What was Sup Forums's thoughts on Claptain America Civil War?

What was Sup Forums's thoughts on Claptain America Civil War?


I'm probably going to get a lot of shit for this but personally I think it's the best marvel film yet. At least it's now my favourite.

Yeah I every film I just saw becomes my favorite for a while too.

you just described the motivation of every superhero ever

It's hilarious, but he was right in the end lol.

Right as in, someone was setting him up, not as in heroes should be above the law...

I enjoyed it.

A little over long, but the final fight between Cap and Tony and Bucky was amazing.

Plus Spider-Man was literally perfect. Holy shit where did they get this kid?

The mad is just dripping off of you lmao.

He looks like the camel lady.

Marisa Tomei was great

Marvel logo
Shaky camera fight
mark twain speech
>usa usa
Hey bruh, move your sit
Bucky violently punching Howard's face

I honestly thought i was going to enjoy it more than i did.
Marvel has been (rightly) criticised for weak villains for years now, and they fucking produce Zemo who is literally nothing but a plot device..

The fights are pretty fucking great though, but all the rest is just pretty much shit.. Not BvS levels of shit, but its Thor levels of who cares.

So this does not really inspire confidence in Infinity War..

Dont you have prayers to go to Britbongistan?

Legit 9/10 movie

>unusually attractive aunt
Minor keks

I actually thought Zemo was one of the better villains, since he actually succeeds at his goal of ripping the Avengers apart (toppling the empire from within).

Iron Man was the villain.

It's not directed by Snyder so it's trash

I have to agree with this, until I see Dr. Strange at least.
Spider-Man was great.

Pretty good but not as good as Winter Soldier. It sets up Infinity War pretty well though.

It's watchable, solid 7.5/10 and Spiderman and Black Panther were great additions. Overall it fell a little short for me as I felt it should have culminated in a death or at least had a crazy reveal like Pepper Potts in an Iron suit (missed opportunities) but it was good capeshit.

It's not outright underwhelming like Batman V Superman, but I'm sure people will over analyze the shit out of it like TFA with questions like "how does Iron Man Poop" and "What does Cap prefer for breakfast, pancakes or waffles?"

Fucking Sup Forums retards.

Fucking Hans Gruber failed spectacurlarly and is probably one of the best villains in movie history. Its not the destination, its the journey, as they say. And Zemo fucking stinks on ice.

Shut up, retard.

not him, but ironman was the villain..

But Iron Man saved everyone.

Villains are antagonists but not all antagonists are villains. Iron man was an antagonist.

>Claptain America

You said it, Americans will clap at this trash

Too many quips.

The only thing i liked about it was the,spiderman cameo and i hope he gets his own movie the rest was just trash

Black Panther was baller as fuck. Be racist or respond with BLACKED or whatever but he was awesome.

Ya he was cool after he dropped the whole vengence thing kind of hope to see him again was cool to have the ant again as well

>Marvel has been (rightly) criticised for weak villains
idk why is that. X-men has a lot interresting villain. Spider man some too.

>tony's oscar face of grief and fury after he finds out WS choked out his mom and smashed his dad's face open and Cap tries to calm him down
>That hand on Bucky's back and all the subtle gestures Cap does because he's happy to have his best friend back
>Tony never telling Spiderman to fight and instead wanting him to be support, tells him to sit it out when he gets hurt and stay out of the rest
>Tony shooting Falcon without a word when he tries to help after Rhodes gets shot down
>Tony's increasing PTSD and poor mental health due to the fact that he's the only non-soldier/warrior/god in the Avengers
>Tony becoming less and less quippy as time goes on

Shit was good.

My personal nitpicks:

1) Crossbones dying early. We were given almost no explanation he's has been up to between TWS to now. I suppose the two newspaper articles that the camera glanced at were good enough and the movie was packed enough as it is. I just couldn't help but give out a disappointed sigh when he died, especially since I personally thought he had a badass look and I would've loved to see more of him in action.

2) While watching Ant-Man being there was a treat, I can't help but feel that his "motivation" for joining Captain America both somewhat counter-intuitive of what he went through and also undoes his character arc of redemption in his solo movie from last year, especially since he did it all to be straight and be with his daughter. Joining Cap's camp potentially jeopardizes all of that. Also it would've been nice if we were shown a short scene that on how Scott was recruited (like with Spider-Man) and brought over to Germany in order to "bridge" together the very last scene of Ant-Man to this movie

3) Probably my biggest nitpick but everybody kept saying how epic the big airport scene is, well it really is, except that in addition to the action the showdown between the two camps, it was implied that that fight had a lot of emotional weight to it, that stakes were involved and ultimately it was a fight based on differences in ideals in regards to the Accords. Upon actually watching it, I got none of that vibe, it just felt like a big playground game with humor involved. Yeah everybody cheered and laughed, myself included, but it was kind of disappointing how they didn't stick to the "assumed" tone.

4) To add more to my personal nitpick on the airport scene, I noticed Vision was probably the least active out of all of the combatants. I guess the writers couldn't write a version of the fight where he takes on a more active role since he's basically a god. But couldn't Scarlet Witch keep him in check matchup wise?

Yeah. They kind of fucked up in introducing him so early, in my mind. Vision could kill every single one of the heroes in the blink of an eye except for Scarlet Witch (because plot), but he doesn't because the movie needs to happen.

I loved it.

>It sets up Infinity War pretty well though.
How? It has nothing to do with Infinity War.

On point 4 didnt scarlette witch just finish burying him into a hole in the ground?

To add on to my first post (since I couldn't include it due to character limit), I wish Marvel learns to stop being afraid of maintaining a serious tone in future MCU movies (when it warrants it) because it continues to ruin what should be tense and dramatic moments.

Also, another nitpick I forgot to add: how did the airport get evactuated to the point where it was basically a ghost town? I would assume everybody working there and giving them business like it's a normal day and they just cleared house like it was nothing? Also, if they truly did so, it didn't seem like it took Cap and his team long to get from the parking structure to the airport so that must've been one fast evacuation? Also why was there an evacuation in the first place? I can only assume Stark had a hand in this and it was basically his way of calling out Cap and his team's plan to escape through the airport and draw them out?

I suppose the writers had Vision be Team Iron Man's anchor in case things go wrong, but even so, again, they could've made Vision and Scarlet Witch have more active roles as oppose to support roles in the fight by keeping each other in check.

That being said, I liked the latter's synergy with her team, especially Hawkeye

Wasn't that back in Avengers Headquarters where Vision was keeping Wanda captive instead of the airport?

>I'm probably going to get a lot of shit for this


because it's good. would yuros spit at it while they watch their wives get blacked?

> Realizes he and all heroes are addicted to action after being abandoned by the woman he loves
> Realizes they're actively causing new threats, proven by Zemo
> Actual mature approach to superheroes, they've fucked up so often he's willing to let someone else step in
> Is actually willing to give up his ego for the greater good

The only criticism I think you can level at Tony Stark is he recruited a child soldier in Spider-Man, and got carried away against Bucky. Other than that, he's clean. Way more villainish in the conics, here he didn't even know about the prison