Why is Russia such a shithole of a country?! Only 26 years ago it was devastated by communist rule, and even now Russian people live much worse than Czech, Poland and Slovakia, we're not even talking about Baltic states.
By the way did you know that critisizing Putin's rule is a punishable offense in Russia?
And their average monthly salary is ~$400?
And international corporations are escaping the country because of lingering anti-Russian sanctions and overall worsening economical situation, that's not to mention constant bribes they have to pay to Russian authorities to function properly?

Fuck you, Russia

Acceptance is the first step in recovery

First: Russians aren't white
Second: Russians envy everyone
Third: Russians are disorderly, dumb and clunky

>t. Alberto Barbosa Jr.

True tho

t. self-hating beta lib cuck
t. ping pong ding dong
t. ooga booga

Russia is awesome, fuck you

t. cockhole proxy

>Why is Russia such a shithole of a country?

Government corruption, economic dependency on oil, and a useless, alcoholic populace.

>Government corruption
ok I'll give you this
>economic dependency on oil
literally describes Canada
>useless populace
literally describes Canada
>alcoholic populace
literally describes Canada

not just government corruption, it is ingrained in every layer of society


>literally describes Canada
why are they more successfull than Russia then?

Well no one likes Canada either so

>alcoholic populace
>literally describes Canada

yeah, because in Canada people drink bath lotion they get from 24/7 vending machines

I like Russians, but don't delude yourself m8

So, how do we solve the r*ssian problem?

Nuke ourselves

Hard core communism and zero reagard for human life.

I suggest balkanisation. We could give western part of the country to Estonia or Eu in general (Finns are cunts, tbн and Norgays have nothing to do with us) and Eastern part to China and USA

Send Russian women to Canada, let the men drink themselves to death.

Russian women are beautiful but Russian men can't appreciate this as most are quite pidorashka

do you know what this mean?

Come to me bro. Let me hug you.
>Russians aren't white

Gays. Homosex is illegal but quite common in Russia.

>Дaтфил (3)
хeх зaпocти eхиднyю жaбy

Tы пpo этy?

no it means exaggerated patriot

лoл OП Paшy eбaть нe нaдo oнa CПИДoм cтpaдaeт

gib land us pls


a ты чe нe cпишь? зaвтpa paнo вcтaвaть в Бeлapyccию зa cигapeтaми eхaть

So you are saying that Putin is one hell of a pidorashka?

Yes, you too
> Eu in general

>country is in absolute chaos

Also Russian women have to become prostitutes or porn stars when they move to USA because American girls are way more attractive, they can't really compete.

y мeня кaникyшeчки бpaтишкa

he is true and not exaggerated

>Russia shithole of a country
is as

нa кaникyлaх пьeшь бизнecoм нe зaнимaeшьcя

Only 26 years of independence from Estonia.

>American girls are way more attractive
just like Brazil is more white than Germany?

нe oднoй paбoтoй живeт чeчeнкий ПЦ


Soon enough that will be true statement, Hans
