Why is Lennon revered as the messiah of music and the best Beatle?

Why is Lennon revered as the messiah of music and the best Beatle?

Paul is better in everyway and didnt let his bitch cuck the band

Tragic death.

Also, Ringo > Paul

Paul is for little kids and old ladies, John is for the people who are aren't naïve.

It's almost like your asking why Ringo isn't the star, I would consider the songwriting gap between John and Paul to be as large as the one between Paul and Ringo.

Didnt Ringo only write, like, four songs before their solo careers?

because he preached that hippie free love crap and said beatles = jesus
ppl only like the person who says wacky stuff

I mean gap in the sense of general musical ability.

Lennon had more swag. Paul had a boring personality.

>Paul is better in everyway
Except artistic authenticity

Personally, I think Paul's music is much better

>I would consider the songwriting gap between John and Paul to be as large as the one between Paul and Ringo.

That's the dumbest thing i've ever heard.

It doesn't matter because everyone who knows shit about shit will tell you that Ringo is the only good member of the Beatles.

Lotta people don't know that he was a woman beater and neglected his son Julian, but the culture of the time allowed it. Pair that with being one of the biggest names in the world, and it's largely overlooked or just not cared about. Hell, he admitted it in an interview with Playboy. With his "peace and love, man" image and death, he's thought of as the best. As far as most people know, he was Jesus.

I wouldn't say he's the best

I'd say he's the purest. The nerdy girl with big tits of the four.

Ringo was the worst when it comes to beating his wife.

>Anime fans discussing music

that makes him a true patrician you fucking retard

Because when you cut him he bled cool

remember when he nearly beat a man to death for calling him gay.


because he was murdered
because he was le epic detached atheist
because he was omg so far left you don't even know
also the dude had visual iconicness, you put those glasses on anyone and part their hair that way and suddenly it's a John Lennon costume

Is that why people keep asking me if I dress like him?

I just have poor taste

His wife ruined his one chance to play with his hero

Why did he love her? I can honestly say I'd beat the shit out of my wife if she started wailing in the middle of my dup with David Bowie (which will never happen ;__;)