they'd been back to sticks and stones by now.

gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8

yes germany obviously didnt invent shit

they invented shitting on each others chests in gay clubs

i believe it's called 'kaviar' and costs about €50 per turd



I have the answer. There's no more men left in Germany/Sweden/France/Greece they are all lying in the streets crying as the Muslims invade and rape their women. Even Captain Sweden can't take on all those Muslims.


Two reasons:
1. Spoiled teenagers worried about Brexit threatening their precious holidays in Majorca
2. A desire on the part of leftist mutliculturalists to signal both to themselves and others who tolerant and cosmopolitan they are by opposing British nationalism and being against the nasty "racist", "xenophobic" people who oppose the EU.

haha captain sweden its so true

die, shithole
Making a narrative of history through an economic lens is a fascinating way to see motivations that trigger instinctual and emotional buttons in our irrational brains. Being taken advantage of whether by an imaginary market, or the manipulations of an imaginary market boils the blood, and instinctually draws lines by group: class, nation, race – hierarchy, proximity, consistency.

Read the wiki. There is no Global Cabal; only people trying to make Capitalism work. Because Capitalism doesn't work on its own. It takes rules and agreements.

And when the greedy throw out the rules, the system fails everyone.

Pride march being livestreamed with comments, GO GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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