Just found out my 11 year old daughter is watching porn how do i handle this

Just found out my 11 year old daughter is watching porn how do i handle this

you join

tell her shes only allowed to watch it with you


Seriously though, track the activity to the guy that got her started on it.

Don't involve the police in your ... work.


That's around the same time I figured it out and I wouldn't say it made me any more of a deviant that I would've been otherwise. She's probably just curious.

This. Also, parental controls. Consider not banning pornsites/social media at the start but just monitor activity. Collect data and act accordingly.

real talk just let her. so long as her personality doesn't change its all normal. kids watch porn, can't stop them

Op here her web history is full of it

Step 1: kIll yourself

what's she watching?
>inb4 blacked

Ty for new phome background op

mostly regular porn some cartoon

There really is only one thing you can do in this situatuon.

Fuck her. It's better she learns the ropes from family than some random stranger that can hurt her.

Weeb porn?

Get the fuck off of Sup Forums and parent your kid

Simpsons frozen and others then hardcore regular

Show us her porn history

Tell her no more Simpsons porn, the rest is fine

Same here. Started probably around 10 or 11. I don't think it made much of an impact on my life either.

I can't say how you should handle it, OP, but you should know that it's not incredibly strange for someone that age to start trying to learn about the things adults have been hiding.

do it

do it nigger

Leave her the fuck alone. If she wants to experiment and isn't trying it actually have sex with other kids her age then it's fine

Monitor it, don't confront yet.

You'll embarrass her if you do confront her, and it'll leave her with a negative view of it all.

If the kid isn't retarded she'll figure out a way to get her fix of porn, even with parental controls and OP actively trying to prevent it.

I'd say just let it be. The porn isn't really going to hurt her. She already knows the truth anyways. Just make sure to encourage healthy sexual choices when she gets a bit older and starts trying to find a pistol for her holster. The only real problem is her figuring out how to fuck without understanding the risks and dangers associated with it, that should be what you're worried about.