Are normies just gonna eat this shit up? It looks like total shit

Are normies just gonna eat this shit up? It looks like total shit.

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I'm interested at least. Know almost nothing beyond apparently someone called Herr Starr and the Saint Of Killers aren't in it.

Should I read it and be disappointed, or watch and catch the normie wave of popularity?

i am so tired of anti-heroes

Reminder Genesis is now an alien.

>Garth Ennis

pick one

It's going to be nothing like the comic.

Do both

In the comic Jesse is anything but an antihero.

it will be absolute shit.

the goal of preacher was a tale of the history of Christian Americana combined with "how edgy can we possibly be?"
But instead it's produced by jews and on AMC.

>Herr Starr and the Saint Of Killers aren't in it.
the two primary antagonists aren't in it?

it's going to be pure garbage no question, but if this becomes breaking bad levels of normie hype bait somehow then seth rogen will have officially evolved from an overvalidated annoyance into a full blown cancer on american culture

does anyone think Jesse will now be a raging stoner imaging that his gf is black, is best friend is an irish vampire, that he has the power of god and is going to track him down.

only to have a big reveal that he's just sitting on the couch smoking a joint?

It'll appeal to edgier normies cause it's Garth Ennis.

Trump supporters are the new antagonists now, didn't you hear?

Anything released aside from that short trailer?

Crossed series when?

sure as shit there will be a few jewish characters shoe-horned in at some point, even though there were none in the source. and they'll probably save the day too in some bullshit manner as well

Tulip is a nigger instead some qt blonde.


Sadly, no. I can watch and even enjoy a show that twists Biblical stories somewhat, but sadly Preacher devolves into downright blasphemy too much for me to enjoy it.

go back to church then faggot

>Ruth Nega
>not qt

Still, it makes no sense for Tulip to be black.

He needs the mullet


she's not tho lol

*Grabs you by the throat*

Don't. Talk to him. That way.

...thats not til tomorrow, user. Today is Civil War day with my bros.


She is clearly white

are you fucking blind user

The art of Steve Dillon is one of the worst things to ever happen to humanity

Fucking retard
Are you?

wait what the fuck are you serious

nah bro, but you must color blind or some shit

someone screencap this

you serious senpai?

I don't even understand the premise of this, can someone explain?

>God is finally shown
>it turns out to be this

How BTFO will all you nerds get?

A delusioned priest from a small church gets the power of god's voice (whenever he orders someone to do something, he has to do it). With this new power, he decides to confront god himself and ask him why everything is fucked.
However, a group of religious fanatics and heaven itself get wind of that and try to capture/kill him.
He also meets an Irish vampire and his ex girlfriend who assist him on his journey.

God is a SJW Jew? lol

his WHITE exgirlfriend.

Her race is not important though.
I just wonder how they can do the story without Starr and the Saint of Killers.

>the angry white male audience
>not mainstream

If they do they will start calling themselves preacher fans just like they all claim to be walking dead fans.

explain how her race isn't important tho?

Are any of the new AMC shows any good? I expected a lot from Into the Badlands and it was incredibly disappointing.

>cute southern bell who is irrationally hated by jesse's crazy family is now just hated because she's a nigger

>multiple scenes of people just calling her out for being black by all these racist villians!


Ruth Nega is qt as hell and fantastic.

At the same time, this completely changes the character. Hell, it changes Jesse too. You can't have Jesse dealing with this racist as fuck family and locals down south and have Tulip be half black and think that doesn't fundamentally change the story. They already disapproved of her and they even kill her, but this is a whole other level.

She is white, Irish.
And she is African, Ethiopian.
Welcome to not defining people of multiple races by only one of their parents.
Life and its people are far more complex than simple one word labels.

Personally I want Jeff Bridges. Peacher's God is a loser that abandoned the world and ran off to do fuck all. So Rogen works somewhat.

She just has to be a slightly crazy chick. A black female can do justice do such a part just as much.
Not to mention there is way more Sup Forums tards can get triggered by in the comic.
They hated her because she wanted Jesse to run away from his family and give up on being a priest, which was also a wish of Jesse's family.

Not saying she isn't cute or a decent actress. Just comparing her to comic Tulip. You're absolutely right it changes her, Jesse and the story entirely. And it's a fucking shame because Jesse and Tulip are a great fucking love story.

I feel like they're doing this just make an easy bad guy and make Jesse look better? Which is fucking pointless.

>Irish White

She's just two shades of nig.

So if I took a shit in your milk, you'd drink it?

>Watching AMC
>Caring about children's lit

Depends, are you a cute girl?

>white knight SJW Jesse shows up to rescue nigger Tulip
>Both decide they're atheist and God can suck it.
>They ride off into the sunset on a fixed speed after Tulip confesses she's pregnant with his best friend's baby

b-b- but Obama is the first nigger president!

>my wife's vampire son

Meme magic! Someone screencap this

Is Tulip O'Hare the perfect waifu?

>In the comic Jesse is anything but an antihero
Hes an angry, foul mouthed, preacher who drinks, smokes, fucks, and it best freinds with a vampire.

.....Yeah, nothing anti hero about that....


What's wrong with every character having exactly the same weird looking face, bruh?


Jesse's clearly good, honest, always polite and never hesitates to beat the shit out of villains to protect good folks.

He's not angry unless you piss him off.
He doesn't swear as often as people seem to think.
He drinks. So what?
He smokes. So what?
He has sex. So what?
He's best friends with a vampire. There's nothing particularly edgy about that. Cassidy's vampirism is pretty casual.



>Her race is not important though.

I only care about this

>In the premiere (via Entertainment Weekly), an unknown force from outer space possess preachers around the world, and eventually makes them blow up, inside out. One of those preachers is Tom Cruise, who appears on a TV screen speaking on behalf of the Church of Scientology in front of a crowd.

>Then, Cruise explodes, in a gratuitously violent fashion.

>an unknown force from outer space possess preachers around the world, and eventually makes them blow up, inside out.

this literally is not preacher

fuck, I had the lowest possible hopes for it how in the hell am I still disappointed.

sounds like Genesis looking for a host and the unworthy ones blow up til it settles on Jesse.

>implying this isn't going to be the greatest television series since The Sopranos

You guys are just edgy racist Sup Forumstards who love edgy 90s kids comics.

"Leave capekino to me" - Seth Rogen, 2016

The whole point of genesis is that it didn't have a concept of worthiness, it's completely innocent, it just happened to crash into Jesse's congregation and that kickstarts the plot.

Genesis is practically not a being in its own right, it's a baby with immense power that Jesse uses to fund his search for God, both out of a sense of justice for the world but also a desire to restore his own shattered faith.

Also, the fact they say "from outer space" is very, very worrying because it's explained in the first issue exactly what Genesis is and the nature of the world Jesse inhabits, the fact they wouldn't immediately say "heaven" or something means that they're nervous about the origin of Genesis which isn't a good sign.

>how do you want your comic book adaptation senpai?


I guess. Like I said, only care about Tom's cameo if its really, will be a great webm.

Can't wait to see how that fat fuck shits on the Boys.
Butcher will be Paki.
The Female will be trans.
The Frenchman will be black.
Mothers Milk will be blacker.
Wee Hugie will be Simon Pegg
The dog will be a cat.

The Diversity Boys!

>He's not angry unless you piss him off.
He's prone to anger and outbursts of violence. He's not a full blown anti-hero, but he's "on the spectrum," as it were.

>Jesse is some pug faced manlet
>Tulip is black

Thanks Seth.

If believe that Jesus is God, then yes, God is an SJW Jew.

No, he's definitely an antihero. He's just not a full-out actual-villain-doing-good-type antihero that its devolved into.

>takes place in the south

I can't wait for the deafening sound of cicadas or crickets being abruptly silenced every time a person says a word, only to resume in full force the second they pause in a sentence.

Same-face with well-drawn guns is still one notch better than Liefeld.

Don't you know anything about show-writers? The revelation that it's actually a heavenly thing and not some sci-fi alien thing will come with the first season finale, to "shock" everyone with the stuff they already know unless they're some inbred motherfuckers without internet or contact with people who'd spoil it.


Monkey paw, why?

It'll be great. Joe Gilgun is god-tier.

He's honestly the one and only reason I'm considering checking it out.

>angry white
>the punisher is son of italians from sicily. tommy and butch are irish. In war stories is people all around the world
2/10 try again

>just a crazy girl
Dude her entire background is about being white trash
>Sup Forums could get trigger for other stuff on the comics
Sure I mean the KKK was damn funny. But still that doesn't mean changing her race was exactly a good choice. A bad one if I say like Jesse not using his sunglasses

Shit I meant cassidy

A seriously underrated actor.

And back to r*ddit with you.

>Herr Starr and the Saint Of Killers aren't in it.
Why even make this, then? Is Herr Starr seriously not in it?
What the fuck, someone clarify immediately.

Jesse is a thief. He would steal with Tulip. He steals cars, runs out on checks, all sorts of stuff.

He isn't a moral person, he has a personal code that is pretty good but not entirely.

He is just chill most of the time.

>Hey guys race isn't determined by the color of your skin!

Go home SJW. She is black. Mixed race people with dark skin are black.





you got shit taste nigger


>seth rogen
It might be too awful even for the Walking Dead audience.

>Life and its people are far more complex than simple one word labels.

oh shut up. you think you're being so progressive and enlightened right now but black people actually hate this shit. it's similar to the "colorblind" nonsense. it's trite and obvious while completely missing the point that blackness as much a social affiliation and identity as it is about genetics.

we call biracial people with african ancestry black because that's how membership in that social group works. you arent being insightful, you're just conflating the genetic component of race with the social one, and the social one is what people are usually talking about when they talk about race. you're actually failing to see the complexities