What makes you the person you're today?

What makes you the person you're today?



drugs,jews,Sup Forums and whores

the internet, drugs and my father.

(in that order)

Don't give b so much credit the jews are responsible for this too

The migrant crisis, heartbreak, betrayal

Drugs and the Universe


Being in my father's shadow, not having money while growing up, being moved to another school where i didn't settle in cause i was poor, karate, meeting the weiderst and most disturbing person who ruined me and another friend forever with his obscene nature, betrayal, poor life choices based on caring for my family's well being.

Crappy childhood, a psychotic mother and unfortunate gang violence i participated in

My family's power and money

Genetics, an education, and morality

Not responding to mobbing and physical abuse in school because I didn't want to get in more trouble.
For some reason my teachers thought that I was the bully and when I fought back once I nearly got thrown out of school.
The teacher responsible for my class used to insult me in class, calling me scum and that if he was in charge, I wouldn't be eligible for education, etc..

Got depressed and didn't want to go to school anymore, but instead of supporting me, my parents started abusing me psychologically.
At the worst point, I had to sit there in the living room for hours while they told me how shit my life was going to be, that I should stop going to school and just apply for a job at McD or go sleep under a bridge.
They never thought that it was somehow their doing that I wasn't really doing fine. Usually they had reasons like "he's on drugs" or "he's gay".

Then finding a gf when I was already a NEET made me feel better at the time, but it turned out that she was bipolar, which made stuff even worse and eventually she left me. This completely took away my motivation.

Started drinking and playing MMOs all day, then found Sup Forums.
Lost the motivation to even play games and now I just sit around all day.

I hope that was detailed enough.

Vigorous, regular masturbation.

Depression and fear which would cripple most people.

I feel ya bro. I come from money too. Blessing and curse.


Years of wretched child abuse.
More years of poverty, and my mother's stark raving lunacy (you can only take so many shots to the head before that bell just stays rung...)
Kind of a twisted fuck now. Very good at passing for normal.
Down sides: stunted emotional response, have to fake most relationships, study reactions, spend a lot of time calculating what the appropriate reaction should be. Up sides: fearless, smart enough to pull off the fakery convincingly, financially successful.

Yeah man...
what's your story?

come from money. Family a wreck. Got into a lot of drugs as a teen. Eventually got my shit together (mostly). Now getting a doctorate. Yours?

constant adversity, rejection, being a complete autist

If you are going to use punctuation like commas, you should also end with a period or a question mark or something. Use the shit or don't use it. But not both.

Social isolation and religious indoctrination for the first 14 years of my life


Come from money.
Family's ok i guess.
Used to be fat and a social outcast.
Got that shit together but still feel empty.
Now I live in my father's shadow since he's also a lawyer, and a great one.
I'm doing 2 part time masters at the same time, and started getting my first cases on my own.
On the outside people would say I have a great life.
I just find it tasteless you know?

Chronic masturbation

Damn user, I hope things turn out for the better soon.

says the guy who uses but at the beginning of a sentence.