Philosophical question: What do you know? With the exception of me being a faggot;*

Philosophical question: What do you know? With the exception of me being a faggot;*

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Hard to say in this post Cartesian era.

Indeed. But it's still a very valid question, in a time where people value dogma over truth, if there is any. Philosophy is not dead.

All I can say for sure is that I feel like I exist (a la Descartes)

I am not sure that further verification helps. I act like I know things concretely and day-to-day it works.


I dont know much.
But the only thing I do know well is how to get dubs

Are you talking about dualism?

You failed

Give me them dubs


Op is a faggot

i know that the more I discover, the less i understand

But what about things that aren't 'day to day', such as things that cannot be seen by the human eye (atoms, microscopic life, etc.). Do you recognize this as truth inherently?


no I think it is more of a nihlist view: It doesnt matter if something is known or not, as long as my understanding of it lets me utilize the thing,

Explain dualism

i know that the world is ruled by the illuminati and the 1%. Christ the lord ,yahweh himself is the only way out of this hell hole.

I recognize that it appears to be true, and so that is good enough.

Here is an example: electricity moves forward by electrons occupying a vacant spot in the direction of flow. However it can also be viewd to be the flow of voids in the other direction. Which one is true (if either of them is) is of no consequence to me. I pick the first one and that works fine for me.

I know how to suck dick

Explain dualism

the division of something conceptually into two opposed or contrasted aspects, or the state of being so divided.

Is this a phenomenon that you have ever observed? I'm not saying that I don't get your point, I really do, but it was just to stay on the topic of my question.

Ah summer!

These concepts are taught in Electricity 101

Is that picture true?

That picture is neither true nor false. Truth-ness does not apply to the picture. The picture just exists in your mind

So do you have your information from electricity 101, or do you have it from experience? Anecdotal evidence is by all means useless, but it's still interesting to me, that people can't show their knowledge without pointing to a source/professor/anyone but themselves.

I have very little personal experience with electricity, I have been shocked a few times, so I know that certain voltages& amperes hurt like hell.

Cogito ergo sum and some guy named Rene just called you a faggot.

Also I dont have time to personally validate things that I assume are true really are. I trust that someone else has validated it.

Exactly my point. The only thing you know about electricity, is that it hurts, and even that you don't REALLY know. No offense.

Damned French anarchists

That is belief/not knowledge.

no offense at all.

Thus you have reinforced my statement that It seems to be true for me and so I work with that.

All your deepest, most subconscious thoughts are indistinguishable from the machinations of intelligent others, for what makes them more intelligent than you is their ability to affect your consciousness without your realizing it. And so, any of your most brilliant thoughts, as they entered the sphere of your awareness might have only just come from somebody else, who was happy to let you believe the idea originated with you.

So I guess I will have to come down squarely with Descartes and say that I know that it seems like I think.

All philosophy can be derived from the two facts that I exist (or we, you exist) because we're capable of thought, and that we are capable of ownership (you are the only one with access to your mind as a concept, thus have definitive ownership of it).

Philosophy is based on the concept of ownership, after all.

I know that God is real beyond a shadow of a doubt and feel no need to prove his existence to anyone. There is ample evidence, it your choice to ignore it if you wish.

You do not know this friend, You believe it,

>There is ample evidence, but I won't prove it

This can be observed by the dual slit experiment, whereby the void of a photon is exactly equal to the anti-matter reciprocal of the photon. In combination with Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity, this indicates that electrons, by way of their relativistic time dilation, are equivalent to anti-electrons, which are equivalent to reverse voids of electrons. (Fun fact, special relativity was actually developed to study and explain the properties electricity, NOT space ships or gravity.)

Just put in a reverse time component, or run the special relativistic equations with a negative amplitude for the electric waves to represent a void space.

This is also indicated in Dirac's work, which I'm less familiar with, but perhaps expounds in greater detail.

The pig goes oink

You likewise do not know he doesn't exist, you merely believe it friend.

I need not prove the sun's existence. you can chose to deny it if you wish.

But that could be the answer to all statements ever, including the contradictary ones. Truth as far as I'm concerned not subjective, even if nonexistent.

Can you at least tell me what color your god is? What sound it makes? What smell is present, when your god is present? What does your god feel like? If your god didn't exist, name one thing that would not be true, which is true since your god does exist.

We can directly observe the existence of the sun with our senses. This can't be said for God, unless you know something that no one else in the world does.

I was commenting on your beliefs, not mine, You have made an error in thinking,

is* not, and *likely nonexistent. Love OP

>Babby's first attempt at intellectualism
Did you know your toys come to life when you leave your room? But if you try and observe them, they stop. You can't prove this isn't true. Do you believe in magic living toys, too?


God = Nothing

Nothing = not-thing

Nothing does not = Absence

Absence = Thing

Thing does not = God

God = Nothing

If only you could be as sceptical about your god as you are with science. Religion is the death of philosophy.

Holy crap - this is the longest reasonably intelligent thread I have ever been in on Sup Forums.

Fucking warp in the fabric of space.

Science has always been fairly dogmatic as well. I'm not placing it anywhere near the levels of delusion as religion, though.


hard or

I'm wise becuase I know that I know nothing

No friend, you have. You cannot, or ever, assume to have knowledge of what a person does or does not know. Sorry to disappoint.

Double... trips?


I did not say you can sense God with your 5 limited senses. I said the evidence of his existence is plain to see, and very perceptible. You can believe what you wish.

We have the same evidence before us, just as people once believed the earth was flat so you too may chose to deny what you can see and feel around you.

Aaaaand then it became religious shit posting. It was a pretty good run there, for awhile.

OMG you are right. I assumed that your experiences were like my experiences, But you COULD have special knowledge.

I tip my fedora.

If God isn't perceivable with our 5 limited senses, they he is categorically not 'very perceptible'. Your philosophy contradicts itself instantly.

I do not need to prove anything to you friend. I can't prove to you my parents exist back home where they live far far from me.

If I could you would say they are people and not necessarily my parents.

If I could provide DNA evidence you could say the test is faulty or that they are merely aunt or uncle relations.

You may believe whatever you wish, however it is something I know to be true. Does this bother you?

OP here, and exactly. My 02 post was based on socrates' question, and the fact that it's still relevant today.

What do I know.....
That I'm just smart enough to know that I'm an idiot. It sounds self deprecating, but still puts me comfortably ahead of average.
That, and two niggers and two quarters don't equal a dollar.

Sadly, you assume to know too much. How could you possible know how much research I've done or how skeptical I am? You do not. I will not prove anything to you. God is not waiting on me, or any Christian, to convince you. He has given you all He has deemed necessary.

What if it were proven to you? Would it change your behavior? Would you make any attempt to change your living?

You still haven't named a single piece of evidence of God's existence. The entire point of philosophy is a logical progression from a point of concrete truth that can be observed and verified.

You're trying to act intellectual, but you haven't even taken the first step into a philosophical inquiry.

So you say that you can feel the presence of a being that you cannot feel? Religion is cancer.

So, and this part is golden, but nobody *actually* ever believed the Earth was flat. Until the 21st century, when people became susceptible to bullshit spread online. Such as the idea that "people used to believe the Earth was flat." Not only did we create that myth, but our generation is going to be known as the first generation that ACTUALLY ever believed they were living on a flat earth. (Unfortunately, history has a knack for selecting the outrageous minorities out of the more moderate majorities, and I have a feeling flat earthers are going to get the limelight one of these days.)

He contradicts himself in every post. Religion only further proves itself as a brainwashing tool.

Read the comment, friend. I have offered the evidence of the entire world at your disposal. I'll grant you that what I'm saying may not be philosophical as you define it, but OP asked "What do you know"?

The evidence for the world being round was always there, yet people believed it to be flat. I need not provide any additional evidence to you or anyone. I merely state that it is there, do with it what you wish.

I could simply interpret the evidence given to me differently. And yes, we all have experiences that make us unique. I am not starting a religion or making money off my claims. Does it bother you that one can be so sure?

>So you say that you can feel the presence
wrong user, user

wish they would bring back labels

That's literally not what evidence is. Evidence has to link a cause to an effect. You can't point to an effect and make up a cause to explain it without any reason. This is the exact opposite of philosophy, and doesn't stand up to any scrutiny at all.

I have not contradicted myself, you are mistaken.

>How could you possible know how much research I've done or how skeptical I am
Because this is what I've come to expect from religious people. They have 0 to back up their claims.
>I will not prove anything to you.
Because you can't. Or can you? If so PLEASE do it.
And again: Religion is cancer.

Lots of things. Or at least within small error bars for being mistaken.

Come join the Sup Forums philosophy and boypussy chat.

Not at all. Your beliefs do not affect me, and are not offensive to me in any way.

Same goes for the God believers, they do not affect me.

Oops. I meant to include this.

A very excellent point indeed. I'm guessing tho, that with such a broad statement, someone at some point in the long history of time may perhaps have thought the earth flat. Of course I can only assume whereas you have ascertained. I will not ask you for sources, however, as I believe it a flimsy device that atheists use when vexed for an argument.


Religious people aren't all this stupid, right?

The only way a human being, which is inherently capable of logical thinking and reason, could have his mind twisted this way is through years of brainwashing. What in the world happened to you? You have no link between cause and effect anymore. Something must have destroyed your mind.


Kudos user (op?)

I know that lightly rubbing paper on my penis will kill me

I must have misinterpreted your caps and change of heart as sarcasm when in fact they were not. My apologies. It seemed you were intent on changing my views, so naturally I assumed my beliefs irked you.

i know that i know nothing, but that is a contradiction proving my first point i do not know shit.

Friend, people far smarter than me, or you, have set out to disprove Christianity and in so doing have found there is overwhelming evidence to support it. You can do the research yourself, I will not do it for you.

I could go to the source itself and you would only claim they were biased sources anyway, so what good would it do to offer you resources?

They really need a sarcasm detector on the interrnet

Oh my, the earth itself and all its belongings are 'literally not what evidence is'. I thought I was the one who was contradicting myself here?

Did you miss the part about evidence is a cause and effect relationship?

I humbly accept your defeat friend. It is a tough concept to digest I agree.

I think I am apt enough at detecting it when I see it. But it is difficult for some.

read Descartes moron.

Does God approve of you being on Sup Forums?

> on quantum mechanics
If you think you understand quantum mechanics, then you don't understand quantum mechanics.

All I know is that I know nothing

welcome new friend

If he did not, would that prove he weren't real in your mind?