How do I open this safe without breaking it?

How do I open this safe without breaking it?

Easy, just enter the correct passcode


Can't remember it. Been a long time. Need birth certificate

5 digit combo started with 41 or 42

Hell I'm alright with breaking it too at this point

get a safe cracker

Would a locksmith do the job?

Use the fucking key

I have key, it's a secondary lock. It doesn't override the digital combo


What model is it?


>digital combo
it's time to look for an exploit online
>if it's digital it can be hacked
>google is your friend

If you know that, then there are only 2000 possible combos. Start with 41000 and work your way up.

Are you Michael J Fox or was that picture taken during an earthquake?

How would I find the given code to this unit?
>Inb4 dumb nigger

Photo taken with box upside down. It's full of crap

This model has a fucking ear piercing alarm that goes off if u enter it too many times

The model number is blurred from the shaking


Check the backside it should have a small hole for anchoring it to a wall. You can hit the inside reset button with a wire clothes hanger and use the factory code which is 17500

Also these safes can be bounced opnen

Raise the front end up about 5-6 inches...let it drop..have your hand on thumbturn at same time...soon as it hits...turn open.

Maybe one of these on side?

I read that about the 17500

I am assuming that you legally own this safe and that you are not trying to break into it as a criminal. Use a magnet to trip the solenoid on the other side of the door. Easy to open any Sentry safe in under 20 seconds....

Some number on bottom of keypad

That is where you place a battery if the one inside dies.