Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?


Nauti Syndra

Arcade Riven



Roshan has fallen to the dire

Guess who this is.



It's Xin Xhao, dumbass.


adc: caitlyn
top: teemo
jgl: malphite
supp: soraka

i dont play mid

the emperor zurg in toy story


you guys still play this game? jfc please be underage

top: gangplank
jung: zac
mid: twisted fate,ahri,anivia
Adc: jinx,kalista,draven,ezreal,lucian
supp: whatever? as long has the champ has a fun kit

>top teemo

You must enjoy losing.
Top: I don't main anyone here, I take who ever has a good or winning match up against my lane enemy.

Mid: Malz even with his changes winning mid is beyond easy.

ADC: Jhin or Jinx

Support: Strong Door Carry Man or Morg

Jungle: Sion

>>top teemo
>You must enjoy losing.

i'm a newbie i lose whatever

>I only play adult games like Overwatch

How's your tumblr, blog? Any new followers?

I can dig that but I new or not you must play with the intention to win, no? Why, not play a better top laner? Even Ganguplanku, would be a better option.

rumble and garen rapes teemo

i wasted all my money in shitty cheap champs


none maining is for chums

Natuilus, Poppy, Lux

top - Garen, Yorick
Mid - Lux
Jungle - Kha, Rammus
ADC - Caitlyn (I never play ADC)
Support - naut, leona, blitz, braum

mostly scorpion sometimes ill pull this portuguese slave trade empire thing for the spreading of catholocism

Poppy and temmo mostly.
How do i get out of silver?

Bad move. The cheaper champions come easy with IP from every few games. Save RP for the 975 champs.

>How do i get out of silver?
Stop playing Teemo.

Lee sin, rengar and shaco
I only play in jg

Zac. Found his kit ultra funny,dont need to build boots (muh 8 flash gap close) absurd tankiness and has sufficiente damage at any phase of the game to lock and kill the enemy adc even building full tank. Weeeeeee

Full tank or not, I pick up a Liandry's with every build.


Thanks. Gonna try out now


the only good post in this underage meeting


Delet fhiz

How is your ass not banned

Wait dont you mean warcraft? Yeaaaa that rip off of a spin off of wrcraft 3!!! Great game!


Nocturne and Udyr

Top: Gangplank, garen, cho'gath
Jingle: lee sin, kha'zix, gragas
Mid: azir, veigar
Adc: twitch, lucían, sivir, miss fortune
Support: braum, lulu, alistar


that's what im wondering too...
every second game some nigger lover always complaining about my name xD

i've been banned for scripts and flaming but i quess riot doesn't mind nigger killing then.


Cait, Sona, Blitz, Leona, Warwick, Garen


>Top: Gangplank, garen
>Jingle: gragas
>Mid: azir
>Adc: lucían, sivir
>Support: lulu, alistar
FTFY. Now play these champs and climb, my child.



top : gangplank
adc : jhin, lucian, sivir

also is jinx any good?


Jinx is the best hyper carry in the game, imo.
Her and Thresh kill it.

i got slayer jinx in one of those boxes, havent bothered to buy her yet, just got back into GP, hes fuckinmg amazing


Jinx is fragile as fuck though.

The ADC's you play are sine currently. If you're good with them I wouldn't bother taking the time to learn yet another ADC.


Name of marksman who isn't. The only exception that comes to mind is Graves.







Yasuo, Draven, Fizz the jizz, Twitched dickenson, and Soroka.



Rather pathetic. I hope you have all those chests from not playing for a long time and not because you can't get S. And for silver just play a champ with good CC and damage.


Who wants to play league with me. I'm playing ranked. Add my username : Noksar


cause the joke's on you

>top: Renekton, Darius, Nasus
>Jung: Kha'Zix, Xin
>Mid: Brand, Xerath
>Adc: Vayne, Lucian, Jhin
>Supp: Literally any, they aren't hard champions to play

Gragas isn't good in 6.12 as a jungle, faggot

>And for silver just play a champ with good CC and damage

Twitch as well

I don't own that many champs cause i play only very few champs.
I should buy a new champ if i want a chest xD
S is easy to get when tryharding in normals.

>implying that i play league

>Gragas isn't good
I've seen no changes to him that make him any less of the playmaker he's always been. Go back to Gold, cunt.




im a thresh guy

rly easy to come to plat, but i cant go to dia :/

OP I know you might hate me for this but Teemo

It's not hard to hit Diamond with Lucian, you just need to dominate your lane early.


Okay, it's been a while since I've played. What are the chests for?

Free random skins and champions.



It makes me sad that I have a 77% win rate with Rammus (who I hate to play but always seems to fit the team comp) but only a 53% win rate with Graves who I have the most fun playing.

i know man, but so many srubs in plat 5...

Lord Mordekaiser

