Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

another shill thread


I main Morgana Mid, I also do a lot of Galio and Malzahar mid and Amumu Jungle.



> teemo jungle.

ur mum

Miss Fortune, Garen, Volibear, Vladimir (Tfw he became cancer), Xerath and Jhin.

I have a life and dont Play games for 12 years olds


I main Bulbasaur Mid.

amumu jungle

I main Israel, verry well balanced carry, good nuke


I dont play shit games bruh

They should make a MOBA why the characters are different countries.


Yes you do.You just don't want to admit it.

gross gore?


i main pic related

Tank teeto is the new OP

Twice as annoying as normal build, because on top of being constantly blind from his Q and slowed by his shrooms, he just sits on you and you can't kill him while he applies poison stacks


storm spirit

Sivir main but starting to play more ashe and tryn

yes i am an asshole

The only fun hero in that shit game.

Whatever you say spermatozoa

thresh main. its so hard finding a decent adc that knows how I play :L

gold 2 but plat elo. come hmu we can do norms or ranks if you guys want to know what a god support is like

ign:sensual moments

I play dora because it is more complex than this shit child game with 2 items and no rotation time.

i know the feels... plat 3 leona main supp here. Cant find a decent adc last 6 months... i keep getting retards, im 100% sure plat is the new bronze.


How about finally putting on some big boy pants and carrying your own ass to diamond?


anyone want to form a gold+ que?

adc vi. This actually works 80% of the time, I win about 65% of games with it and win lane at least 80% of the time


That's the spirit user

not everyone mains "mid/top"

I main support, plat 3 and still climbing, ur fukin boosted if u cant hit diamond as solo Q support

I did so by taking advantage of Darius' juggernaut changes. I've since started to play mid, as it's one the roles I have the biggest impact in.

I'm a support main 2:nd jungle

fuck off faggot, there are so many things wrong with what you just said. First of all, I also play mid top and jungle (mid kata main, top tahm kench main, jungle nocturne main) but my favourite lane is BOT and i like to play SUPPORT, it fits my playstyle and when you get a good adc its really rewarding. I love helping someone get a penta 10x more than getting a penta myself. Second of all, the reason dynamic q is so fucked is cause all the supports have gone to play other roles, and there is a clear fault in that, as you can see. So many pros and high elo players are playing in house tournaments now instead of soloq cause its such a pain in the ass. Idiot.

>when you get a good adc its really rewarding
Annnnnnd there is is. Having fun playing elo roulette.