Not a single good white male character

>Not a single good white male character


Kimmy Schmidt?


The tutor in the beginning was ok.
The construction guy
You're right though, it is high sjw trash but I need my Tina fey and ever since 30 Rock finished I miss jack donnagy


This has nothing to do with Serious Joke Wizards.

what about the classic good looks, good guy army vet?

the construction worker whose dating titus

they're adorable together

Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenoooooooooo NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooir

>Waaah this show needs some one who represents me
You are literally pulling an SJW

more like unmemeable memey meme
Shit meme show for retards, fucking DROPPED

What about the guy who kept all the women in his bunker, he seems pretty cool


I never noticed that before BECAUSE IT'S SO FUCKING FUNNY

Get a grip, OP

their sjw episode was fucking perfect

That plastic surgeon guy was a good person too

I don't know. Reverend Jon Hamm was pretty based.

Eh, no, fuck off.

go to Sup Forums right now, go in any of the new battlefield threads (there are about 30) and find 1 good white male in those.

I want you to look at this post and wonder if an intelligent person could have made it.


You weaken the broader argument when you go after a show with diversity that works organically and leads to good content.

It's not taking a project and injecting diversity for diversity's sake. Titus's character would be awful as a white or hispanic, Dong's ethnicity is an integral part of his character, even Titus's boyfriend's casting has thought behind it. His fucking mom automatically lamenting into Satan worship was one of the funniest scenes ever in a sitcom

No one in this show looks good, they're all fools


I hope they introduce some science fiction elements next season.

oh look, another obnoxious faggot with an opinion that doesn't matter. Try going to or

That pretty much sums it up

David Cross' character seems like a nice guy. I know white =/= jewish, but whatever.

Ellie Kemper is so cute i wanna put my junk in her trunk

why is OP seeking a white male, this isn't a dating service

smartest post i've ever seen on this board
does everyone secretly think like this and all the Sup Forums shit is a meme?

>make fun of SJWs being offended at Titus playing a Geisha
>one SJW gets offended at her own prejudice and disappears

>Tina Fey's character goes on about how "problematic" Disney movies are
>Krakowski loses it over the name "Redskins"

Pick a side already

what about that guy with the beard? He seemed nice

>I guess if our gay pope approves, then who am I to question our gay pope.
>Titus moping outside with a box of dead butterflies he didnt get to release
best episode.

There are no sides to pick

They make fun of the always offended then become the always offended.

Maybe it isnt preachy and the characters were just being neurotic.

>As a straight white male, I am absolutely sick of being oppressed

>it's a political 30 Rock episode
>all conservative characters are racist, classist caricatures
>the only liberal "criticism" is Liz being unable to articulate her points

The only thing tainting the show

I know rite?
How dare they not be inclusive of white males!

I want Ellie Kemper's big saggy boobs in my face.


Oh fuck, I'd love that too. She'd be welcome to sit on my face as well.

sh'es preggers now so they are going to get bigger

Jane Krakowski looks awesome in this series too.

i miss 30 rock


>not a single good character
This show is awful. She's filling the same niches as 30 Rock on one tenth of the budget and she's gotten so comfortable in her "style" that her jokes all fall flat, only to resurrect to make sure you heard them.
>30 Rock and Kimmy Schmidt
>Black character with the same first name as his actor who's selfish and detached?
>Jenna what'sherfuckingname playing a waspy-but-useless detached white woman who thinks she's great despite being absolutely useless?
>main character who survives on being optimistic and quirky, representing the female audience?

If you're going to make a feminist show, at least make it good.

I do too

Fucking retard.

at first I thought there was hope after the Murasaki episode but then came all the shit about triggers and the Redskins and whatnot. now I'm thinking the Murasaki episode was just retaliation for SJWs' reaction to Margaret Cho's character at the Golden Globes and that Fey clearly still wants the millennial audience and will still pander to them endlessly

Ah, my lady-show brings all the trolls to the yard...

we all know western women are the real oppressed ones

>optimistic and quirky
Kenneth wasn't the main character, user.