Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

Mostly your mom


Been playing a lot of twich & Lucian. I'm a support main but I feel that in order to really become better I need a deeper understanding of what adc's can & can't do.

been pounding sexy adc booty since s2


Wukong ofc

was gangplank, now shaco

Yasuo is super fun to me

Azir, Thresh, Lulu, Orianna

Bard M7
Nautilus M7
Soraka M6 (really tricky getting S without minus on her without pissing off teammates)

Take Soraka mid and build full AP.
Or AD if you're feeling lucky.


I can't into normals/ranked, but I enjoy the mechanics of Viktor, Ziggggggggz, Jinx, Poppy, and Leona and Lux, too, because you gotta praise the sun.

>I can't into normals/ranked

Problem is I go full tilt inside 10 minutes on the first game. I just get mad as shit. Dunno why, so I just fuck around in bot matches with friends trying dumb shit.

Well, prefer supporting to miding and, atm, I'm trying to learn Gangplank for mid purposes. But I'll give it a shot...although I would suspect she's easily countered by many of the popular mid picks. (Zed, anivia, yasuo, orianna etc. The laning phase would be tricky.

Riot is so sad. Ever since Overwatch has overtaken their shit game they have been spamming this board with "who do you main in league of legends!!! PLEASE PLAY OUR GAME STILL!!!"

Fuck off you shills, your game is shit and you deserve it. Maybe you should have listened to your customers and not shit all over em with chromas and other money grabbing tactics. And maybe you shouldn't have put shit off for literal years and years cause you were too lazy since you had no competition.

Fuck you

I have 1M+ on Pantheon since 2012. I'm a Grandmaster.

You deserve to die

I feed every time

>tfw over 300K points
>can't get mastery tokens because I feed every time

This, if you actually play league your such a faggot.

your experience doesnt mean SHIT until tjhe volume is multiplicative by SKILL


And isn't overwatch a shitty game too?


Shit's op level 2

Both games suck balls

>Braum's face when his jungler eats a Cait ult to save them both

Wukang Rumble Fiddledicks and the TrundleBundle

Mainly D.Va and Mercy.

How do you recommend jungling him?

The best games to be competitive are FPS, and on top of them I feel unreal tournament 4 is going to be one of The bests

what's your power level?

now level 6 kat, would get 7 bc i got the tokens but have no essence :/

also i kinda dropped yi a bit, mostly use kat and akali as my best champs (i main mid)

I don't know what that means.
My current profile level is 36

You enjoy being annoying as shit, don't you? Two instant dive-and-walk-away champs and then Mr. Spin-to-Win with ridiculous movement speed and hp/s.

Main Thresh, Silver 4. Sucks because I have a decent ADC 30% of the time

KING Rammus

Powerball ganking ftw.

mostly dropped garen and yi, mostly kat akali veigar now. (this was a few months ago but was too lazy to take a new top champ screenshot)


shit game that I dont play anymore but half a year ago


I don't play overwatch, I actually play league as well. Riot is a shit company though and deserve to die.

What happened to that client, riot? maybe you should focus on that rather than making threads on Sup Forums you incompetent fucks.

What about replays

What about sandbox mode

Seriously fuck off.

Do you mute the sound?

All kidding aside, if you get an early lead you just fucking walk away with the game on those champs.

Nah, old bastard with a short temper partly induced by a stressful job and shitty bosses for over a decade.

yea true, theres more scumbaggy champs out there tho, i like to roam a lot.

if i only had overwatch

dont those game relieve you then? or are they making you more angry?

Dota 2

Kogmaw and chogath. I love void monsters.

Battleborn > Overwatch
Dota 2 > League of Legends

right now

luc, mf, cait, ashe, jhin,
azir if i get mid

but it changes as patches and shit changes

also, ekko is broken as fuck OP he gets a reset health refuel thing and is impossible to 1v1 with even a fed luc or vayne.

must be kidding me

nobody because this game is as garbage as the people who play it


Just ignore them. This is a league thread. Even if league is objectively worse than another game it does not matter if you enjoy league.

what is this, 2012? who still plays league? fuckin losers

Dota and lol are bullshit games
I'll stick with Overwatch, blizzard knows what I want

My problem is that I'm hypercritical of myself. Something as little as missing a handful of CS or making a minor mistake makes me get mad at myself and then it snowballs. Combine that with being outplayed and, by extension, being an inferior person to my opponent, I just lose my shit. I've tried to get better and not hate on myself as such, but haven't got anything to stick yet. My friends tell me I could be Silver easily if I could calm the fuck down and not get bent out of shape, but apparently that's far easier said than done. Almost think I should go on antidepressants but that'd disqualify me from my current job. Job's more important than vidya and self-loathing though.

Muramana Kassadin and Full-AD Olaf.

Was Diamond last season.

>Battleborn > Overwatch

I agree completely, but unfortunately we are the vast minority

lol overwatch is such a trash game so is league

viktor >:)

I know right? overrated as fuck overwatch is.. OMG BLIZZARD MADE A GAME ITS SO GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!

I actually just started myself , jungling with him that is. His Ult rapes in the jungle so engagements in there are a must.

%50 of games are ruined by autists, afk, 12 year olds, or "le trolls".

but when its a good game with good teams its really good.


Sustain champs like riven fuck Ekkos. Ekko is 100% burst. Survive his W-E-Lich proc combo and you
be okay. Never be anywhere near an AP ekko's R.

Only pussies would say otherwise.

All video games are retarded, go play outside you shut-in virgin fucks


>pic related

During the beta my friends and I (4 people total) would play all play Torbjorn on defense, and Roadhog on offense; and we won every single time.

That should not be even close to possible

pretty sad that you cant play because of that. i give you one tip tough as i can guess you are in bronze: dont give a fucking damn, just play man and eventually you will get outta there. i started playing league in s2 and i sucked soooo hard initially and i have quit and started again a ton of times but eventually i got better, and i recently got plat. i just wanna tell you that it is do-able, you just have to let time do its thing and you will get better


> normal draft

I haven't even played a single Ranked game because of lack of confidence. Another
>pic related

so what would be more weird, 4-6 middle aged dudes running around in the park with fucking swords or nerf guns or some shit. or 4-6 middle aged dudes sitting and having fun with a video game? you tell me

i was exactly like you, like, i would fucking shake before every single ranked game all throughout s3 and s4. but then in the end of s4 i realized that ranked games are just as fucking stupid as normal games and i would start to not give a fuck and i would play better, be less nervous, and overall climb a freak load faster.

its much like csgo were competitive matches essentially are normal matches for the majority of the community, ranked games in league could turn out just aswell for you

how in the fuck is riven a sustain champ you bronze retard

kek, let him stay bronze



only premade 5s are ranked
the rest is a casual ranking

Get on my level plebs

even if i team up with 5 dudes i dont give a shit, thats the key to have fun with league: dont give a shit, and the rest will come with time

is that a roadhog skin?

>tfw you will never have the banana goat sit on your face

lmao thats pudge from dota 2 fool

jumped right on it


Fucking Kha'Zix jungle.


saw my opportunity to shine

Sona and Ahri

rate me fags

Draven and anyone other than Draven can fuck himself


carrying with tryn right now. just made a voli rage quit top

kill yourself