Tell me Sup Forums

Tell me Sup Forums
What's the meaning of life?



There is no meaning of life. Except that. Nothing matters. So find something you are interested in and makes you happy and focus all of your energy on that.


lol I meant to write accept that not except that


Catch all the pokemons

Long answer: for me to know and you not to.

Short answer: life=everything

Sex, Drugs, and Dubs

Pollen floating in the air

Life means everything

To breed an army of Autists to defend my Chan from le reddit army xD

There isn't one. Meaning is a human invention, not an inherent property of reality.

There is no meaning that can be discerned by the limited human mind, and may not even exist

Most people, upon thinking this, get broody and emo as shit and whine "HUR THE WERLD HAZ NO MEANING EVERYTHING IS SHIT LIFE IS PAIN BOOHOOHOO" because they are pathetic.

Life is a canvas that can be seized, though I would say some have seized it a bit too much. We can't all be important, but together, we are Humanity: quite possibly the only being of higher intelligence in existence in all of conception (until "First Contact" is made with extraterrestrial life, just because mathematically it is possible other higher intelligent beings exist simply based on the universe being infinite, then surely there could be some kind of Entity within the infinite that we could all agree with as having God-Like qualities of world creation and life making? Again, saying something that exists just because of infinity is a very messy kind of proposition.) This may well be the only planet that is possible of sustaining thriving eco-systems, and even if there are other planets out there that could or do have life, there is no human way to reach them for thousands or millions of years (unless a wormhole can be developed, but that's even suggesting such a thing is actually realistic possibility.)

There is only one thing that we can prove exists - Earth. People will go on about this being a simulation or a mental state or something, but that is just to give them an excuse to not care about anything or to solve issues now for generations later because "hur dur nufings weal"

This is the only chance you have to experience the most amazing thing anyone could ever imagine: Life. Yes, it kind of sucks, but you get to experience it. Savor the experience of being alive as you would a perfect steak.

Some of us don't much care for steak.

There isn't a purpose. Its up "you".

also life isn't real because neither is death.

your sense of "self" is an illusion created in your brain.

there is only one "self" ... and its the universe

i am you and you are me

and we will exist as cosmic consciousnesses forever :)

i alredi wark in a bookshup!

>Sup Forums

>Obtain and Use Energy
>Respond to the Environment

you must create your own meaning for your life you retarded faggot

Whatever you give it.
- God
