Original rage thread

Original rage thread

What's original about it?

- before it became disgusting 9fag shit





I remember troll dad threads were top tier



>File: 1267249557060.jpg
At least from 2010 or sooner



Started lurking in like 08-09 or something. Don't post much. Maybe 10 comments this whole time. Used to love this old crap before it became so popular I see it in the professional world.

So draining.

Oh well. Shit comes and goes. Fond memories.


posting some good shit

fuck off



No you fuck off. Old shit is old.






anyone lurking?

yes, do you have anything different from uncle dolan comics?

Lurk bump

i htink so yeah, i can just sort my Sup Forums folder timewise and post old retarded shit i once thought was funny if you like.




srsly i love that dolan shit though







krankenhaus makes sense, hospital is retarded

krankenhaus is a HAUS (house) for KRANKE (sick people)

Fun fact
Schmetterling also directly translates into Smashling


What about SMETTERLING!!

1/10 troll

Didn't read I am retarded.

A wild faggot appears