Fluffy thread

Fluffy thread

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Were you gonna post something?






This thread is lacking some abuse.

I agree

Damnit, I was just about to go to sleep...







>how time tiww weggies

They're basically IRL fluffies...

It wants to know when its legs will grow back.
(Spoiler Alert: They don't grow back)

Even with orange juice?

Now some sadbox

Hey that gives me an idea - special fluffies that DO grow limbs back. Think of the possibilities!


Except they aren't self-entitled assholes that shit on you if you don't give them what they want.


Nah thats cute as fuck, would snuggle


>chop off legs
>feed to fluffy
>they grow back

Rinse & repeat. Never buy food again!

I just love the look of suffering on this fluffy.

That´s actually cute tho.

Fluffies just look cute but they can bite a wood chipper for all I know of them so far.
