Are the Japanese even human?

Are the Japanese even human?

Should they unironically "zitto animale"?

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I'd rather live on a country with people dying from overwork than from lack of it. I've been saying Argentina needs a Japanese or Chinese government for a few years now

>American CEO commits fraud and causes his company to lose so much money, it needs a bailout
>gets rewarded with a big, fat golden parachute

>one Japanese worker committed suicide
>Japanese CEO of the company takes responsibility and steps down

Japanese are the only ones who are human.

>one Japanese worker committed suicide
You mean in the last hour?

Actually, They forced their employees to work 20+ hour per day.

Hello Yamashi-san

what ward "zitto" meen in dis sentes?
i ges "animale" mens 'animal'

zitto animale

It's Italian, it means quiet. It's a meme.

thanks, paulo
I got clever today

Definitely not a proxy. Also a native english speaker, considering literally nobody but somebody who already knows English would transcribe those words in such a way.


you're welcome bro

they're evolving at using the proxy

They're all either english teachers or proxies, there are NO real japanese posters here, all weeafuckingboos


pbf ftw

>>one Japanese worker committed suicide

this is dentsu's guideline.
why do they keep working till die dispite of inability in the guideline.

what is zitto animale

how many american CEOs commit fraud and get rewarded with a big, fat golden parachute??

>live in most productive time in human history
>still work the same shitty hours

>capitalism-supporting wageslaves will defend this

No seppuku?

>it's a "/leftypol/ still believes 'It wasn't TRUE [communism/socialism]' is a good enough excuse for the millions dead after the actions of avowed Marxist revolutionaries and states committed" episode

Every example of socialism/communism related to USSR failed not because of the fact that some degree of state control of the market is bad. It's just that R*ssian influence that is bad. Yugoslavia was pretty succesful, same thing with China after Mao's death and Scandinavia is a whole new chapter.

All of them

Yugo economy was literally European banks having a laugh, the whole thing was propped up by massive loans.

our big telecom company had like 20 suicides over the course of the mandate of its previous boss

capitalism is a mental disease

>"Marxism didn't fail Russia, Russians failed Marxism"


i'd rather live in a state with strong government than corporatism

Why not just strengthen the government a bit instead of going full autism over how some dead German sperg "thought" society operated?



>the fact jobs are now more productive means you should work less

Or you could work the same or even more (given we have even a better understanding about stress management by now), and create even cheaper products through basic economic principles

well that's prettymuch what we got in australia ideally, as a firm believer in the social contract and the obligations of man unto man

except fuckin the majority of our largest corporations paid 0 tax

>Or you could work the same or even more

Nice try Jürgen von Weischlusseldorf

>as a firm believer in the social contract and the obligations of man unto man
>t. the country where politicians from the same party overthrow their own prime minister at the drop of a hat

it's true though

socialism can work in non-shithole state and benefits it, socialist governments made Scandis so rich

but when you bring a bunch of "communist" agents to a shithole like early XXth century Russia (which was one of the poorest countries in the world then) or Cuba where proletaryat's grassroots initiative is almost nonexistent and try to force them into communism it's obvious it'll fail, it's like giving a pencil to an infant and beating it until it'll draw us a fucking Mona Lisa, it's just retarded

Marx wanted a global revolution organized by conscious people and that's where he was wrong - you can't MAKE people conscious all at once, it takes a few generations but eventually we'll need redistribution because there will be a moment, and not even very far away, when there won't be much work left for the 90% of the society and the automatized means of production won't require almost any labourers

Go ahead and work less, but the guy across the street might work double time, drop prices and make you go bankrupt.
It's not like people work X amount of time to make 10 products, people work 10 hours a day to make X amount of products, so efficiency might go through the roof, it won't stop people from doing stuff or competing with the next guy in line

ti sgozzo porco

t. animale

chitón animal