3 Genjis

>3 Genjis
>2 Hanzos
Teammates refuse to switch because
>this is my "Main"
if you do this, do us all a favor and KYS right now

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You're late to this meme circle jerk, faggot, go to reddit

Playing that faggy ass game.
Kys too op

>guess were talkin bout video games again
been outside lately?

im level 16 and have only played as widowmaker. i tried each of the characters once and only liked widowmaker.

>boohoo someone did something differently than you would have

Heres some real talk for you. If you are playing overwatch in the quick play queue, that is your license to do whatever the fuck you want. I feel no obligation to pick a hero that works well with the team, nor do i particularly care about the outcome of the game. All i am going to do is play what i think is fun, and if it happens to be genji or hanzo even tho i suck with them, then SMD. Who the fuck are you to tell me how to play video games? Why does my choice of character in an UNRANKED queue affect your gaming experience? Kindly fuck off forever. Thanks.

>the picture
>only plays Hanzo or Genji
Neck yourself weeb

This game is so easy if you cant win with any character you must be retarded.

nice guess fuckboi. too bad ur fucking wrong.

>literally has played 12 fucking hours as Genji

Kill yourself, faggot.

let me guess. Bastion player?

Console fgt

I'm no CoD fag. I play support, because idiots like you think attack-type characters are how you win.

why are you blaming them?
overwatch is shit and what you just said is the reason why
forced to play shit you dont like because ass rape if you dont

Kill yourself weeb faggot

ur obviously not a cod fag. id guess ur a LoLtard tho who believes supports contribute equally to the teams victory relative to the carry. You can win easily with shit supports, you cant win without people picking up kills. it is a first person shooter you know.

wow literally kill yourself faggot weeb shit stain youre worst than Hitler.
its not about ranked or unranked faggot, you are ruining MY gaming experience by not playing the proper character/class.
I want to tank but how the fuck can I tank when 5 genjis are jumping around and climbing walls all over the map and I'm ovre here at the payload tanking damage. imsofuckngmadrightnowfucccckk

>le tiny hands balding fat man
slash your wrists and swallow broken glass cuck faggot

Genji faggot fuck off.

>implying Hitler did anything wrong

Whats wrong with maining Bastion?

sad story. i almost cried.

wow so edgy Hitler was cool....
Yaawn!! come up with something new, you bore me to death.


why didnt you switch instead?
also overwatch has so few characters sorry you dont get to feel like a special snowflake every game. maybe try playing better.

and lastly

you said KYS

i get that kids are loving to say this now but yourself is 1 word. that acronym is for fucktarded assbrains. KYN!!!

You can't kill people if they kill you first. Supports delay dying so you can kill them.

>Not using the best defense character when you are not attacking.


Just heal and everything will be okay

>wow so edgy Hitler was cool....Yaawn!! come up with something new, you bore me to death.

Neck yourself fag

Nothing, fucking faggot new players think he's unbeatable

>play Genji
>press E

Don't care so much for double hero picks (have had plenty of victories with lullz teams full of just torbjorn or soldier). What I don't understand though is why people of lvl100+ don't bother with actually achieving the goals of the match. I swear, half the games I'm in I'm left alone defending the payload as a fucking healer, while everyone just runs off into random directions as if it were a deathmatch. What's the fun in dying constantly and not winning?

the issue is not adapting and everyone playing the same heroes bro

i stopped giving a shit about the obvjective roughly around level 45

Mei is the most fucking infuriating waifu material ever

>not maining Lucio

Competitive mode will be amazing for this. It's out on the PBE and looks pretty well done.

my nigga



I got 18 eliminations in a game today as lucio
also wall riding is basically the rocket jumping of overwatch

in overwatch theres usually no "carry" the vast majority of the kills are usually distributed between 3 or 4 people, not just 1, meanwhile the support is healing ALL these people plus a tank or two.

Unless you're seriously kicking ass, the team would probably be better off if a single offense/defense left and if their support left.

Public Beta Environment, basically a test build for new patches

I dont give a shit about YOUR game. MY game is what matters. I have fun. Fuck off.

This reply is so fucking idiotic that I honestly don't know where to begin, so I'll let you imagine what I was going to say to you.

You have fun losing? Post your win %.

This is only applicable when theres a fucking ranked mode, which will come soon, but right now quick play is the ONLY FUCKING WAY TO PLAY.
When an actual ranked mode comes along for serious players feel free to fcuk around in unranked all you want, but for the time being atleast have some fuckign consideration when others have no other option. It's one thing to fuck around when your whole team is doing it, but when some people are stuck with you and theyre trying to win it really sucks.

>Counter picking the opposing team.

Your problem is bad/new players.

This will likely be alleviated with ranked play.

jesus christ go outside for once you fucking faggot


when this happens to me i trolloporter with Symmetra or Mei wall troll.my team.

Thank you based healslut.

Keeping you faggots alive day in and day out

>bastion doesn't shoot
>net loss

I wouldn't mind this mentality if it wasn't for the fact that just cause you don't play by the rules of Overwatch doesn't mean other people won't either. And I'd prefer to win, rather than lose, in pretty much any circumstance. Close games are forgivable, but a rarity when your team doesn't know how to pick heroes.

OP has successfully explained why Overwatch is a fucking waste of time

Need more cuck like you

I just realised We both erased our usename from top right and left the one on the left

First off, you faggots need to stop playing this shitty ass game and go do literally anything else that is productive with your life. Second, when you pieces of shit start buying game copies for everyone, THATS when you can tell them how to play. Until then, you literally have 0 fucking say so on how other people play the game that THEY bought.

> le
Need to be 18 to post here, kiddo

Mei is bae

This is why I quit Dota 2 and won't buy Overwatch.
The human race was a mistake.




I agree with both of those statements. Thank you for providing the tl;dr

oh so you just shamelessly dont give a fuck.
carry on then.

lmao what is this shit game

No love will be given to that yetifucker

God is this really what Sup Forums has devolved too

nice thumbnail faggot



same here bro

>you faggots need to stop playing this shitty ass game and go do literally anything else that is productive with your life

...said the guy shitposting bad trollbait on Sup Forums

How is saying what i actually feel troll or bait? I fucking mean it. I'm on Sup Forums while working. I don't have time to sit on some stupid ass video game where seems like the only thing people actually enjoy about it is to complain. Fuck you and your shitty opinion.

i main Junkrat

its also the only one im good at

>mfw my friends keep offering to buy this POS game to get me playing with them.


It's blizzard's fault for making it have as wide an audience as possible. Shoulda focused on moba players instead.

People like you are why the solo experience is so horrible. Not being able to play any other characters is cancerous

What, are you surprised or something? Ps4 users are about 1/3 of the community...

I wouldn't be surprised if you mained bastion and every time you use him on attack your team yells at you.

Lol, get good then faggot. Junkrat is the shittiest, easiest to counter hero. If I jump he's stymied.

How would i main anything if i don't play the game? You're a special version of retard aren't you?

>Shit tier aim
>Had to nerf the turret character because the auto aim was better that any other players aim.

Trips don't lie. Also Checked.

Please niggers

They haven't yet, and it's not like I give a shit. I'm constantly shutting down torbjorn turrets, it'll just be easier soon.

I play on 100 sensitivity on console, and swap to pc effortlessly. Honestly, I've noticed that the skill level of pc players is kinda shit.

As of tonight I have 64 hours played time on Reaper with a total of 68 hours played on the game completely.

Don't even feel a little bad that I play what I want because you didn't buy my game.

Besides me and a friend duo and we carry the games full of ninjas and fucking attack torbjorns so whatevs.

Must have a low skill level placement then. Genji should counter the fuck outta reaper. Assuming the player has any skill.

3 torbjorns and 2 bastions is what Ive been running into. Its fucking unholy how bad this is, oyu literally can't get near the objective


Ive just been playing reinhardt and not giving a fuck, been working out pretty well so far

That's what happens when the MOBA fags decide to try making a fps. Stick to your own shitty games.

Also, I fucking hate the new games this year. Especially Overwatch.

Zenatta all the way homie.

You can't go wrong with him. Same with Lucio.

yep, hes been a lot of fun. And lucio is an insane support, hes so damn hard to kill


HAHAHA how does it feel to have shittier aim than a console peasant?

feels good, i dont play offense so usually my aim is on other things

>mfw I realize you're a console faggot

>First off, you faggots need to stop playing this shitty ass game
Umm no, how about you go fuck yourself and hop back on your dads dick.
this game game is fun as fuck stay mad poor fuck who couldnt afford the game.
>Second, when you pieces of shit start buying game copies for everyone, THATS when you can tell them how to play.
follow your own advice and fuck off.
