Anyone care to inform me about reality? Everyone here won't tell me anything and just provoke me my whole life instead

Anyone care to inform me about reality? Everyone here won't tell me anything and just provoke me my whole life instead.

Kik orobos if you know anything I don't and can teach me stuff

Wtf is wrong with this species?


I don't know dude... Everyone seems to just want to giggle about you guys being molested and raped :-/

There's an evil entity brain washing everyone...

I don't understand that language. Does that mean fuck you?


What is real? How do you define 'real'? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

I don't know you but you sound psychotic, maybe take your meds and find back to reality for yourself..

The only function of the human brain is to give humanity the illusion that they think for themselves. You're all robots!

>Anyone care to inform me about reality?
First explain what you mean by that
Then you can probably get an answer close to what you are looking for.


How can you not know him? He's the most important guy to ever exist!

The cryptographic story/game of earth. What it is it? Is it a story? Is it a game? All I know is there was an important woman that got ruined

Yeah psychosis can be mind boggling.. but from my own experience, you're chasing a dragon you'll never catch mate! You don't simply get what this is all about, but you can never stop asking and looking and making connections and seeing the signs, and everything kinda speaks so you or is code or cypher for something big.. I kinda miss it. In a strange way you know.. say: have you met God yet OP?

Also yeah.. probably time to put a stop to this ride and see a psychiatrist about getting on antipsychotics..

This reality and many of this species are so pathetic. Why do people bother contributing filth to everything?

Like, why not just figure things out, make everyone aware, then die?

Someone please teleport me out of reality as soon as possible before My soul vomits to death.

I'll send pics of my penis to any women who tell me everything!

The universe simply cannot be understood, in the same way an ant could not ever begin to comprehend how light particles work.

Most say the universe just sort of came into existence suddenly, but it doesn't answer WHERE the speck of infinite density from which the entirety of the universe came from ... well, came from! Obviously there wasn't nothing because there was a something there.

But that's the thing, I can't tell you what actually, really happened because I wasn't there (and I'm not entirely sure scientists really know either, all they have are really good guesses). I personally believe in some kind of "God" like figure, but not a bearded man hiding in the clouds who will zap you with lightning if you jerk off. More like a powerful force. And maybe a "god" does not exist, but even if the Big Bang happened exactly as they say, it still doesn't understand why LIFE would have ever come from it, without some kind of Deus Ex Machina moment.

But again, all of that is irrelevant. Just live your life and be happy you get to experience a little part of this amazing thing called "life". Sure, it kinda sucks in a lot of ways, but that is just how life is. It's not that way because the patriarchy or whatever declared it to be ... it just simply is.

So take in a deep breath and enjoy your one and only chance to be alive.

You know about the artistic design of this planet? Once you know some stuff, how is it possible to enjoy life knowing this is the garbage dump of reality?

I see it as side effect of this modern secular society that people get less curious about spirituality and stuff.. sure there are many benefits to living in such an age of science and understanding, but it also makes people dull. scientism and atheism are just the tip of the iceberg, most people go through life without asking the really interesting questions.

In another age we'd be hailed as shamans, people like you and me, now we are locked away and looked down upon by society as crazies. I think this will change with progress in the future though.

Don't get too down about people around you, people are idiots, learn to accept and love them for what they are, don't get angry with them, forgive them. help them understand. Make this world better, in your own little way.

And for fucking sake take your antipsychotic medication, those meds are your friend and will help you.

I can't believe how many low brows there are on this planet that peddle their creations, such as meds, as solutions to the problems they cause with their stupidity.

>You know about the artistic design of this planet?
What do you mean by that?

>Once you know some stuff, how is it possible to enjoy life knowing this is the garbage dump of reality?
Simple, by not being a broody, snot nosed teenager. Hey, I used to be 15 too, I understand how it was, but eventually you just realize there's only so much you can be angry about. You can either choose to live out life and experience being alive or you can kill yourself, that's pretty much the only two options you have.

Also, you call this the "garbage dump of reality", but this may very well be the only place in the entirety of the universe that has life on it. Sure we can debate on the possibilities of infinity and how life on other planets is pretty much guaranteed by it, but infinity is a mathematical minefield. If we can assume that because the universe is THEORETICALLY INFINITE that other life must exist, then can we not also say that some form of higher-being with the ability to create life in what we would define as being a "God" must also exist given the possibility of infinity.

Again, let the mathematicians who only know numbers and theories and not the rather dumb reality of life deal with that. The only person you can really worry about is yourself. Yes people suck, but you just gotta not suck as much as they do.

Also, don't forget that when they claim they discovered a planet that could support life, they are typically working off of grainy images of, say, a blue dot and then make some guesses.

And even if they could, there is simply no way of humanly reaching a planet X number of lightyears away short of a wormhole, which may not even be physically/realistically possible.