Now that she's left RT, how long until we see her fully nude?

Now that she's left RT, how long until we see her fully nude?

Fully nude? I wanna c her get ganged by a bunch of mandingos man. Just absolutely destroyed. Give her another seizure ya feel

Hopefully not long.

I don't think she'd do porn. Not while she's still dating the Brit.

That is a rubbish photoshop. D-

I know. It's never going to happen. But that's what I'd need to come. Just nudes wouldn't be enough I'm afraid

Whyd she leave ?
I wanna see her getting fucked in slow motion by a nigger

She could easily make a comfortable living as a cosplayer/nude model.

"Business complications." Her increased popularity that she gained from RT was making her extra money that RT wasn't getting a cut of. It's the reason that Ray left to stream full time, and why the ones who stream that still work there can't turn on tips. Money that's made by them from their RT popularity has to go through RT before they get it. (She probably also wants to do nude modeling [I think she said she wanted to before] and RT probably doesn't want one of their known stars to have explicit material intentionally made.)

>rt is just a bunch of greedy assholes

Hopefully soon, cant wait to see her on the front page of pornhub if she goes the porn route.

Kind of, but it's just what business' do. It's kinda like partnering with a network on Youtube. They give you exposure, and it makes you money. In return, some of the money that their exposure helped you make goes to them.

Don't harsh on RT too much. It's mostly Burnie's fault.

That may be a while. She's dating Gavin Free, and he doesn't seem like the cuck type.


RT as in Russia Today the news agency??


Putin's tv station in the west is Bernie's fault?

You're fucking demented.

They got out by AT&T a while back.
They're actually owned by the same company that owns all the shitty prank channels.

You're both hilarious, seriously, give yourselves a pat on the back

this is a fishing rod

he just threw it right into the water

2 questions
And wtf is RT?

1) Margery Turner
2) Red Tube

More nudes

If im not mistaken. Meg Turny. I may have spelled her name wrong.

Rooster Teeth.

I haven't followed them in years. Only know what friends have mentioned about them.

Fuck you niggah, help an Aussie b/ro out

Ehhh would prefer Bashurs bitch Clara to this hoe

nice pussy.

You're an idiot

hot snatch
