Women are stupid and I don't respect them

Women are stupid and I don't respect them

There's already a thread for this you thick cunt.

It's reached the bump limit and will 404 soon, or don't you know how Sup Forums works?
fucking newfags, I swear

Yeah sitting in jail for 3 years and covering her medical bill is totally worth it.... Guarantee that guy's penis is tiny

Only guys with tiny penises have big enough balls to hit women?

Am I the only one who thinks this is Alan from SeriousGaming? It looks so oddly familiar to him.

Only guys with tiny penises get this worked up over a bitch. He let anger get the best of him

He didn't asphyxiate her at all. 1/10.

> Only guys with tiny penises get this worked up over a bitch

Fuck logic!

Not true. I have a massive cock, and have no problem smacking a bitch who deserves it. Equality and all.

That's right, I just have sex with them.

>Women are stupid and I don't respect them

you are stupid and I dont respect you.

No thread is needed. This is Sup Forums, the special home of misogynistic virgins with sore butts. All threads are relevant.

In most cases yes. Guess I'm the only one here smart enough to think shit out before I end up ruining my life

Show me your genitals.

Equality am i right

Sounds like you're too scared of getting cucked by the legal system.
Protip: a bitch can drive you crazy regardless of your dick size. i'll bet some eunuchs have hit a bitch

Your Genitals.


But in that webm she was just talking shit didn't even hit him. Yes I'm totally a cuck because I don't want to spend years in jail over a slut.....

Your genitals