Trey Parker from South Park has literally been BLACK'D and wife son'd

>Trey Parker from South Park has literally been BLACK'D and wife son'd

Cuck with a guilty conscience.
Same with Bill Burr.

Who the fuck names these people.

trey has been a JUSTguy all his life. I think if he ever unJUSTed his work would turn to shit.
>inb4 it's already shit

This is the sort of shit I'd expect from Matt. Trey is the actually talented one.

How sad is it to be that rich and famous, and yet be stuck with some black dude's used trash?


Talent and justness don't share a direct relationship.

Is her name really Boogie?

>tfw Boogie


it's true
i mean take a look at the life of tesla, guy was a fucking genius but his life was pretty JUST
same for van gogh

Why do I care again? Oh wait I don't because I'm not a backwards racist fucking 12 year old

they're gay

What was bad about Tesla life? He just wasnt rich because he didnt sell out

See? Your memes can come true.

non-white kids look ugly

He was married to a Japanese woman wasn't he? So what happened there? Maybe he's like Lucas and sterile.

Exactly, he hand no accomplices or close friends and women had no interest in him because of his status as a maverick, which at the time was highly distasteful.

He was pretty wealthy until later in life, and he had all his property confiscated by the American gestapo to fuel the technological boom overseen by the US military in the 1940s and 50s.

All that crazy shit about him was made up after the fact by J Edgar Hoover.

Lol she's still a person you aspie

oh no i didn't mean he was bad in anyway, but he got dicked by couples people and end up dying alone and broke so it is pretty JUST
kinda like brandon

But relationship-wise, she's used.

Maybe you have low standards, and that's probably best for you since you don't have much going on, but this guy is, at the very least, wealthy. He could get a better quality woman, one that isn't a chewed wad of gum.

What are thet going to name a kid?
Whoopie Parker?

Maybe he is infertile.

Well he died alone and broke. He was also in love with a pigeon.

>implying you wouldn't

sound like one of us :^)

>mfw the new baby turns up black

ITT: Virgins that haven't dated enough to realize yeah, unfortunately women have a sexual history, oh well

I don't know how you can type something like this without feeling like a pathetic loser honestly.

Pigeon shit is made up, see:

he was rich as fuck you uneducated swine
he spent so much on his inventions that he burned most of his money, but that's other story

>All that crazy shit about him was made up after the fact by J Edgar Hoover

So, he couldnt really make wireless free energy?


w e w

Not all women. Just the ones you've gotten cucked by.

Post this shit on Facebook I dare you

So a triple cuck.

>Wife's son = 1
>Wife's son is black and you have to take care of it = 2
>Your new son is also black = 3

Some people marry out of love.

No he could, I meant the stuff about him being a kissless autistic faggot who was actually in love with birds (the avian kind).

pic related is Parker's child, that kid was hers from a previous relationship.

> women with children from multiple partners


if i break up with a girl and she sleeps with a guy, does that make me a cuck?

Someone hide the Silverware!!

He literally wrote about the pigeon in his diary.

hispanics getting CAUC'D.

Yeah one who wanted a negro cumming inside her until she was pregnant, then carried it to term, then raised as a solemn reminder to herself and everyone else she ever dated to know what she used to be. NO THANKS

>if i break up with a girl and she sleeps with a guy,
then you get back with her and she's pregnaqnt with someone elses child, then you're a cuck

the diary that was confiscated and later published by the CIA

good luck finding le fair virgin maiden of fantasy bro

Black women are more loyal, better at sex and less annoying. Nothing wrong with dating them and it also pisses black guys off

Yeah, but dating a single mom is pathetic no matter how you look at it.

That was published posthumously, after being illegally confiscated by the Alien Property Office under direct orders from J. Edgar Hoover.

They're gonna destroy Luke's shed in VIII.


> black women
> less annoying

she's hot tho


Oh wow are you telling me the tryhard, edgy LIBERTARIANS™ were actually cucks all along?

you dont say
im so shocked

>worth 350 million
>does what he loves for a living
>critically well received
>multiple Tony's, emmy's and Grammy's

How's your life going?

>not fucking teenagers


>falling in love with a used up woman
Eh. That's just sad. If you marry someone with kids, and it's your first marriage, you're a loser.

Trey is the one who works hundred hour weeks doing all the writing and directing while the kike sits on his ass dealing with the administrative side of production and occasionally writing music in exchange for 50% of the money. This guy is a cuck in every aspect of his life

>better at sex

Have you ever seen a horse's vagina? That black, puffy swollen thing that sticks out? Because that's exactly what a black woman's cunt looks like

You have to go back.

Everyone is used, you virgin.

>but dating a single mom is pathetic no matter how you look at it.
milfs with kid who are in college age is totally fine mate

You know that mouth does wonders on boners.

>le used goods meme

I thought this was just a joke but some of you guys actually believe that. Life isn't a fairy tale.

>college age MILF
negro detected

>less annoying

wew boy


who cares what people think on that piece of shit

You know that the average age an american woman loses her virginity is still 17 right? If you live in an uncucked state fucking a 17 year old is totally legal.

i guess my wording was kinda bad, i mean the kid is in college age

All the more reason not to take on someone else's burden. Feel free to be a real man though.

That is borderline GILF hunting bro. Are you from the UK by any chance?

So whats the implication here?

In Fedora Fantasy Land you court a virtuous, virginal 17 year old blonde beauty you meet on Sup Forums or something? Or she sees you out for a stroll with your katana and jumps her white picket fence into your toned aryan arms?

Well yeah, he's an edgy libertarian. What were you expecting?

Cuck pls

Pick her up near her school. Not kidding.

It ain't a crime.

this guy gets it

Why are redditors so delusional? Why do you guys obsess so much over Tesla. You believe literally every imperfection of his was propaganda from someone whether it be Edison, Hoover, etc. Why do you worship this man as Jesus?

>Died penniless and alone
>Had no friend or accomplices
>Fell in love with a pigeon

college kid is around 18-22, if the mom have them in mid 20 then she isn't that old
maybe 50 max

>He was also in love with a pigeon.
Yes, and?

>Boogie Tilmon


le tinfoil conspiracy strawman is reddit as fuck.

Why are you refusing to let this go?

Yeah, it kills them.


which one has autism?

Not him, but I have. Teen girls are also trash.

at least Treys wife is a pretty black women, shes a moneky

I'm in the second half of my 20s. Anyone who wants a virgin better still be in high school, because if your dating people your age you are going to see diminishing returns on virgins as you get older, I don't know any atm. Also, some of these older girls have had a kid, and there's going to be more of these girls as I get older. Manage your expectations, if you have a sex life chances are you will fuck a mother before you hit 35.

the one on the far right

actually true as well

If you want to have sex with teenage girls you are literally a FUCKING WHITE MALE

>live in a city
>download tinder
>use it near a catholic school

I hope I have been of some assistance.

>mfw I am a white male
>mfw 14 is the age of consent in my country

Enjoy your used up sluts, ameriburgers.

>catholic girls