Rekt thread get in here

Rekt thread get in here

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That's it.

I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.

Here's a (you)





Stop being a pussy, no one wants to read your shit. We all have went through death and this is a place to joke about it(asshole it helps the grieving process). Go fuck yourself summer fag

it's a pasta you fucking nigger

Here's a (you)

postin old shit. and i dont care

The sad thing is that you're calling them a summerfag.

what is that flying out towards the top right corner? is that a bed?

and more

It's part of an AC unit.

going full autistic dump now


I'd see this kind of shit everyday in Half Life 2


At this point user most people on here for the summer probably never saw old rekt stuff.

Asian drivers


i got plenty

> join me

Is "due process" anywhere to be seen here? Isn't this the kind of shit that Snowden made public? The obvious war-crime evidence?

Coon launching

good question


Thats sand niggers being sand niggers to sand niggers

Hardcore strawberry and a hammer

nice bait faggot

you bastard

And still you took it. You knew it was bait, and you ate it anyway.

>Damn my Uber got here way to fucking fast.


I don't give a fuck who you are or where you live. You can count on me to be there to bring your fucking life to a hellish end. I'll put you in so much fucking pain that it'll make Jesus being nailed to a cross in the desert look like a fucking back massage on a tropical island. I don't give a fuck how many reps you have or how tough you are IRL, how well you can fight, or how many fucking guns you own to protect yourself. I'll fucking show up at your house when you aren't home. I'll turn all the lights on in your house, leave all the water running, open your fridge door and not close it, and turn your gas stove burners on and let them waste gas. You're going to start stressing the fuck out, your blood pressure will triple, and you'll have a fucking heart attack. You'll go to the hospital for a heart operation, and the last thing you'll see when you're being put under in the operating room is me hovering above you, dressed like a doctor. When you wake up after being operated on, wondering what ticking time bomb is in your chest waiting to go off. You'll recover fully from your heart surgery. And when you walk out the front door of the hospital to go home I'll run you over with my fucking car out of no where and kill you. I just want you to know how easily I could fucking destroy your pathetic excuse of a life, but how I'd rather go to a great fucking length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living, breathing fucking hell. It's too late to save yourself, but don't bother committing suicide either... I'll fucking resuscitate you and kill you again myself you bitch-faced faggot. Welcome to hell, population: you.

Due process happened when the enemy joined together and went to the front lines. Standing around in sight of the enemy doesn't allow a "court recess". They get shot and killed.

Machine gun piss, he really emptied the clip


Have you seen uber passenger's get RekT by the drivers. It's a real thing going on.

dunno what this shit is





˙ʎɐp ʎɹǝʌǝ sʇɹıɥs ɹnoʎ uo uıɐʇs noʎ ʇɐɥʇ sǝoʇǝǝɥɔ ǝsoɥʇ ƃuıʇɐǝ dǝǝʞ 'ʞɔnɟ pıdnʇs ˙ɥʇɐǝp ʇnoqɐ ʎןɹǝdoɹd ʇɔɐ ʎןןɐnʇɔɐ puɐ dn ʍoɹƃ ƃuıʞɔnɟ ʇsnɾ 'ʎןsnoıɹǝs ˙sʞɔnɟ ʞɔıs ˙do 'sɹnoʎ ɟo ǝɔɐɟ ǝןoɥssɐ ʇɐɥʇ uo ʇıɥ pooƃ ɐ ʇǝƃ uɐɔ ʇsıɟ ʎɯ ʇɐɥʇ os uǝǝɹɔs ɹǝʇndɯoɔ ʎɯ ɥɔund ƃuıʞɔnɟ uɐɔ ı ɥsıʍ ı ʇɐɥʇ ʍou ʇɥƃıɹ ʎɹƃuɐ os ɯ,ı sɹǝʞɔnɟ pıdnʇs ¿sıɥʇ ʇnoqɐ ʎuunɟ puıɟ ʎןןɐǝɹ sʎnƃ noʎ op ʇɐɥʍ ʎןsnoıɹǝs ¿sǝuo pǝʌoן ɹıǝɥʇ ɟo sdıɥspɹɐɥ ɥƃnoɹɥʇ oƃ ǝןdoǝd ʇɐɥʇ ɥƃnouǝ pɐq ʇı ʇ,usı ˙sǝıןןnq ƃuıʇsnƃsıp ɥɔns ןןɐ ǝɹɐ noʎ ˙ǝıp uʍouʞ ǝʌ,ʎǝɥʇ ǝuoǝɯos ǝʌɐɥ ʎǝɥʇ uǝɥʍ ʍou ןןıʇ uǝɥʇ ɯoɹɟ ɥƃnoɹɥʇ ǝuoƃ ǝʌɐɥ ǝןdoǝd ʇɐɥʍ ɟo ɟןɐɥ ʇnoqɐ ʍouʞ uǝʌǝ ʇ,uop noʎ ʇǝq ı ¿ʇsıxǝ uǝʌǝ sʎnƃ noʎ ǝʞıן ǝןdoǝd op ʎɥʍ ʎןʇsǝuoɥ ˙ʇuǝsǝɹd noʎ ɹoıʌɐɥǝq ɥɔns ɥʇıʍ pןɹoʍ ǝɥʇ oʇ ןnɟǝsn ǝq ɹǝʌǝu pןnoʍ noʎ ˙ʞɐǝʍ ƃuıʞɔnɟ ןןɐ ǝɹɐ noʎ 'sʎnƃ noʎ ןןǝʇ ǝɯ ʇǝן ¿sıɥʇ ǝʞıן sƃuıɥʇ ʇnoqɐ ǝןoɥssɐ uɐ ǝq oʇ pɹɐoqǝƃɐɯı uɐ uo ǝɯoɔ oʇ ʇuɐʍ noʎ os ˙ƃuıɥʇou ƃuıʞɔnɟ sǝop ʇıɥs sıɥʇ ƃuıop 'sʞɔnɟ ʞɔıs ˙ƃuıɥʇou s,ʇı ǝʞıן sƃuıɥʇ pɐǝp ƃuıʇsod ǝɹɐ noʎ ǝʞıן sʞɔnɟssɐ ʎzɐɹɔ ʇǝʎ 'dn pǝʞɔnɟ ʎɹǝʌ sı sıɥʇ ¿sʎnƃ noʎ ɥʇıʍ ƃuoɹʍ sı ʞɔnɟ ןɐnʇɔɐ ǝɥʇ ʇɐɥʍ ¿sıɥʇ ǝʞıן sƃuıɥʇ ǝןqıɹɹoɥ ʇnoqɐ ǝʞoɾ ʇsnɾ uɐɔ noʎ ʇɐɥʇ ɹǝʇndɯoɔ ɐ uo sǝɯoɥ ɯɹɐʍ ɹnoʎ uı ʇıs oʇ ʇǝƃ noʎ ǝsnɐɔǝq ʞuıɥʇ noʎ ¿ʇnoqɐ ǝʞoɾ oʇ ƃuıɥʇǝɯos sǝıpoq pɐǝp puıɟ noʎ ǝʞıן ǝןdoǝd op ʎɥʍ ˙˙˙uıƃǝq oʇ ʞɔnɟ ǝɥʇ ǝɹǝɥʍ ʍouʞ uǝʌǝ ʇ,uop ı

˙ʇı s,ʇɐɥʇ

oh god lol, those reactions


this is just so satisfying to watch

Bump to bump

What to do When your done with your loli.

Kid set fire to camera guys Airsoft club/group/guild? patch on a youtube vid or something.

I can do you one better

Sometimes you're in a hurry ok?

ye olde

You misunderstood "get sucked by a cougar"


Do it man show me some shit that will turn me inside out lol

>Is "due process" anywhere to be seen here?

due process is only for white people who live in the US and can afford lawyers.



Here's a (you)

This shit made me cringe

I remember this security guard they were even trying to kill him



Yur so edgy, 2edgy4me

Thank you based Darien


sad but true

That's a sloth, tho...

Are you really this stupid?

thank you, kind sir


This shit need my help, i will protect all my sister's, but first let me take a selfie!

You have COMPLETELY misunderstood the idea of Sup Forums. Sup Forums is not "hey guys take a look at this funny link ha ha." Sup Forums is not Facebook's whiteknighting. Sup Forums is not Reddit, Tumblr or Sup Forums is a place for people to be monsters. Disturbing, cold, heedless monsters that they really are. Tsunami kills people in Asia and we laugh. Psychotic emo fulfills her sick desires with her cat and we laugh. A man rapes his grandchildren, we laugh and demand more. Suicide, foul play, genocide- we laugh. Racism, sexism, discrimination, xenophobia, rape and unfounded wrath- we laugh.

We are cruel; we do not forgive; we do not forget; we are the real face of the internet.

is the reality what we want see, if you live in a movie, i really sorry for you, ican't imag how you gona face it when it reach you


Sup Forumsro we are the main source of power. We make the world spin. And we may laugh and bust nuts to loli, but we are not monsters we are just misunderstood , all.

anybody else here?

People like this don't deserve to live

Usa cars


McDonald's topkek

Polar fucking madness

you better back it up! kek

WTF is going on with him?
Electrocuted by the rails maybe?, or what?

You realize that everyone enjoys violence whether it be fictional or not. It's human nature. Gladiators, nigga

what a god. This mother fucker earned his life


you motherfucker..

stick your boner in it

if you can't see the gas then there is no hope for you

WOW that man was REKT



I agree...the person who has to clean that didnt deserve it


Holy shit, story?